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Sorry for breaking my rule: bad things happen. but i promise to keep the good caina feels going. I love them just as much as you do

“Hurry up, Diana!” Caine yelled at her. He was leaning against her wall, fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket. He was wearing a suit he found in the back of his closet, he didn’t even know he owned one. At first he was unsure about it, but the looks he got on the three second travel from next door reassured him that he looked amazing.

He heard Diana give an exasperated sigh from inside the bathroom, but not moments later, she came out. Her hair was curled, which made it looked even shinier, and looked almost red, which looked gorgeous against her tanned skin. Her dress was long and tight, and it would’ve covered her in a respectful way, if her breasts weren’t as big as they were. It was a sparkling blue, like the ocean in the early morning, and made her look even more tanned than she was. Caine just stared at her, physically unable to do anything else. He stuttered for a while before finally being able to speak.

“You look amazing.” He managed to say.

“Thanks.” She said. Then something amazing happened: Diana Ladris blushed. It was gone as quickly as it arrived and Caine was wondering if he imagined it. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” She smirked.

Caine just laughed. They walked down to the huge gymnasium, which was way too big for the few hundred kids who attended Coates, and gigantic for the even fewer who attended the prom. As Caine and Diana entered, they received their usual reaction. Everyone turned to watch as the gorgeous and powerful couple entered, people tapped on their friend’s shoulders to divert their attention to Caine and Diana.

The two of them walked over to a tall boy with dirty blonde hair. “What are you doing here, Drake?” Caine asked.

“Am I not allowed to have fun?” Drake replied.

“No, you are.” Diana said. Drake nodded his head towards Diana while keeping his eyes on Caine. “Although,” Diana finished. “I would’ve thought your idea of fun was ripping the heads off chickens.”

Caine walked over to the other side of the room. Drake glared at Diana, but then smiled his signature shark-like grin. “I think you’ll see my idea of fun soon enough, Ladris.”

Diana felt her insides squeeze. Drake having a plan was never good, but since she wouldn’t be able to figure out what it was, she did her best to put it out of her mind. Instead she looked at Drake. He was wearing a suit, like Caine’s, and he looked almost put together. He looked handsome, Diana had to admit it, but she knew the monster that hid under the skin of the mysterious looking blonde boy.

Diana and Drake stood there, surveying the scene, for quite some time. Caine was nowhere in sight, but it looked like the event was a success. Caine came back over to his girlfriend, holding a glass full of blue liquid.

“Did you spike it?” He asked Drake. “Because it’s much better now. I’ve had almost the whole bowl.” Caine laughed as he drank the remaining contents, kissed Diana, and walked off to talk to someone else.

Diana watched her boyfriend walk off, ridiculously care-free. It was only then that she noticed Drake’s expression. His eyes were wide and scared and his mouth was half open. His gaze went back and forth from Caine to the bowl of punch. Diana’s insides squeezed again.

“What did you do?!” She yelled, furious.

Drake stuttered. “He wasn’t supposed to like it. No-no one was supposed to. Oh, this is bad.” He groaned as he sat down in the chair beside him.

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