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And were back!!!! I'm so sorry guys. I know i haven;t updated in probably a year but its not for lack of trying. If you guys need someone to blame, blame my idiot boyfriend, i've been focused on him lol. Anyway, I'm back. Caina's back. And lets all have fun reading about Drake having sex.

There weren't parties at Coates. There was never anywhere to do it. Occasionally there were kids seen getting drunk in the courtyard, but there were never organized parties. 

Well, not never.

There was one party, once a year, at the very end, that every single student at Coates Academy attended. No one missed this party. And every year, the alcohol was supplied by one person: 

Caine Soren. 

Caine's end of year party was legendary. The headmistress had long since given up trying to stop it. When it comes to the psychos and delinquents at Coates, it was easier just to let them be.

But this year, Caine was rethinking his plan.

"I don't think I should have the party this year," he said aloud, gazing aimlessly out the tiny window.

Drake choked on air. "What?! How can you even be considering this? This party means the world to some people. It's the only thing that keeps me sane."

"You aren't sane," Caine replied shortly.

"I could be a lot worse without gallons of alcohol running through my veins," Drake got up and left. He walked the five feet to Diana's dorm and barged in. "Your boyfriend is crazy," he said, sitting dramatically in her desk chair.

Diana was asleep, or at least trying to be, but with Drake here, her efforts were futile. "He's not my boyfriend," she groaned into her pillow.

"Oh, that's right," Drake smiled his shark grin, "I guess I should be telling this to Jenna Cartell. I'll be on my way," he stood up and waited.

Diana lifted her head slightly. "What about Jenna?"

Drake couldn't contain his glee. "Oh, nothing, just rumors. I mean, I guess rumors can be true. I didn't believe anyone at first, until Jenna walked out of my shower, with Caine close behind." It wasn't a total lie. Word had gotten around that Caine was single, and that was the biggest school headline since the last time someone murdered a teacher. Drake had seen Jenna more than usual, especially around Caine. She was a very pretty girl, maybe as pretty as Diana, but in a different way. Jenna had a purity about her, all straight blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She wore conservative clothing and acted all innocent, but Drake knew the truth.

Jenna Cartell was a textbook slut.

These weren't rumors either, these were facts. She had slept with the entire senior class, with the exception of Caine. At last year's party, she had slept with Drake, first time of many. He only assumed she was hanging around Caine, hoping to fill her roster.

The thing about the shower wasn't completely false either. She had taken a shower in their dorm, except this was months ago, and Drake had followed her out. Caine hadn't been entirely thrilled with that. Drake doubted Caine would ever sleep with Jenna, but he was bored, and scaring Diana was the most amusing thing he could think of.

"Hmm," Diana said, taking her time to come up with the perfect response. "I'd buy new soap if I were you. Unless you'd like to wash yourself with herpes." With that she buried her face back in her pillow and waited for Drake to leave. She flipped over once she heard the door close. Diana knew Drake was exaggerating, but there must've been some truth. No one really has to stretch far to start rumors about Jenna, she has done most things people would gossip about.

For the next couple days, Diana did some digging. She stayed away from Caine, so as not to make it obvious what she was doing, and focused on Jenna. Caine didn't seem to notice.

But Drake did.

While Diana followed Jenna, he followed Diana. She never noticed, because she was used to Drake being weird around her, and around everyone, but Jenna did. Jenna would never pay attention to any girls following her; they stuck to her like flies on honey, either trying to be friends with her,  or to kill her. But when boys took special attention to her, she noticed.

She stopped Drake in the hall a few days after this had started.

"So, Drake Merwin, coming back for more?" She smiled her seductive smirk at him. Drake started to stutter slightly, to explain that he was following Diana, not her, but then he stopped. He realized he didn't really want to tell the truth. "Well," he said, in a low voice, "who could stay away from you?"

Drake knew he should be watching Diana, that if she knew he was sleeping with Jenna, all his hard work would be in vain. But then again, sex. He knew that the reason Jenna decided to bang him was partly so she could find more excuses to get near Caine, but Drake didn't really care. It was kind of a win-win situation. 

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