Chapter 30

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"You always admire what you really don't understand. "
- Blaise Pascal

As we finish, I let Xavier go first so that I could call my brother, Charles. Nervously I dial his number and wait for him to answer.



"Oh please go don't let him be pissed off at me."

As I was sending a silent prayer, Charles answered the phone, "Oh you finally have time for your brother" He says sarcastically.

"Shit I'm in big trouble"

"I'm so sorry, I just got busy. I still love you" I say it sweetly trying to lessen the tension.

"Yeah right; you miss went around with your so called boyfriend and didn't even bother to let any one of us know, you just up and left. How could you do that? Didn't you think about all of us and how worried we would've been? You know it would've been nice to hear from you about your boyfriend but no I had to hear it through Tessa. So yeah thank you very much for not involving us in your matters." I felt tears build up; Charles has never been this way towards me. He must truly be hurt. I felt so much guilt for not involving him and letting him know about what was happening in my life.

Taking a deep breath, I calm myself and sit on the edge of the bed. "I know you're angry and you have every right to be. I also know that you were worried about me and I didn't even bother to text you at all or even call you. But even I didn't know that I would end up in a serious relationship. I didn't want to tell you until I was hundred-percent sure; but so much has happened over time and also you were away on the business trip with your musketeers. I truly feel bad that I worry you so much, that I worried all of you. I love you all so much" Breaking down, I couldn't help but sob. They are my family and I have caused them pain.


"Charles stop being mean."

"You made her cry"

One by one, I heard all the boys scolding Charles, wiping my tears, I smile. "Oh god, I miss them so much"

Sighing, Charles apologized to me "I'm sorry, it's not your fault, and I should've checked up on you, I feel like the worst brother" I could hear the sadness in his voice. I didn't want him blaming himself, "No, don't blame yourself, it's my fault, and I promise this will never ever happen again."

Feeling a presence in the room, I look towards the door and see Xavier standing there, looking at me worried. "Shit, how long have I been on the phone" Looking at the clock, I almost have a panic attack. Twenty minutes. "They must've been waiting for me and when I didn't show, Xavier came to check on me"

"I'm so sorry" I mouth.

He shakes his head to say, it's fine. Going back to the phone call, I hurriedly tell Charles that I'll call him in an hour or two and promised all the boys that I'll personally call them as well.

"I'm so sorry, it was my brother, he was mad at me for not telling him about you and one thing just led to another"

"It's alright; I got worried when you didn't show up at the dining room, so I decided to come check on you. We'll talk later about this, we must hurry; everyone is waiting at the dining room" He says.

Taking my hand, we quickly walk to the dining room, not wanting others to wait any more. Entering the room, I smile guilty at being late. "I'm really sorry everyone, it was an important call that I had to take." Looking at the elders on the table; Michael (Xavier's father) smiles at me which brings relief to me. Taking a seat, we all say grace and then began eating.

Tessa looks at me and ask if everything is fine, nodding at her I tell her I'll talk to her later. She nods and goes back to eating and talking to Xavier's other cousins; Stella, Jake and Luke. They were the youngest of the family and got along well, and they were also the biggest pranksters of the family, Tessa would get along with the perfectly.

Bella and I talk about a lot of stuff, I slowly to get more about Xavier's mother, she tells me about the family and her youth. Laughing I couldn't believe that she was a daredevil. "No seriously I was crazy in my youth, if it wasn't for Xavier's father I wouldn't have even settled. Though he had to work really hard to please me, I made this poor man work so much." She says patting Michael on the back. 

I see them both looking at each with so much love and earned to be like them, in my old age, with Xavier by my side. Smiling, I give them their privacy and see Xavier looking at me. Holding his hand under the table, i start talking to Nikolai, and Stella. They were all sharing their worst relationships. Since I didn't have many boyfriends I didn't say much. Looking at Tessa, she looked way too much excited. Narrowing my eyes at her, i knew she was going to say something which I would not approve of.

She looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes, which meant trouble. "Shit, she's going to tell them something about me"

"My relation will beat all of yours" she says catching everyone's attention.

I shift nervously in my seat, holding my breath. "Fuck"

"I had a huge crush on one of the football player in high school, but I was always really nervous to approach him, but Amanda over here gave me the courage to go and talk to him. One thing led to another and next thing you know we were dating. Matt, was really nice, only in front of my eyes. What I didn't know was that he was cheating on me. Amanda caught him once with a girl and told me, though I didn't want to believe her, I knew she would never lie to me. I had a breakdown and cried a lot. But Amanda decided to take revenge on him. The stuff she did to him was crazy" She says laughing at me.

Intrigued everyone looks at me, "It's honestly nothing, we should talk about something else" Trying to distract them all but as always it was in vain.

Xavier looks at Tessa and tells her to continue "Okay well, she decided to put itchy powder in all of his condoms and when he came to school the next morning, he couldn't stop scratching his privates, it was worth the site. But that wasn't the end. She... That girl" Pointing at me "decided to hire goons and had him beat up. Literally, If it wasn't for her brother, Charles finding out about this, she would've done much more to him." By the end of the story I had my face buried in Xavier's chest. It was quite for a second so I take a peek and everyone was looking at me. Then all of a sudden they all started laughing. Feeling embarrassed I hide my face with my hands.

Pulling my hands from my face, Xavier looks at me laughing. He kisses me on my nose and hugs me. "I can't believe you did this, you might look innocent but you're one evil person Cara."

"Hey at least she didn't total his car" Nikolai buts in.

Looking at Tessa wide eyes, I beg her to not tell them anything. "Ohh but she did, not Matt's but her ex's" I feel Xavier tense and knew that he will get really jealous.

"Well what did she do?" Giovani finally speaks.

"Well she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with one of her classmates, she decided to spray paint his car, which by the way, he loved dearly. She made me take bunch of pictures and made me post it anonymously on our school website. It was worth it. The embarrassment he felt though. Later she felt bad for doing that, and apologized to him and he accepted it.

I could feel Xavier's hold on me tighten. He was pissed and jealous at the same time. After half an hour we finish our dinner and I make an excuse to go to my room. I knew Xavier would be there any second. As I enter the room, Xavier comes in seconds later, he approaches me as if I was his prey, and pulling me to him roughly he forcefully kisses me. He puts all his anger on the kiss, he wanted me to know that I was his, and only he had the right on me.

Kissing me passionately, he bring he lips down to my neck, slowly leaving kisses all around, I close my eyes moaning non-stop. Taking hold of my chin, he commands me to look at him. Opening my eyes, I see his filled with anger, lust and possessiveness. Ahh, the combination.


I hope you all like the chapter. Please don't forget to comment and vote. I love knowing that my work is being appreciated.

Happy Reading. :)

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