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I've also got a job. While Damon is off doing whatever, I'm working part-time in a nearby cvs where only old people go to buy milk and stoners steal m&ms. Most of the time it's empty, just me, the radio and my co-worker who's obsessed with painting her nails every 5 seconds, who is known as Bernie. She's round 21, only works here to pay off college.

Damon would often visit me and spend most of his time by the lockers writing songs with Alex, Graham and David, Bernie would be making out with her stoner boyfriend who loves to steal our snickers bar, and i'm up front the cash register, listening to the radio, reading a book, day dreaming, whatever catches my interest.

It was 12:30pm, and someone had entered the old place. I expected it to be Damon, since he always comes by at noon, but it wasn't. You'd think it was another grandma going to buy some canned soup, or a stoner going in to actually pay for the candies they've pocket, or maybe a 8-year-old kid buying cigarettes for their dad or mum.

But it was Liam Gallagher.

he didn't seem to notice me, as he turned to the commercial refrigerator and grabbed a six-pack.

I hear him grunt quietly as he walked toward where I stand, not looking up until he sets the beer in front of me.

His eyes seemed to widen when he saw my face.

I smiled softly and quickly scanned the beers. "You're that bird Damon's with." he said.

"Ding ding ding! Correct! Thank you for playing." I chuckled. He gave a quiet laugh too.

"You want a paper bag for this?" I asked him and he shakes his head. "Ya know I never got yer name."

"Francheska. Frances for short." I said, giving him his change. He sent me a grin, "Never knew you'd be down here." He shrugged. "It's just so hard to leave." I smiled.

He nods a bit, "Right, right, can i get a pack of fags too." he says, pushing a pound from his change towards me. I nod and turned around to grab a pack for him and when I turned around I saw a torn paper with a telephone number written to it.

I slide him his pack with a confused grin. He sent a mischievous one before leaving the cvs.

it was quiet for a second before i looked down at the paper and saw the scribbled numbers and the initials of Liam Gallagher.

I couldn't help but smile to myself, i then hear someone entering and quickly grabbed the paper and shoved it down my pocket.

I nervously looked up to Damon walking in with his head turned as if he was staring at someone outside before he turns to me. "That was Liam." He said, "Walking out of here."

I nod, "didn't expect him to be down here." i said with a shrug.

Damon eyed me suspiciously, "he didn't say anything?"

"just that i was your bird." i said.

He nods slowly before raising his shoulders, "well i've got some news." he smiled.

I nodded as if to tell him i'm listening. "what do you think about beach day, tomorrow?" he grinned, leaning towards me, hands folded on top of the counter.

I shake my head with a smile, "What's the occasion?"

"Nothing, just a well deserve vacation." He grinned like a child.

I wasn't gonna say no in any way so I just pecked his nose, "I'm quitting my job anyways." I told him.

He seemed to be taken back by it. "Is it because Liam knows you work here?" he asked.

"No." I pursed my lips, "I've- I've been thinking about it- about moving out." I said looking around.

"Bernie is graduating, you won an award, and this place is gonna shut down in a week according to Mrs. Grundy." I said with a sigh.

"moving out?" Damons eyes lit up.

I rolled my eyes with a defeated sigh, "I've taken into consideration about the house you've bought, I think it's time we take another step."

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