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a/n to start us off. guys i did it. oof. anyway, please tell me what yall have been up to!! ill start, my baby boy Caine is now 2 and a half. hes the cutest kid on earth and looks nothing like Caine Soren (exceot for being beautiful). i have another caine now lol. my boyfriends 18 yr old brother is named Caine and he is everything Sam temple wished he could be lol. my big caine is the best person on this earth, the physical embodiment of sunshine lol. anyway,, tell me in the comments (or message me) what yall have been up to in these years. also if yall wanna keep this story going, SEND ME PROMPTS!! ill write anything about these 2 just send me stuff even if we wanna keep it a oneshot series of just caine and diana in their AU being cute. and some sneaky drake. anyway, have fun reading for the first time in 2 years, and send me those prompts kids.

Diana sat in class, the professor droning on about some form of bacteria, but she wasn't paying attention. Her eyes shifted back and forth between Drake playing on his phone, and the empty seat between the two of them. She hadn't properly spoken to Caine in a few weeks, but it was odd not seeing him in class, especially a class he shared with Drake.

She used the remainder of class planning out how she was going to ask Drake about Caine. She had to seem aloof, not really concerned, but curious enough to warrant the question.

The bell tore her out of her daydream, and Drake stood to leave, grabbing all of his things in one fluid motion. Diana grabbed his arm, in an equally fluid motion.

Drake turned to face her, a true snarl upon his face. "What?" He snapped at Diana.

She kept her composure, not letting Drake's little scare tactic affect her. "What's up with Caine? It's weird that he's not here."

Drake's eyes lit up and Diana knew she had not been aloof. She cursed herself.

Drake knew he should make fun of her here and now, but he had another goal in mind. Perhaps one that benefited not only himself, but the people around him. Was he turning into a good person? He shook the thought away as he remembered everything he was doing was to, first and foremost, benefit himself.

"He's sick," Drake said, without much of a thought. But once he felt Diana's hand tighten around his forearm, he knew his plan would come to realization easier than he was expecting. "Yeah," Drake chuckled slightly, "you should've seen him this morning. All weak and tired. Barely even tried to insult me."

Drake watched carefully as he saw the slight flush show up on Diana's face, and disappear as quickly as it came.

"Oh well, you know," Diana stuttered as much as a woman of her caliber could, "I might go see if he's eaten anything, you know how he doesn't eat when he's sick like that."

She detached herself from Drake's arm and started down the hall, in the opposite direction from their next class.

"I might be a few minutes late!" She called from a few feet away.

Drake smiled to himself. His plan wasn't a devious one, he just wanted Caine to stop whining so much. And he was sure he had played that to perfection.

Diana walked down the hallway, going slightly faster than the other kids dreading going to their next class. She could feel such an odd maternal instinct flowing through her veins. She wasn't sure why it was there, but she was determined to do something about it.

She stopped by Connie's office to grab some tea bags, and have an obligatory chat. Diana didn't dare mention Caine, she knew that would set off a chain reaction in the nurse that she didn't want to deal with. She left shortly and continued the walk to Caine's dorm.

She knocked lightly, but heard nothing and entered.

The dorm room window was open, and the sweltering California spring air was wafting in, leaving the room like a dry sauna. There was a pile of blankets on Caine's bed that slightly shifted when Diana entered. She placed the tea down on the desk and crossed over to where Caine was sleeping. His dark hair was plastered against his forehead in sweaty curls, but he wasn't sweating anymore. Diana looked at his face. He looked his age. Caine had the ability to look much older than he was, but in his current state, all of his facades had washed away. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were sunken in. His nose was slightly red and he slept with his mouth open just enough that a little drool rested on the pillow. Diana chuckled and placed her hand to his forehead. He woke up then, not bothering to wipe away the drool on his chin, and opened his eyes to see her.

His eyes were bloodshot, and that made them look more green than usual, but Diana could still see the specks of flame that lie at the center of his iris. She could feel the warmth of his skin and he leaned into her cool hand.

"Di-" he managed to squeak out in a raspy voice, before settling into a coughing fit that left Diana rethinking her decision to come here. "I'm sick."

Diana smiled slightly. Seeing Caine so vulnerable was not a common sight, but she secretly loved it. It gave her a chance to be caring and maternal, which was a side he only saw in these rare moments.

Caine would never admit it, but he liked this side of her.

She stood up and he whined. She closed the window but he protested.

"Diana," he said in that same raspy, nasally voice, fully devoid of its usual commanding energy. "I'm cold."

Diana rolled her eyes. For someone so smart, Caine's intelligence stopped when it came to the human body, a subject that actually fascinated Diana more than she'd care to admit.

"You're not cold." She replied, nothing but honey in her voice. "You're actually very hot. So I'm gonna close this window and you're gonna get out from under those blankets."

Caine protested as hard as he could but gave in, deciding he would get all his necessary heat from her body.

She walked over to the tiny kitchen in the dorm and placed a mug of water in the microwave, her lazy way of making tea. She slipped the tea bag in and brought it to him. Carefully positioning herself on the bed beside him.

They laid there for a bit in silence. Diana singing softly and playing with Caine's hair, while he laid there unmoving and basically unable to breathe. He whined when he moved, just like a small child, and turned on his side to fall asleep.

Diana watched him sleep, taking notice of his breathing, his temperature, and the soft snoring noises he only made when he was like this. She remembered the few other times this had happened, Caine in a completely vulnerable state, Drake occasionally around to pick on him for it, putting things like pillows and tea cups just out of his reach and sitting there laughing as Caine tried to grab it, but Diana always here, her fingers always entangled in his hair.

She realized that although they weren't 'together' and some aspects of their relationship had shifted, she would always be here to play with his hair.

He looked up at her, still half asleep, his green and orange eyes unable to focus on the beautiful angel he saw above him.

"I missed you." He said softly.

She kissed his forehead, but said nothing.

She continued reminiscing as Caine drifted off to sleep once more. And then she remembered the days after those times. That, however, she was not looking forward to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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