Epilogue #2

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   "Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity."  - G.K. Chesterton

I cannot believe that I am married to Xavier and that it's already been five months. Xavier treated me like a queen. He was possessive yet sweet. Our honeymoon lasted for two months. He had given Gio the boss place temporarily until he came back.
We travelled a lot, first it was Hawaii, then Bali, and then we went to Spain and finally Italy. He took me to his hometown; we spent majority of our time in Italy because he wanted me to learn about where his family is from.

Those few months away from everybody felt like heaven, no worries, nothing. But I knew that once we come back, Xavier would have to handle his business and Gio would go back to being a CEO. Even though I am married to Mafia family, I am still not used to it.
I grew up a normal girl from a normal family. There are days where it's tough to handle being a Mafia Queen since Xavier is the king (I know, sounds exciting, but it's not.).
Now that I think about it, I was pretty crazy when I met Xavier, how does somebody fall in love that fast and how did I ever look past his Mafia Boss status? That is beyond me. But the past few months have thought me to be strong, resilient, sweet and yet rude, because in Xavier's world or aka mine now, you always have to be alert.
Slowly, slowly I have accustomed to their ways, Currently I am a house wife, because working would put me in danger even though I would be working with Gio.

I look towards the clock which read "9:45 AM" Sighing, I get up from the bed and proceed towards the bathroom, lately I have been really exhausted and crankier and just want to sleep. I haven't informed Xavier about it, but I know he has noticed some changes in me. He hasn't had the chance to say much as for the past month he has been busy dealing with shipments and opening a new club.
I got out of the shower and put on my clothes, walking back into the room, I fixed the duvet and proceeded towards the kitchen. I decided to cook Pancakes, with bacon and orange juice. While cooking the bacon, the smell got to me and I ended up running to the bathroom and puking.
I could hear somebody running towards me but I ignored it. It might be Martha, our housekeeper. All of a sudden my hair was pulled back from my face, and somebody was rubbing my back. I knew right away who it was. Xavier. After I had finished, I pulled away from him and washed my face and brushed my teeth twice. The moment I got out of the bathroom, Xavier was right in front of me.
"Cara, what is wrong?" he said caressing my cheeks lovingly.
Hmm, I went closer to him and just hugged him. His smell makes me calm down. I just closed my eyes. I felt him touch my forehead, but I ignored it, I was already half asleep. He picked me up and laid me on the bed and put the blanket on me. Kissing my forehead, he whispered "I am going to call the doctor" I wanted to tell him not to, but I couldn't move; my whole body was shutting down on me.
I woke up to voices in my room. It was blurry, I felt like I was drugged but in reality I was just tired. Dr. Shannon looked at me and noticed that I was awake. "Hello Amanda, how are you feeling" I just nodded my head to inform her I was fine?
Xavier was by my side and helped me sit properly. I was so grateful that he was beside me, taking care of me. "Amanda, I am going to ask you few questions, could you please answer them for me" I nodded.
"Okay then, first question; are you more tired and nauseous lately?"I nodded "okay, what about weird cravings?" I nodded once again, come to think of it I have been craving pickles and limes.
"Yes, I recently started craving for pickles and limes. The other day Gio took the last pickle in the jar and I lost it and got really emotional, the poor guy had to buy a new jar right away." She nodded.
"Alright, I think that's enough for questions, I won't be able to tell you what's happening without a blood work or a urine test. Which one would you prefer?"
I decided to go ahead with the blood work, as that would be more accurate. She nodded and proceeds to take my blood work. Xavier was right beside me soothing me. "You're doing great my love. She is almost done."

After everything Dr. Shannon left, Xavier had Martha bring bunch of food for me as it was important I eat. I ate little bit of pancakes, some fruit but couldn't eat more. I decided to go back to sleep. This day has been one hectic day I murmured.

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