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  It was a cold day despite the sun shining brightly. Damon stayed in today, wanting to sleep the whole morning so he can go party all night with his mates, and me if i'm not too tired.

The weather today is bizarre, i wore a knitted sweater and it was enough to make me sweat but not enough to stop me from shivering. I walked down the pavement, making my way to the store Liam told me to meet him.

in the past three days, I've quit my job, Damon and I are out house hunting and packing our stuff already in boxes, the ones that we aren't gonna use for the next week we'll be staying one last time at the torn down apartment and now I'm off to meet Liam Gallagher.

Damon thinks i'm just gonna go out and run a few errands, buy bread and milk, buy a new dress for tonight, those sort of things. He knew too I was meeting someone but he didn't know it would be Liam.

I entered the small shop, the wind chimes signalling the barista a customer has come inside.

They sent friendly smiled and I looked over to where Liam sat, there he gave me a cheeky grin.

"Hiya." I smiled shyly. "Hi, you don't mind green tea?"

"I don't mind, Thank you." I smiled, sitting across him. Already noticing he bought some tea and pastry for us. "I've got a scone and croissant, take whatever you want." He gestured. I gave another shy thank you.

"Does Damon know we're meeting up?" He asked, "No, he thought I'm meeting someone else, a girl friend maybe." I nervously chuckled. "Well it's a surprise that you showed up, by the way." He took a sip of his tea.

I nudge my head to the side a bit, "So you've been thinking of me?"

"Not quite like that." I said, taking a sip of the warm tea. "But at the same time, yeah."

He chuckled. "You've put some sort of curse at me haven't you?" I joked. This made him laugh, "I would never, darling, I'm just an amazing charmer."

"Of course you are." I rolled my eyes. "You being here explains it, doll." Liam said.

He was right, god i hate how he was right.

There was a small awkward pause between us where he just watched me and I fiddled with my croissant.

"So hows you doing?" I asked, nervously. "Amazing, you?"

"Fine, Fine." I said, looking around and admiring the café. "Me and Damon are going to a party tonight." I said.

"And you're inviting me?"

I let my lips part as I try to think of something to say, "no, no" i chuckled, "Damon would go off." i winced.

"don't worry love, even if you don't invite me i'll be there." he winked. I gave him a confused look.

"I'm also going to a party tonight. I have a feeling we're talking about the same party?"

I bit my tongue before speaking, "Damon never tells me who's party we're going to, we just have fun." I say.

"What happens in a party with Damon Albarn, anyway." He laughed lowly. "Lots." I laughed. "I remember mostly him pulling his pants down a lot as some sort of comedic joke." I say, cringing a bit.

Liam shakes his head, laughing, "He's a bit odd isn't he?" I say. "He's a southerners, southerners are odd." he says. I laugh slightly, "We sure are."


"Where have you been, sweetheart?" Damon asked when i entered our apartment. He was well awake and already dressed up for the party. It was quarter to 8.

"I bought a new dress and some food." I said with a smile. "How's meeting up with Maddy?" He asked.

Right, I forgot he thought i was meeting up with Maddy.

"It was fun, we had a wonderful time looking through dresses." I lie.

"Really? Well she told me that she was far off visiting her grandmother." Damon blocked me from entering the kitchen.

I widened my eyes and quickly thought of an excuse, knowing I might still have a chance to get away from his suspicions.

"What? I was with 'er earlier?" I tried to hide the fact my heart was beating so fast, and i'm only a few more seconds to stuttering.

"Maddy says she was at her grandmothers farm." Damon raised an eyebrow.

I let out a nervous chuckle, "Ohh Maddy! I thought you meant Nadi." I shake my head. "I was with Nadi. Nadi Arlow? Remember her from drama year 9?"

Damon seemed a bit relief that i didn't lie to him, when what i'm doing right now is nothing but making my nose longer.

"I thought you two had already distanced." He says, watching me take out the chinese I got out of the plastic bags. "Yeah, but we bumped into each other earlier at the mall and we sort of decided to hang out one last time. Forgot to ask for her number though, she's changed." I made up.

"Really? I'm surprised, I always thought she'd still be the same bitter whore she was." Damon laughed, taking the chapsticks taped on top of the box. "Well, heard she was just visiting here."

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