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short, but important. btw im completely scratching my initial objective. bad things will happen. sry. but i promise to keep the feels going and that everything will turn out peachy keen.

By lunchtime, it seemed like Diana was in a better mood. They got their usual food, and sat at their usual table with their usual people. Everything was quite normal at first, until Diana grabbed Caine by the wrist and pulled him to a deserted hallway.

“You talked to Connie today.” She didn’t say it like a question.

“I may have.”

“What did you say?” Diana asked him.

Caine shrugged. “I told her I didn’t know what she was going on about.”

“Caine!” She groaned. “Why? Why didn’t you just talk to her?”

“I don’t know, Diana.” He replied, his voice dripping in sarcasm. “Maybe because I don’t want to?”

“You are so immature.” She tried to walk away, but he grabbed her.

“How am I immature?” He was raising his voice, but he didn’t care. Anyone who heard them wouldn’t know Nurse Temple’s first name anyway, so it wasn’t an issue. “Don’t act like you’re so much better than me because you confront feelings, which you don’t even do.”

“This isn’t some stupid issue, Caine. She is your mother.”

She was confusing him. “Why does that make a difference?”

“Because Connie and I are different!” She was yelling. She obviously didn’t care if they were overheard. “I might be able to forget about our problems, or put them aside long enough to have some fun, but Connie is not like that!”

“How do you know?” He was shouting as well.

“Because she is your mom. I am your girlfriend. I can put these problems aside because we are temporary, Caine! We have an expiration date, just like every high school relationship. But the relationship you have with your mother? That lasts forever! She will always be your mother, and you can’t deny that fact much longer.” She was giving him a look that could curdle milk, but he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at his feet, like a little boy who didn’t want to be scolded. But the expression on his face was anything but childish.

He looked up at her, a stone cold glare plastered across his face. “Watch me.” He maintained eye contact until he was sure he won, then turned around and walked away.

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