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Hope you enjoy their totally normal high school problems. This has a smidge more drama but nothing that can't be fixed easily. Vote and Comment!!

 “So what’s up with Diana?” Drake asked later on as he and Caine were playing video games.

“She’s just pissed about prom.” Caine said. “You know that. Why did you ask?”

“Are you sure that’s all?” Drake asked. “She seemed to be way too angry for that. Maybe she’s PMSing.”

Caine chuckled. “Do you even know what that means?”

“No.” Drake admitted. “But I do know it makes girls super bitchy. Why, do you know?”

“Not at all.” Caine said as he paused the game. “I’m gonna go find some food. I’m starving.” He left and Drake was just about to keep playing when the door opened.

“I wasn’t cheating!” He yelled instinctively.

“What?” It was Diana, not Caine.

“Nevermind.” Drake said with a scowl. “What do you want?”

“Where did Caine go?” She asked as she sat down on Drake’s bed.

“To get food, why?” he asked, only mildly interested.

“Good. I have something to ask you, Drake, and I’d prefer it if Caine wasn’t around to hear it.”

Drake looked at her confused. She continued. “Where is Caine going after school ends?”

“Umm, I don’t know. Home?”

“That’s not what I meant, dumbass.” She sighed loudly. “I meant college. He’s a smart guy, he could probably get in anywhere if he wanted to. I could barely pass junior math. I just don’t know what will happen after we graduate.”

“Aw,” Drake said mockingly. “Is the little princess worried she isn’t smart enough for her prince?”

“Like you’re one to talk.” Diana replied.

“But to answer your question, I have no idea.” He said. “I don’t think anyone here really gives a shit about their education. Coates isn’t a place for people who try.”

At that moment, Caine walked in carrying a bag of Doritos and a bowl full of fruit.

Drake looked at him funny. “What’s with the fruit?”

Caine shrugged. “It looked good.” Then he turned to Diana. “What are you up to?”

“Just came to get my hair straightener.” She lied. It was convenient that she had happen to leave it in Caine’s bathroom a few days ago when her electricity was out. “Did you steal that food?” She asked, just trying to change the subject.

“Of course.” He replied nonchalantly. “All you have to do is wait for the right moment, then you are in and out in no time.”

Drake scoffed as he started playing the game he and Caine had started. Caine didn’t seem to care that Drake was cheating. “You make everything so complicated. All you have to do is go in there with a gun and kill anyone who questions you.”

Caine shook his head. “See, Drake? This is why I am in charge. Guns would be too loud. You never plan your attacks, you’re too impulsive. Life is a game of strategy.”

“Strategy!” Diana yelled suddenly. “That’s it!” Without another word, she ran out the door. She ran all the way to the other side of campus before she found the door she was looking for. She knocked furiously at the door. A few moments later it was answered by a tall, shirtless boy with messy brown hair.

“What, Diana?” The boy asked in a raspy voice. “I was asleep and I’d like to continue with that.”

“Bullshit.” She said as she pushed past him into his dorm. “I can smell the sex on you.” Diana’s suspicions were confirmed when she saw a girl she recognized from sophomore English laying on his bed. Diana walked over to his bookshelf and grabbed a box from it. “I need this.” She said and walked back to Caine’s dorm.

When she walked in the door, Caine had continued to play video games with Drake, and half the bowl of fruit was gone, but the Doritos were unopened. She found that weird but ignored it for the time being. Caine paused the game and looked up at her. “What’s that?” He asked.

“This is what is going to solve our prom problem.” She explained.

“Hehe.” Drake laughed. “Prom problem.”

“Shut up, halfwit.” Diana snapped. Drake decided to let that one go for the time being. He was too curious about the box.

Diana plopped the box down on the table so the two boys could read the label. Caine looked at Diana with an irritated expression. “You have got to be kidding me?” He asked her. “Risk? I don’t think I’ve played that since I was ten.”

“You’ll love it Caine. There’s no real skill involved, just strategy and world domination, your two favorite things.” She said. “Unless you have a better idea?”

Caine groaned and threw himself backwards onto the bed. “This is going to take forever.” He said into his hands, which were covering his face.

“Suck it up, baby.” She sat beside him and put her hand on his hard stomach. “You could just give up now and go to prom with me.”

Caine took his hands away from his face and met Diana’s gaze. “You may be able to convince to do a lot of things I don’t want to, Ladris, but this one, you will never win.”

She returned his look. “My room. Lunch. Don’t keep me waiting, Soren.” She bent down and kissed him but kept her serious expression as she walked back to her dorm.

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