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Ever since that night I promised myself I wouldn't do anything of the sorts again and I made the hardest decision to forget about Liam. Act like he never exists to me.

It was miserable but I spent more days next to Damon and that was comforting.

Because Damon is who I'm supposed to be with.

We had just finished producing his bands new song, Country House, and was to be released by a month.

And now we were at the mall buying whatever interests us.

Damon was checking out another shelf while I scanned a nice shirt for him when someone caught my eye.

It was Liam. My heart skipped a beat. It had been 3 months exactly since we last talked. I would hang up whenever he'd call by the telephone, and I never picked up his calls on my phone.

I made sure to show him I was happy with Damon in public to try and get him off my back but there he was, approaching me.

I tried to walk away, pretend I didn't notice it was Liam, but he stopped me.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Liam pulls me away.


"Why do you hate me?"


"Why won't you say anything?"

"Because I am in love with you?! Okay?!" I whispered yell at him as I was getting irritated from his questions and I had just let it out without thinking.

"And it scares me. because im getting married. and-"

Just then, two lips met mine and I was captured in such passion and love. Thank god Liam pulled us aside where no one can quite see us unless they actually look.

"I can't do this Liam-" I push him away. Immediately missing his touch.

"Why not?" His face drops

"I can't be with you, be seen with you. I can't bear to look you in the eyes."

"Why not, Frances? I love you. Alright? and you love me!"


"Come on Frances, run away with me, we'll go into the heights and lows together, we'll be spontaneous, not settled. We'll live forever, we'll die together, just please Frances. You know what's right and its me."

"But- what about Damon?"

"I don't want you to think im just saying things, so i'll let you figure Damon out. Call me, when you've found out. And we'll go together."


Figure out what?!

Figure out what? I asked myself as my stomach turned in scenarios of what Damon could be doing behind my back.

It haunted me. What Liam had just told me about Damon haunted me as I sat in our shared bed, flicking through the channels on the telly.

What could've Damon done, that everyone knows and I don't, that could break my trust and run off with his mortal rival.

My mind was blank, with only the thoughts of Damon and what he's wrong. But there's nothing that comes up, I don't think he has any other girl or such.

And I don't wanna snoop around to see if he has one.

I don't wanna believe Liam but it did get me nervous.

The telephone rang and I jumped at the ringing, shaking my head as I walked out of the room and to the living area where our main telephone sat.

"Hello?" I asked but was interrupted by another girls voice, she seemed to be in a hurry and didn't notice another girls voice spoke as she rambled, "Damon, I'm leaving in a few, I'm almost late but I really can't go without seeing you, I'll be away for 3 months and I'll miss you so please come see me quick. I love you." and then she hang the phone.

I stood there, everything shattered before me. Like a mirror, shattered reflections of everything that had just happened fell before me.

And I felt so angry. So frustrated. So, so upset and disappointed.

Liam was right, and I was a fool running around Damon, because at some way I was still attracted to who he once was.

I felt sick to my stomach. I felt so dizzy, so so sick.

I'm not upset that Damon had told another girl he loves her and maybe even slept with her, I'm upset about the fact that Liam is right.

I bit my lip, holding back sobs and dialled his number and as soon as I heard his voice I broke down.

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