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be prepared for a lot of drake for a while. he becomes important.

Drake was playing video games, avoiding the outdoors, when Caine burst in. He slammed the door with his whole body and paced the room. Drake decided to ignore him and just go back to his game, when his chair fell out from under him. He looked up to see Caine still pacing.

"Did you just kick my chair?" He asked, disbelieving. "What the hell is your problem?"

All he got in response was a loud grunt. Caine sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. Drake stood up and picked up his chair. He knew there was no chance Caine was leaving anytime soon, so he headed towards the door.

"I'm going to go kill something. You can sit here and... mope." He was about to close the door when he heard Caine reply.

"Can I come?"

Caine wasn't an insane sadist, like Drake was, but he was still a boy. And there was nothing boys liked more than destroying things. They went outside and their options for fun were cut in half. The courtyard was heavily populated with procrastinating students, so guns were out of the question. Caine wondered where they would even get a gun, but with Drake, anything was possible.

Drake had a plan: they were going to kill a bunny. He told Caine that much, not wanting to spoil the rest of his plan. Caine agreed. Drake didn't think it mattered what Caine killed, but it was obvious he needed to take his anger out on something fluffy.Drake set a quick trap, one his dad had taught him, and they walked away.

Caine was about to explode, and he didn't bother hiding it. He walked along, back towards the school, kicking everything in his way.

Drake was feeling almost sympathetic. He thought he should help Caine out, but purely for his own safety. Reckless and destructive Caine was not a good thing to have living with you.

"She isn't worth talking to." Drake said, curious as to how this situation would unfold. "She's just a snobby, spoiled little bitch."

Caine's head jerked up and his eyes narrowed, a telltale sign. Drake braced himself, almost excited to see his reaction. But Caine's face softened, and his glare was replaced by a look of confusion.

"You're right." He said. "She is a bitch."

Drake was truly shocked, Caine usually hit him for insulting Diana.

Caine continued. "Honestly, we had a fight because I wouldn't talk to Connie, so I talked to Connie. Tada! Problem solved! But apparently, it wasn't good enough for her. You know why? Because she is a raging bitch! She can never make up her mind, and even when she does, it's always a stupid decision. God, I hate her so fucking much!"

Drake was conflicted. On one hand, he finally had someone who hated Diana as much as he did, but on the other, he would have to find a new way to annoy Caine. Then a thought popped into his head: if Caine felt this way about Diana, what did Diana think of Caine?

Drake ran as fast as he could, leaving Caine in a cloud of anger. He heard Caine's shouts in the distance, but paid no attention.

Drake sat in his own dorm for a while, not wanting to seem too eager. He decided to wait for Diana to come to him, so it wouldn't seem like he had a plan. Before long, he heard the knock on the wall. He knocked back and waited for Diana to come in. Rather than bursting in, she waited outside the door.

"Drake?" She asked, hesitantly.

"What do you want?" He replied in his usual tone.

She walked in and sat down. "I wanted to make sure you weren't Caine." She explained. "He has tricked me with the knocking before."

Drake laughed. "Why would he trick you now? He does not want to see you."

Diana tensed, ever so slightly, but Drake caught it. "What did he say?" She asked quietly.

Drake did not hold back. "He said you are a raging bitch and nothing is ever good enough for you." He smiled. "And he called you fat."

Diana remained expressionless for a while, then she got angry. "Of course he said that. Typical Caine. He always has to make everyone else feel bad about themselves so he can feel like the king."

Drake leaned back in his chair, and waited for Diana to continue.

She did. "He acts like he's so cool, but he isn't. He definitely has everyone convinced though, he's been doing it for so long, it's ingrained in his mind. Everyone is so scared of him, but why? He has never done anything to earn that. He just pisses me off so much!"

Drake nodded, only half listening. "He's really just a coward." He saw Diana's head jerk up. For a moment, Drake thought he had miscalculated, but then her expression changed.

"That is exactly what I said! He has to hide behind this mask to earn any respect. God, I hate him so fucking much!"

Drake smiled to himself, everything was going perfectly. "You should go." He said to Diana. "Caine will be back soon."

Diana didn't question it. She got up and went back to her dorm. Drake sat back and thought about his next move. He truly worshipped chaos, and Caine and Diana could produce it like no one else, but it was up to Drake to jumpstart it. He thought for a moment and admired the amusement his position gave him.

"They always said you should do something you love." He said to himself.

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