Chapter 8

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Viviana's wedding dress on top👆🏻

Amanda POV:

"Amanda we're going to the church, James will be here to escort you to the church. Be ready this is all we've been working for. It's time!" I heard Charles shout.


I heard the door open and close and Charles leaving. "This is it. This the moment that you've been working for. You must do this Amanda, for your family sakes." I mumbled to myself.

"Ready to go your highness? We have to be there on exact moment to stop it." James said.

I nodded and took a one last look of myself on the mirror. If I was a stranger and I saw some girl wearing a fake belly I wouldn't believe her. It actually looked so real. It was unbelievable.

I hurriedly took my pouch and walked downstairs in my short flowy dress.

"You look absolutely beautiful Amanda. But we must really get going now." Said James.

I nodded and we both left the house in his car. After twenty minutes ride to the church we stopped and parked the car.

We hurriedly got out and entered the church, the only thought in my head was "Forgive me my lord, for I am about to sin."

"Okay, I was told the door to the left side of the angel is ours and there's another marriage going on in another room." Said James.

I nodded and started walking in my heels to the room on our left.

"You ready? "James asked me.

"Indeed I am, this is what I've been working so hard for. I can do this. Don't you have faith in me." I Said

James nodded at me and slowly started to open the door to the church where the wedding was taking place.

Unknown point of view

We sat waiting for the priest to start the ceremony, all the mafia families were here, even the previous don himself. Why wouldn't he? It's his god daughter's wedding. You could see some of them were happy but some were tense as well, waiting to see if anyone would stop this marriage. You might never know when the enemy will attack, so everybody was cautious.

"Hello everyone, we have gathered here today for the Union of this lovely couple." Said the priest

"Do you Alberto Drago take Viviana Nikolai Affonso as your lovely wedded wife?" Said the priest

"I Do" Said Alberto

"And Do you Viviana Nikolai Affonso take Alberto Drago as your wedded husband?" Said the Priest

"I Do" Said Viviana

"Do any of you have any objection against this Union?" Said the priest.

We all stood there tense waiting for someone to step up, but thankfully none did, the priest was about to speak again, when the door opened and a women's voice came


Xavier POV:

I sat among my superiors, my father the previous don, and many other alliances of his, to this day, they are friends.

"So Xavier my boy, what are you doing now a days? How are you handling the business, since your the don now." Said Emanuele my fathers old friend and also his right hand.

"Emanuele, as you know I've been busy lately, with the business and other stuff, it keep you up on your toes, but thank you for the concern. Everything is great." I said with finality in my tone.

Emanuele nodded and went back to talking with others. Everyone could see that I was really tense and why wouldn't I be, it's Viviana's wedding day and I absolutely don't want anything happening.

I go back to listening to the priest talk and looked at the smiling face of my cousin, she finally had her dream wedding, though it cost much but what's money if you don't spend it on your family.

"Do any of you have any objection against this Union?" Said the priest.


" WHAT THE FUCKK!" I said out loud.

"I guess I wished for peace during the wedding too soon" I thought.

I'm sorry for the late update. I was originally not planning to continue this but I had to because of all you lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it is short, but I wanted to have a cliff hanging lol. I will be updating the next chapter on Saturday.

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