Chapter 24

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All the pictures belong to the rightful owners.

Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star.
- Oscar Hamme

Tessa POV:

"Where is Amanda? And how the hell did I get home?" I ask the guy who still hasn't told me his name.

"She's with Xavier. He wanted some alone time with her and had given me the responsibility to take you home, you were pretty out of it. That's why you don't remember much" he says back.

I nod and get up to walk towards the bathroom, midway to the bathroom I turn and ask him "What is your name?".

He smiles at me and replies "My name is Giovani, Beautiful" I start blushing, I've had many guys call me beautiful, but the way he said it brings chills down my spine.

"You go ahead and take a shower, and I'll fix some breakfast for you" he says.

It seems like he's not going anywhere today.

Amanda's POV:

I woke the next morning, excited to finally have some alone time with Xavier. I turned towards the left side of the bed, where Xavier was sleeping. He looked nothing like a Mafia Boss. I slowly lifted my hand and touched his hair. They were so smooth, I started to run my finger through it.

"Hmmmm that feels so good" startled out of my thoughts, I see Xavier looking at me.


"I said, that feels really good. I could get used to waking up like this" he says.

I blush and try to move my hand but Xavier caught it before I could. I felt him pull me closer, making me lay halfway on top of his body.

Xavier hides his face by my neck, and lightly places a kiss on my nape. I shiver. Holding me tight by my waist he rolls us both, making me lie on the bed and him on top of me.

He looks me up and down, with a dark heated look. "I've waited too long to touch you like this, I can't stop anymore" he says huskily.

Before I could reply I felt his lips on top of mine. This was nothing like a soft kiss. It was passionate and heady. Through this kiss he was pouring all his emotions. He pulled me closer to him, and deepened our kiss.

Lips to Lips

Tongue to Tongue

I moan loudly as he drops his head back to my neck and starts placing kisses. I pull at his hair as he finds my weak spot, sucking it continuously. I knew by the end of this I'll have hickies all over.

Xavier's POV:

Amanda's moans were driving me crazy but I knew I couldn't loose control. I stop kissing and look at her. She looked downright beautiful. Her eyes closed, lips partly opened, red cheeks, and her hands gripping my hair. She looked beautiful. "All mine" I tell myself.

"I would love to go to a next step but I also want to give you time" I say to her. She opens her eyes and looks at me. I touch her cheek softly with my knuckles.

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