Just the Two of Us

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Imagine: Makkari and Druig are asked to patrol the borders of a city they are occupying.

"Which end would you like to start on, m'beautiful?"
Makkari pointed to the left side of the city. They could see the edge of the city from where they currently stood.
As the years passed, the city grew. There had only been two attacks on the city in the past year and the Eternals were sure there was still more to come. Ajak decided they would stay for a few more months.

As they were making there way over, Makkari couldn't help but stop at a few of the booths they passed. Beautiful hand crafted jewelry was spread across a wooden table, some necklaces swinging from hooks embedded in the top of the booth.

Makkari, bent over the table, felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned.

"We've got wooork to do, m'lady." She sighed, stalking towards the edge of the city. Druig followed, catching up with her.
Her head shifted, eyes moving to his.

"It's a beautiful day. Think we'll catch any action?"
She shrugged, signing, "We haven't seen any deviants for half a year. But if Ajak has asked us to stay, i'd rather not question it."
He nodded, gazing out at the city.

Their first vantage point was a spot just past a few homes that lined the edge of the city. There was a small, rocky hill that allowed them to see the large expanse of desert that surrounded the city.
Makkari cupped her hands and brought them above her eyes in an attempt to block the sun.
Druig stood beside her, doing the same. They remained in that position for a few minutes before moving back towards the city.

As they walked, Druig blinked, moving his eyes to the burning sand.
Makkari looked to his lips as he began to talk.
"I wish Phastos would invent something that kept the sun from burning our eyes."
She smiled.
"Lets mention it to him when we get back."

As the evening went on, their peaceful patrol became more of a game to them. Makkari would race Druig from one edge of the city to the next. She went a little easy on him at first, running at a normal speed. But when he caught the lead and started teasing her, she zoomed by so fast she nearly blew his cloths off.

That would have been a sight.

When he caught up to her a few minutes later, he was panting, sweat trickling down the side of his forehead.

"That was totally unfair."
She shrugged, bringing her hands up.
"Next time, don't act so cocky when going up against the fastest being in the universe."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, smirking.
"You remind me every day how fast you are." As he continued talking, her eyes traveled from his face and lips, to his shoulders, which were shrugging off a black tunic that was protecting his skin from the sun.
A white, cotton shirt that had sleeveless arms, was exposed. The neck was cut into a low v, exposing his collar bones and the tops of his defined chest.
He tossed the tunic over his shoulder.

Makkari couldn't look away, but she forced herself. She moved her gaze back to his face quickly as the vibrations of his voice filled the space around them.

"Could it get any hotter?" His arm came up across his forehead, flexing a bit as his arm shifted.

"Yes," she thought.

She turned around completely, trying to shift her mind to something other then a sweaty, (in her mind) shirtless Druig.

Thats when a very shiny, beautiful item caught her eye.
Druig and the patrol were long forgotten.
She jogged over to the stand where the gleaming item sat on a velvet pillow.

It was a thin, pure gold crown that connected all the way around. A pattern was engraved in its thin metal. It looked like two ropes, woven together.

Druig stepped up beside her, his arm extended, palm flat. In his palm lie enough money to buy the crown displayed. Her eyes widened.

"Druig no, it's ok, you don't..."
Her hands dropped as he took the crown, placing it on her head gently.
His eyes traced her.
"Beautiful." He nodded, affirming this.
He extended his arm.
"Let's finish this patrol, your majesty. Before we get in trouble."
She wrapped her arm through his, her other hand coming up to rest on it as she laughed silently.

They reached the final edge of the city laid out like a giant square.
"It's really quiet today," Druig signed.
Makkari nodded, eyes traveling over the land.
"Lets get back."

When they made it back, Kingo and Sprite occupied the Domo. According to Kingo, the others went out to pick up some food.
Druig said something about liking the idea as he wondered off to bathe and change.
They could report what they did, well, didn't see, after dinner.

Kingo came up beside Makkari.
"Makkari, looking goood. That crown suits you."
Makkari's hands came up, fingers running across the crown. She'd almost forgotten she was wearing it. She smiled as the memory of what Druig had done for her and said, came back.

"Thanks Kingo."


Makkari's hair for this chapter.

She's gorgeous

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She's gorgeous.

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