Chapter 15:

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Present time

Amanda's POV:

I heard my phone ringing but I decided to ignore it and call whoever back later. But no luck my phone continuously kept on ringing. I had no choice but to go and pick it up.

"Hello?" I said annoyed at whoever the person was on the other side.

"Amanda it's me Xavier" the moment I heard his voice I started boiling. How dare he call me after one month. How dare he even think he can talk to me after ditching me on our date that we were supposed to go to.

"GO TO HELL YOU BATSARD" I yelled through my phone, not giving a shit about him being a CEO of the company I work at. I was about to turn off the phone when he replied back.

"Please don't put the phone down. I really need to talk to you.
Amanda please hear me out. I swear I did not mean to ditch you on our first date.

"I don't give a shit about what happened. You could've at least called and said that you won't be able to make it, but no, you didn't even have the guts to do that. I wasted my time on getting ready for you and ended up being disappointed when you didn't come to pick me up. Do you have any idea how long I waited for you, how I consoled myself that you'll come, that you won't ditch me, that you're not like those men's who do this, but I was proven wrong. I waited for two hours, two bloody hours. So you have no right to say that you're sorry." I yelled back to him through the phone, pissed beyond my limit.

"I know... I know, but please hear me out. Once you find out why I ditched you then you'll probably understand my situation to. Please, can we meet up somewhere? Please." I could practically hear him pleading through the phone.

From all these time I've known him, I never thought of him as the guy who would plead someone. Never.

Xavier's POV:

I basically pleaded her to listen to my reasoning, I've never in my life have ever done this, but the fear of loosing her is bigger then this. I can't imagine my life without her now. She's become a part of my life that I don't wish to part from.

I could hear her hesitating to agree to going out with me or not. "Alright last chance." I let out a relief sigh and quickly agreed to her demand telling her my house address and cut the call.

I went to my room to get ready but before that I told my chef to prepare something light for dinner.

Half an Hour Later:

I saw Amanda pull up to my gate, I called my security to let her in. And went outside by the mansion to wait for her.

I saw her get out of the car and look around fascinated. She looked beautiful, it's been a month. If someone had told me earlier that I would fall for a girl and would go crazy without her I would've just laughed that off, but now I can't even imagine my life without her, she's become a part of me now. Sooner or later she needs to know who I am, and today I will tell her the whole truth, and let her decided if she wants to be with me or not.

Amanda's POV:

I got ready and left for his house, anxious about what he wants to talk about. I really didn't feel like even seeing him but after the call I thought about hearing his side of the story.

I pulled up to his mansion and buzzed to let him know that I'm here, a few seconds later I saw the gate open and I drove straight. It was beautiful. He had many trees surrounding the area, different kinds of flowers at one side. This place brought calmness to me.

I stopped Infront of the door and saw Xavier standing there waiting for me. I turned off the car and got out walking towards him.

"Nice place" I said hugging him.

"Thank you, and please come inside." He replied back.

Xavier put his hand on the back of my waist and led me inside the house. His hands brought chills down my spine, just a small touch from him and I go crazy.

I saw a beautiful living room, with Maroon colour furniture, he led me toward it and made me sit.

"Would you like something? Any drink? Wine?" I heard him say.

"Do you have any red wine?" I ask him, needing something to calm my nerves down.

He nodded and intercom his Maid to let her know what to bring for drinks. I saw him sit Infront of me and started staring at me.

"Xavier whatever you have in mind please go ahead and say it, I don't have much to stay." I tel him getting anxious and irritated about how he's so quite.

He nodded and crossed his legs, meaning he meant business.

"First of all thank you very much for actually accepting my offer to come and have a talk with me. I'm truly sorry that I stood you up, it was never my intention. It just happens that when I left Giovani's office I got a call from my right hand man, he had told me how one of my factories had caught on fire and that many people were injured. I had straight gone to the airport and took my private plane." He tells me looking stressed, I felt bad about it and on top of that I created more drama. I was about to say something but stopped seeing he was about to say something else.

"When I got there, you won't believe how bad it was, the factory itself had crumbled. Thankfully the employees were not severely injured but still they had to be taken to the hospital. Greyden, my right hand man, was with me throughout it. Funny how I also found out that the fire was intentionally started, meaning someone actually set my factory on fire" he says and I was shocked as hell, why would someone do that.

He looks at me and says "you're wondering why someone would do that. Well to tell you I have many enemies in the field I work at. I'm going to be honest with you and tell you that it was my own cousin who set the factory on fire." I couldn't believe that his own cousin would do that.

Xavier's POV:

I could see that she was shocked at what I was telling her. I thought about telling her about me being a Mafia Boss, because if she does give me a chance, I want to start our relationship with honesty and trust.

"But why would your own cousin do that to you Xavier?" she asked me.

"Amanda I have to tell you something, please bare with me and listen with an open mind. If you do give me a chance with this relationship then I want to start it with honesty. You might be shocked or you might not want to even see my face after this, but please listen with open mind." I pleaded with here, afraid about the outcome. She looked at me a bit afraid of what I was going to say.

"Why my cousin hates me and why I have many enemies is because I AM THE... MAFIA BOSS"

I looked up at her and could only see fear and shock.


Well that's the end of the chapter. Do you think she will forgive him and give him a chance or will she run away? After all it's not everyday you find out that the guy you like is actually a Mafia Boss.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. Would mean a lot. Sorry for the late update!

Happy Reading 😃

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