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Okay if y'all have anything you want to happen in this story, let me know. Comment it cuz it's been so long that I forgot my intended plot for this story. Kinda running on fumes (it's obvious I know). But anyway, here's drake causing trouble 👍

"Caine and Jenna, sitting in a tree," Drake sang to himself. "K-I-S-S-I--"

"Shut up," said Diana sternly from across the library table.

"You should find yourself a fling," he said. "Just to get back at him."

Diana said nothing, and continued to pretend read.

"If you were to have sex with someone," Drake continued, "it would have to be someone that would drive Caine crazy. It wouldn't be easy, since most guys are so scared of him that they'd be too nervous to go near you. Now, who is the last person on earth Caine would want you to be with?"

Diana laughed without looking up from her book. "Well, I suppose it would be you."

Drake's muscles stiffened, but his mind raced. He got up without saying anything and walked away quickly.  He fast walked all the way to his dorm. He swung the door open, leaving a small dent in the wall from the doorknob.

Caine jumped slightly. "What?" He demanded.

Drake played it cool, trying to hide his excitement. "Nothing,"

Caine leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, "You're fixing that hole."

"It's not a hole. It's a dent." Caine didn't answer, and Drake thought he might be attempting to sleep.

He put a stop to that. "So, Diana,"

Caine's eyes opened with an annoyed expression but said nothing, knowing Drake had only begun his thought.

"She's being weird."

"Wake up, Drake. She's been weird for months now."

"But she's different towards me," Drake tried hard to conceal his joy regarding his new plan. "She's still her usual rude self, but it almost seems... flirtatious."

Caine sat up. "What."

Drake's insides jumped for joy. "Yeah, she has a whole new attitude with me, like she doesn't even hate me anymore."

Caine's body stayed perfectly still, but his eyes darted back and forth, as of scanning an imaginary newspaper. He felt the perspiration break out on the back of his neck.

Drake's shark eyes caught it immediately: the slight shift in Caine's posture. He had noticed the same shift in Diana. He knew that if he could just push them a bit further they'd destroy themselves and there would be no trace he was ever involved.

I'm sorry I know this is short. I have a crazy block cuz Grey's anatomy was emotional for me tonight (not a real reason but true lol). I'll actually write something real this weekend I promise.
Hugs xx

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