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    I've been planning the engagement party as soon as we landed back home. I haven't been in touch with Liam, I turned down any call from him and tried my best to stay beside my fiancee to gain back the thoughts of how he's my dream, not Liam.

"You look gorgeous love." Damon smiled shyly when he seed the dress i'm wearing. "I've got you something." He shuffled on his feet to go and grab something from the counter.

He grabbed a small box and gave it to me, "what is it?" i asked, excitement beaming. I carefully opened the box and saw a gold necklace with a small heart pendant. Damon took it from my hand and wrapped it around my neck, before kissing my shoulders.

I love Damon. I reminded myself. I hate that I needed to remind myself that I love him.


The party was going well, my family had come to join us and so did Damon's, "Ma," I waved over my mum who came ecstatically with my dad next to her.

"Oh my girl!" she laughs. "How have you been, Ma?" I laugh softly.

"Amazing, amazing- Damon." Mum looked over to Damon who stood next to me with the dumb childishly excited grin.

"Mrs. Le Blanc." He gave her a hug. "Sir." he nods towards my dad who returned it.

My parents were happily chatting away with Damon when my eyes catches a certain boy right outside the venue.

He didn't seem to know that the event inside the place was being held by mine, he seemed like he was just wandering around.

My heart beats fast, as scenarios of what could happen if I go out and talk to him for what seemed like eternity.

I eye him as he seemed lost of where to go next, and it took me my everything to not go out and ask him, help him, see his face again.

I'm in my engagement party, celebrating the fact that i'm gonna get married to my soulmate, I should be happy, smiling and chatting and showing off my ring to everyone's face but I excused myself to see the face I always see in my dreams, the dreams that should've been of me and Damon.

"Hey you." I nervously waved at Liam.

"Frances? Whats you doing here?" He asked. "I should be asking that. You look lost." I frowned.

He gives a shy laugh, "I seem to lose my brother in the crowd."

there was a pause. "What about you?"

"Oh, well, erm." I nervously chuckled as I fidgeted with the ring in my finger. "Oh.." he seemed to notice it.

"That's- that's a lovely ring. Who's the lucky fella?" He asked.

"Damon." I chuckled.

He nods, his face dropped a bit but he was good a hiding it behind his shit-eating grin. "Well, uhm, that's- congrats." he says.

"yeah, erm, so me and Damon are having an engagement party-" I pointed behind me. "And since- since you're my friend-"

He shakes his head, "Frances- Frances it's fine." He chuckled. I nervously, awkwardly chuckled.

I had a whole dialogue ready for him, to catch up, apologise and all but my throat seemed to be dry.

We stood there for a while before we both spoke up, "I see Noel-"
"I think that's Noel-" our heads darted to each other then to across the street where an annoyed Noel stood impatiently.

"I think you need to go." I winced, feeling Noel's glare already piercing a hole in me and Liam's forehead.

" 'right, well don't want no lecturing from the geezer. congrats on your engagement." he says and then begun walking before i can say anything.

I watch him get hit on the head by his brother as they swagger away, Noel turning his head at me for a second before seeming to continue his chat with his brother.

I sigh before returning back in, quickly slipping into Damon's arms.

"How are you feeling love?"

"Just, perfect." I kissed him passionately.

He chuckled before kissing me back, we were only separated when we hear someone klinking the glass.

Our heads turned to Graham, and we fell into a fit of giggles, "I want to make a erm toast." he says.

Alex raises his eyebrows in amusement and I spot Dave standing next to Graham and all our guests huddled up.

Graham had said an amazing speech, I teared up a bit.

It's so unreal. Me getting married, and settling.

Me and Damon's life seemed to flash between us.

It was like yesterday we first met each other, then slept together, and decided to move in together, then went on this amazing journey of his band.

And now we're here.

No matter how much i tried to set my eyes and focus on the celebration for the love me and Damon will spend till were grey and old, I kept looking out the window in pure hatred of the feelings I have, longing for him other than the man beside me.

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