Chapter 6

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Edited June 5th, 2016

Amanda POV:

So what is a man like you doing at a place like this? I ask.

Well you see, I was passing by and then I saw this beautiful young girl whom I have seen before at a restaurant." He said.

"You saw me at a restaurant?"

"I sure did or maybe it was someone else. Do you have a twin? Because you were not this heavily pregnant then."  I started to laugh out loud thinking about how confuse he looked at the moment.

"What? Did I say something funny?" He asks.

"Haha... No it's not you. It's me. To answer your questions, no I don't have a twin and secondly the girl who you saw was actually me and lastly I'm not actually pregnant." Answering him.

"Whattt? You're not pregnant? Are you making a fool out of me or something because I can clearly see that you have a big round tummy."

"No, no, I'm not making a fool out of you, and it's true I'm seriously not pregnant. I'm wearing a fake pregnant belly, to make me look like I'm pregnant."

He just stood there confused about what I had told him.

"Okay, let me get this clear, you have a fake belly right?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply

"But why would you get it? Why would you want this?"

"The reason you saw me at that restaurant is this." I said pointing at the belly.

"I had been asked by my brother and his friends who I consider my family to help them. One of my friend Anthony, he is in a situation which he can't get out of. His girlfriend had forcefully gotten engaged to him and also their wedding is in 6 days from now. He had asked me to help him and the only way was for me to turn up at his wedding pregnant and stop it. And you see me walking pregnant right now is because I have to practice being pregnant before I actually stop the wedding." I tell him.

He looked at me amused as if I had said something really funny. I guess to him it did look fun.

"Stop it!" I say getting annoyed by his stare.

"Stop what?"

"Stop looking at me as if I'm crazy or something. I did this to help out my family and I would do it any time." I say.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm not making fun of you or I'm i saying that your are crazy. I think it takes courage for a girl to do this and I respect you for that" He said.

I looked at his eyes and knew that what he was saying was the truth. He was being honest to me.

But the question still remained unanswered, what exactly was he doing here? Was he looking for me or some new girl to pass his time. I had many questions in my head which needed answers but this was not the right time or place.

"I should get going, my brother is waiting for me." I say.

"It was nice to meet you miss Amanda."He said

"Same here Xavier".

With the Intro done and over with I moved on and went in search of my brother.

Hey guys, I'm sorry for a late update and sorry if this isn't up to your standard but please don't forget to vote and comment. I've been just so busy. My practicum finished so I thought I'll update but then us moving to a new house happened so now we're just busy packing.

Love you all, and thank you for the love. Means a lot to me! 😍😘

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