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Do you Xavier Lucian take Amanda Jones to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honour her, protect and provide for her; to have and to hold from this day forth, in sickness and in health and, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto here, so long as you both shall live?

I do

And do you Amanda Jones take Xavier Lucian as your lawfully wedded husband. Will you be faithful, loving, and devoted wife? Will you honour, obey, and love him, and remain with him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, so long as you both shall live"

I do.

"You may kiss the bride now."

Cheers, whistles and music surrounded us as Xavier leaned towards me and passionately kissed me. Fireworks exploded around us. This was a dream come true, our dream.

Looking towards my family, our family, I couldn't help but smile more. We were surrounded by our loved ones and their happiness on our union. Tessa waved at me crazily while jumping up and down in Giovani's arms. I could see the love in Gio's eyes for his Tessa.

I felt Xavier pull me closer to himself, looking up I smiled at my husband, he was finally mine. Xavier Lucian.

"Ti amo Bella" (I Love You Bella)

"Ti amo mio re" (I Love You My King)

One by one all our family members congratulated us, wishing us happiness. Nicholas announced it was time for the first dance of bride and groom. Taking my hands in his, Xavier looked at me for my permission, I nodded. We stood in the middle, lost in our own little world, staring at each other. Leaning closer to me, Xavier placed a tiny kiss on my neck, "you are finally mine Bella, my wife, my kitten, Amanda Xavier Lucian.

Pulling him back so he could face me, I kissed him passionately. I could feel his arms digging into my waist.

"Alright... alright!! We don't want to scar the kids for life my dear brother and sister in law. Please control yourselves for later".

I couldn't help but blush at what Nicholas said in the mic. Shaking my head I put my head on Xavier's shoulders and relaxed. After all the hustle of the wedding, it was finally over. Xavier's mother had gone as far as to not let Xavier see me, saying something about bad luck. Two weeks of utter hell, unable to sleep without Xavier and not being able to see him.

Walking down the aisle I felt immense happiness at finally being able to see him, Charles, who has walked me down, joked that I looked like I could fly in his arms any moment. It was true, I was eager to be back in his arms, I missed them.

We bid goodbye to everyone as I threw the flowers over my shoulder, looking back I saw Tessa holding them, smiling. The golden trio aka my musketeers were also here, it was emotional saying bye to them as they've been a constant part of my life. Tessa hugged the life out of me and said she'll miss me.

I honestly was going away for two weeks, but my family tends to get a bit melodramatic, that's where I get my sassiness and drama from.

Sighing, I waved at everyone as the car pulled away towards the airport route. "Are you happy my love?"

"Yes, thank you so much for this wedding, I know you didn't want something but you still said yes because of me. Thank you for making my dream come to life. I love you so much"

"Anything for you my love, anything."

"Will you please tell me where we're going?"

Our honeymoon destination was a secret that Xavier wouldn't tell me, I tried getting it out of Tessa but no luck."

"My little kitten, you're so impatient. I'm not telling you anything."

Huffing I look away and pout. This will melt him down for sure.

"You sure know how to act my kitten, no matter how much you beg, I'm not telling you. This is a surprise my love."

"Okay fine, I love you my husband"

"And I love you my wife"

Nipping me neck, he whispered "I can't wait to ravish you, two weeks without you have been a torture but it was worth it at the end. You look beautiful. He says kissing me all over.

Xavier, I moan.

Hmmm Bella.

"I think we've reached the airport" pulling away, he looks outside and indeed they are at the airport.

Taking my hand we board the private airplane that Xavier owned, after the check up.

From this day onward our journey to love began, we had many fights but we always came back to each other. Our family, our children. Our sons and daughter, were our life. I send my thanks to the heavens above for letting Xavier be in the same restaurant that first day he met me. He was my first, my man... my mafia man.

Hello lovelies, as I've read bunch of comments, many of you asking for an epilogue. I decided to write it after ages. I hope you like the epilogue. I know it's not enough but I will try and update a second part of the epilogue as soon as possible. Thank you for reading my story Mafia Boss and Me. This was an amazing journey we had together and thank you to my followers for never giving up on me. You guys make me want to write more. Thank you.

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