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4am yay! i actually might updat again tonight. i dont feel like sleeping

Diana was doing homework, or at least attempting. Math was a mystery to her. She had tried asking Caine for help, but he couldn't explain it. The universe had cursed him with super smarts, but no understanding of what he was doing. Or rather, it had cursed Diana with a useless boyfriend.

    Caine walked in and flopped on her bed. "Whacha doin'?" He asked, using the most aggravating teenage slang.

"Homework." Diana said quietly, hoping he would shut up.


"Because it's due." She was losing her patience.

"Well," he started, sitting up. "I am the king of everything." She rolled her eyes. "And can you guess what the king says to homework?" He grabbed her paper off her lap and crumpled it into a ball.

"Hey!" She yelled at him, as he threw the paper into the trash with Michael Jordan-like precision.

He looked at her and beamed, proud of his skills.

She was not amused.

"Get out." Diana pointed at the door.

Caine's face dropped. "What's your problem?"

"You are. Just -- go. Please."

He got up and left, making sure she knew it was because he wanted to, not because she wanted him to.

Diana put her face in her pillows and yelled. She didn't like to be mad at Caine, especially when she didn't even know why. Finally, she settled on a reason. She assumed it was because he never had to work for things in life, because he was always handed things on a silver platter, even though she knew that wasn't true. It was better than not having a reason at all.

"What is her problem?" Caine steamed as he burst into his dorm.

Drake was startled by the sudden noise. "She's a bitch. She's had the same problem for years."

Caine grabbed a textbook from the desk and smacked Drake upside the head. Drake was lucky there weren't any rocks in the room. Caine dropped on the bed like a sack of potatoes and closed his eyes.

"Girls are so confusing!" He yelled to the world. He lifted his head to look at Drake. "One minute, she's hanging all over me, telling me she loves me, and the next it's like she can't stand the sight of me."

"Come on," Drake said with mock sincerity. "It can't be the first time that's happened."

Caine put his head back on the bed. "I have more pressing problems right now, Merwin, but don't test me."

Drake chuckled. His favorite pastime was mocking people, especially when they couldn't do anything about it. He knew Caine could do anything he wanted, so Drake had to pick his moments. Caine had definitely loosened up and grown used to Drake's humor, but he still had the same temper. He was like a bomb, and Drake had to cut the right wire or they were all dead.

Drake left the room for less than ten minutes, but when he came back, Caine was asleep in that position. It was a habit of his, falling asleep in random places. A picture of him sleeping had circulated around the school for a while. Drake doubted that Caine knew about it, since he didn't think anyone was stupid enough to show him.

Drake took a few more pictures, just for safekeeping, and fell asleep in his own bunk.

Drake woke up the next morning to the alarm clock. He shot straight up and surveyed his surroundings. It looked the same as every morning. A tiny, concrete room, containing a couch, a bookshelf, and a tv. The tiny bathroom looked the same, and, as usual, Caine had barely stirred at the sound of the alarm. Drake had "forgotten" to wake Caine many times, but it lost it's allure when he noticed it didn't bother Caine to miss a class.

Drake rolled out of his bed and walked over to Caine. He hit him a few times, yelling his name, careful to jump back everytime. Caine had a nasty habit of punching things when he woke up, and Drake was careful to avoid that.

Half an hour later, Drake had managed to get Caine on his feet.

"What the hell?" Caine said groggily. "I don't have to go to class. I'm special." He said this with a smile that really made him look "special".

"Not anymore." Drake said, walking away.

Caine groaned. Not only did he have to actually do schoolwork, he had to deal with Diana being grumpy. She was a funny specimen. He loved her, of that he was certain, but she could make him more angry than he ever imagined.

He got ready quickly, throwing on his usual uniform. She grabbed his books and walked slowly to class, determined to be late on his first day back, just to piss off his English professor.

"Mr. Soren!" Caine heard someone call his name behind him. He turned to see Nurse Temple walking towards him. He was nervous, but determined not to show it. He put on his usual charming smile.

"Good morning." He said to her. "I'd love to talk, but I've really got to get to class."

Connie gave him a look that told him she wasn't buying it. "I would like to talk to you about something Ms. Ladris told me."

"And what would that be?" Caine asked innocently.

"She told me that you know."

"Know what?" He was very proud of his performance, probably one of his best this semester.

"You have to know, I didn't want to, but I was a single--" She was cut off by a loud ringing.

Caine pointed to the ceiling. "That's the bell. See you around, Nurse Temple." He walked away as fast as he could without being obvious. He made it to his English class only ten minutes late, having taken a little detour to steal an apple. He walked in loudly and was greeted by thirty staring faces, a common reaction to his appearance.

Dr. Andrews' face, however, was not impressed. "May I ask why you are late, Mr. Soren?" She attempted to put on an authoritative expression but, being only slightly older than her class, failed.

"I was talking to Nurse Temple." He thought having a legitimate excuse with a faculty member might get him out of trouble.

He was wrong. "Do that on your own time, not mine." She said in a tone Diana would have used.

Caine took his seat next to the Queen Bitch herself. She didn't speak to him for the whole class. He knew it wasn't because she was still mad, it was because she refused to give in so easily. Diana was all about pride, he loved that.

Caine went through his next two classes without Diana, but one with Drake, and that was always annoying.

"What did you do?" Drake asked, referring to Caine's run in with Connie.

"Nothing." Caine explained for the millionth time.

"Oh," Drake was quiet for about five seconds. "What did you do to Diana?"

"Nothing!" Caine yelled. He had lost it with Drake's nagging. "I didn't to anything to her!"

"She's probably PMSing again." Drake offered.

"I'm pretty sure that only happens once a month." Caine sighed. Drake could be such a child sometimes.

"This is Diana. She has different rules."

Caine was too frustrated to object to Drake's insult. "Girls, man. Girls."

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