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I couldn't sleep that night. My mind just won't let me. Replaying how Liam entered the store and left his number with me. My gut is either telling me to throw up or to call Liam and I tried the first guess.

To no avail, I decided maybe it's not the wine from earlier, maybe it's my gut telling me to call Liam. To make use of the number.

I sighed giving in, slowly getting out of bed, careful not to wake Damon. Last thing I want is for him to know I'm on my way to ring Liam.

He'd probably go berserk, the way he talks about Liam. He doesn't feel any sort of intimidation towards the Gallaghers, in fact he enjoyed seeing them act all tough, act like they own the world. But it's another thing his partner flies from his nest to Liam's.

I slowly walked to the kitchen which was only separated to the living area by a bar counter.

I quietly raise the telephone sat atop of the counter and began to press the numbers.

It must be late, I don't expect someone to answer. Maybe thats why i'm a bit confident, because no one will answer.

"It's fucking 2 in the morning, who the hell ye might be?"

"Liam." I breathe, "Sorry to wake you, It's Francheska." I said.

There was silence for a bit, "Frances- Hey, what're you doing ringing me at this time." He slightly sighed.

"I dunno, gut feeling?" I panicked and admitted. There was a chuckle from Liam, "Missed my voice? You know you can buy my album and you can listen to me all day and night." He says.

I give a soft laugh, then there was another silence. I don't know what to say. And he seems to be waiting for me to say something.

"So how are you-"
"What's going on with you-"



"you should go-"
"you go first-"


we bursted into laughter and then I realised that Damon was sleeping so I quiet down quick.

"What's going on, love?" I hear Damon push off the loud duvet from the other room.

"Uh oh, It seems like i've awoken Damon. I'll- I'll see if I can call you back. Bye!" I whisper yelled down the line before setting down the telephone and running to the sink acting like i was up for water.

I felt bad. Really really bad.

I love Damon. And i feel guilty for waking him up and hiding the fact I was talking to another guy at this time. It's not like he doesn't allow me to call other guys, but at this time? wouldn't it be suspicious?

"Alright?" Damon asked, shirtless and still half awake as he walked to me. I gulped down the glass of water and nodded, giving him a smile. "Sorry I woke you up." I apologised.

He just hummed, wrapping his arms around my waist before kissing my temple. "Let's go back to bed, Dames." I raised my head and kissed his cheeks.

"You were laughing." he murmured. I quickly thought of a lie, "Sorry, just choked on some water. found it funny." i giggled fakely.

"mhm.." he hummed, buying it. i think.

"Lets go Dames." I say once more. "What if we stay here," He starts, "and do it on the floor."

I gave him a tired smirk, "slag." I said before walking back to our room.

"It's not like we haven't done it before!" he whined as he followed.


  Damon was setting down our beach blanket while I began to chase birds away from the water. Wide grins on both our faces. It was proper sunny, perfect weather for beach day sunny. I was surprised the boys tagged along but they all seemed too busy by either girls in bikinis or the new NME magazines.

Today i wanted to have a little break from thinking, but it's like my mind had another life of its own as i kept thinking about Liam and the phonecall last night. I feel guilty about leaving him so quickly like that. I said I'll try to call him back. I've noticed a phone booth near, maybe i'll try later.

But for now I would want to have fun, Damon already making sandcastless.

It wasn't later that I stood inside the booth, only in an oversized blue polo hiding my bikini. It's just this certain curiosity towards knowing Liam more that's been bugging me. I can't seem to take him off my mind no matter how much i spent time with Damon.

"Hello?" Liam's annoyed voice spoke. "Liam, it's me again." I smiled.

"Frances, hey how's it going?"

"Well, I'm at the beach with Damon and I um..."

what do I say?

"you want me there?" he joked.

i don't know why, but yes, sort of. I wanted him here for some reasons.

"Do you by chance do black magic, Liam?" I asked suddenly, "Because you've been running through my mind since the awards."

Liam laughed in the other line, obviously noticing how frustrated I was, desperate for something, an answer, to why he seemed to take over my thoughts daily since we've caught each others eyes.

"I don't know, love," he sighed, "are you free for tea?" he asked.

"But I'm with Damon."

"I mean, when you're not with him, obviously."

"I'm always with him."

There was a short silence.

"How about Saturday? I'm sure you're free Saturday, everyone's free at Saturday." He insists.

"Why are you asking me out?" I sounded assuming.

"You said it not me." He chuckled, "but, it's not like that- I just wanna-" he paused. "I'm asking you out as a friend. Maybe if we got to know each other you're banging thoughts of me would calm down." He explains.

It would make sense. Now everything feels familiar. Maybe the reason I kept thinking about Liam was because I wanted to know more of him, maybe as a friend or a person i bumped into. Like the people you'll make conversations with waiting in line at the bakery or mall sale.

"I'll see what I can do." I put the phone down.

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