Chapter 13:

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👆🏻Amanda's dress

Amanda POV:

"Amanda would you please come to my office and do bring a notepad and a pen with you." I heard Giovani aka my boss say through the phone. I replied back saying yes and got up with the things in my hand and left for his office.

I knocked once and heard him mutter "come in" I went in and stood waiting for him to look at me from all the files he had on his desk. Sometimes I felt pity for him, even if he's the boss, he still has so much work to do. He practically lives in this office. In one month that I've been at this office I've seen him sleeping in his office on the couch about 10-15 times.

"Sorry, I'm just really busy with finalizing a deal with Henson and company, it seems Mr. Henson still need me to work my ass off before he actually agrees to hand over the land for which we are planning on making a building." He said to me while looking at me and motioning me to have seat.

"I want you to write every word I dictate because that would be your job for a week or so, I have much to say so please be on track." He said and I nodded letting him know I was ready for whatever he threw my way.

"I'm giving you few files that need to be photocopied for this annual meeting we are having, around 30-35 copies is a must but i suggest you to make extras. It's an important meeting for the company and I would like you to look over everything, meaning the food, booking the meeting room, having drinks ready when needed, making sure that the projector is working perfectly fine and nothing is wrong with the laptop and also I will give you a usb which has the PowerPoint to the project we are discussing at this meeting." He said, I wrote down every single detail of what he said and nodded at him.

15 minutes later:

"I hope you have everything written down for the meeting and everything else, because it would really make me angry if something does go wrong" he said. I could see that the work was taking its toll on him, he looked exhausted as if he hasn't slept for days, and knowing him for a little bit I can guarantee its 100% truth that he hasn't slept.

"Don't worry boss, I have every little detail written on this and everything will go absolutely fine at the meeting, I give you my promise." I said to him smiling.

He smiled back and nodded and went back to his work.

I was about to walk out the door and leave when I remember I had to talk to him.


He looked surprised at me calling him by his name. "Yes" he said looking at me curiously.

"Please go home and take some rest, this company will not drown within hours, I will handle everything here. You look absolutely exhausted and I know you haven't slept much either. So please go home" I said in a calm tone but could feel my heart beating fast.

I cannot believe I just said that to my boss, my boss. Wtf is wrong with you Amanda.

He looked at me with wonder and surprise and happiness. why happiness, I don't know. But I would still like for him to go home and rest.

"Uhmm thank you so much Amanda for telling me to go and rest but as you can see I have much work to do and I would not want put my burden on you. You are my PA and I would hate for you to do my job and yours as well. But still thank you" he said.

I nodded and was about to leave but turned once again "but still, do think about it. I wouldn't mind taking over for a bit, you should go home and rest. If you do decide to change your mind, let me know so I can call a driver to take you home" I said and left.

Giovani POV:

I cannot believe someone like Amanda, telling me to go home and rest. I've had my share of people  worrying over me but never at my office. Not one previous PA of mine had ever said that "boss you should go home and rest" I felt happy. Why is Amanda different from other girls. She fusses over me not eating properly, always brings me food to eat and always is there when I need her help. Over the past month that I've got to know her, I've started to feel protective over her. I don't know if it's love or something else.

I looked at all the files on my table and decided that I really do need some sleep. I decided to take some files with me to take home and called Amanda.

"Did you decide to change your mind?"I heard her through the phone. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at her.

"Yes madam, I have decided to go home, so please get a car ready for me." She replied saying okay and turned off the phone.

I got up after few minutes and left my office to see Amanda busy looking at the computer screen. She looks so cute and innocent, I thought.

"A car is ready for you so please go home and rest." Amanda said motioning me to go. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Thank you Amanda" I say to her before leaving and getting in the elevator.

"YOUR WELCOME BOSS" I heard her shout. I couldn't help but start laughing, she is definitely something.

I'm back once again, it's a really small update for you guys so hopefully you'll like it. Please don't forget to comment and vote.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, and I know no Xavier in this chapter but next one he will be there for sure.

Love you all 😘

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