Chapter 2

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Edited (May 17, 2016)

Xavier's POV:

I sat with some of my business partners discussing about the contract with le Denel Company. We were currently at a Restaurant in Chicago. Chicago has been a second home to me, first being Sicily, Italy. That is where my parents are from and that is where I was born.

"Mr.Lucian,I believe that it's best if we let our lawyers look over this contract and then proceed from there, It is most beneficial. I'll let you know right away about any changes to the contract and etc." Dominick said.

I nod at Mr. Jackson and look towards my bodyguard Greyden, and signal him to get the car ready when all of a sudden everyone stopped talking, wondering about what was happening I turn my head to the direction everybody were looking at. As I turn, I see four guys surrounding a girl and just kissing her face, I could see that she was becoming a bit uncomfortable. Why wouldn't she be? She's in a public restaurant and four guys are kissing her face.

I saw the girl say something to the four guys, and them turning towards the people in Restaurant. They awkwardly smile and hurriedly sit down on their seats, now that actually made me want to laugh since they were seen by everyone in the restaurant doing that.

I look at the girl and for a second couldn't breathe. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She has long bluish highlights with silver hair. It suited her so much. She had pulled her hair into a ponytail, with no makeup on her face, she looked downright innocent. From far I could see she had Blue eyes. She had one of those big reading glasses, how people now days have. But damn she looked so hot. Simple yet Beautiful. Her lips looked so soft, and I can guarantee it without even touching them. She looked like an Angel from heaven sent down on earth for me.

 She looked like an Angel from heaven sent down on earth for me

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I turn my attention back Mr. Jackson and get up to shake his hand.

I sit down and turn to face my bodyguard and my best friend.

"Greyden, I want you to find out who that girl is? Do a background check on her." I say

"Sure, but may I ask why?" Greyden said

"Well my friend, let's just say that when I want something, I always get it, and at this moment in my life I want her." I said.

Greyden looks at me and shakes his head, he knows that I don't like long relationships, because of which I am player, but really when I look at that girl, all I see is her with me and no one else. I see her in my room, in my house, with our child.

"You must think very unlikely of me Greyden because of what I have said, but worry not friend, this time is for real. I believe I have found the one." I said. (Like some people say)

Greyden looks really happy and also shocked but truly ecstatic.

"You're not joking right? It's for real right? You know I've waited ages for you to fall in love, and now you've finally fallen in love." Greyden said

I smile at Greyden and nod to let him know that this time it's real. He knows that I'm not the man who speaks a lot unless it's necessary.

I turn my attention back to that table, and see my angel getting up and about to leave. But before she leaves, she turns around and says something to the guys. From the looks of their faces, it seems they didn't like what she said. "Hmm what did she say to them" I thought.


I turn my attention back to Greyden, and ask him what is going on?

"I believe it's time that we must leave, we have some important business to take care of." He says while waving his phone at me.

I nod and get up. Sooner or later i would have to go back to my true self, "A Mafia Boss"

I get in my car and my Greyden drives me to a warehouse, i feel my hands clenching.


They've finally found him. This time I'll kill him with my own hands.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Love you. ❤😘

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