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Hi guys sorry this took awhile just finished cycle 1 of our last term, in about 4 more weeks school is finally over thank god


Im a miserable hypocrite.

Sat at the dinner table waiting for Damon to confront him. As If i haven't done anything worse.

Like a mother ready to scold her child for stealing her money as if she never stole it from someone else.

"Oh, hello love." Damon walked into the kitchen, his soft sweet smile almost made me choke.

I didn't answered and avoided his eye contact as he sat down next to me. There was an awful silence and I knew that Damon too was gonna say something that'll make our hearts shatter even more to tiny sand.

"Who's the girl?" I asked him finally. He frowned and looked away, "Justine."

It took everything to try and not cry in front of him, biting my lips as i sighed through my nose.

"And who's the guy?"

"Liam." I said, almost like a whisper but he heard it.

"For how long?" he asked me. "we started our flings just two days ago." I said, my voice cracking a bit.

"No. Don't you dare cry." Damon's frown deepened. I gave him a look, all my sadness disappeared as anger filled me.

"Fine, how long have you and Justine been seeing each other?"

"2 years." Damon said, looking down in shame, his frown disappearing as a tear slide down his cheek.

I felt every bit of me shatter.

"And you're gonna tell me to not cry?" I said holding back a sob. "Damon, I've only just kissed and slept with Liam last night and you've been sleeping with another for 2 years." I gaped.

In those two years, I loved him so much. There was no Liam, just me and him and our happiness and love and it broke me so much that i felt so guilty about something that wasn't even as worse as what he had done.

"I thought- I thought asking you to marry me was a good idea. That maybe i'd finally settle with you and forget Justine." He explained, but I shook my head.

"I'm sorry." He looked at me sadly, and finally I saw how his love for me was fading in his eyes and nothing crushed me more than that. To see how your time in someone's life had nothing more to it anymore right before your eyes.

I nod quietly, there's really nothing I can do. Damon doesn't love me anymore, and I think I love Liam more.

So the next day, I called him and told him everything.

"Is that all love?" Liam asked helping me with my baggage. I looked back to me and Damon's house and I almost wished a tardis would come and sweep me to the past and convince past me to never ever call the number on the paper. But things happen for a reason.

"Yes." I looked back to Liam and forced a smile. "Come on, Ma's waiting impatiently for us. I can feel it." He chuckled.

We planned to run away. To a little house next to his mother's in Manchester.

It had been 6 months and I've never heard from Damon.

It still hurts, he's been my soulmate for 8, 9 years. And you can't just move on from something that long. I've been hearing from friends that Damon and Justine haven't been working out well. But me and Liam have been in heaven, and I hate that. That my relationship is happy and his isn't.

Maybe I still love Damon, and maybe running away with Liam was a mistake. I don't know what is wrong with me.

I'll give it to Liam though, he's so patient with me. He tries his best to understand what I feel and how I will feel and I fell deeper in love with him for that.

"Frances, there's a mail for you."

I looked up and saw Liam with a CD on his hand. "Who's that from?" I frowned as he gave it to me before sitting next to me. He kissed my templed and shrugged, "don't know."

I give him a look before smiling softly, kissing his cheeks, "whatever, i'll check it out later." i sighed, "how do you feel about a trip to the pub?"


Liam was in the shower, as I sat by the edge of our shared bed, smoking a fag and tipsy. I observed the cover of the CD that was clear but had writing in it, 'To my love, happy anniversary, June 7 1996'

Curiously, i picked up a walkman and earphones and played the CD.

A tender tune played and my stomach dropped as I heard Damon's voice sang.

oh my baby, oh my baby
oh my, oh why?

I couldn't finish the song. It was too painful, especially knowing it was a song he had written for our anniversary that we never had celebrated.

immediately i hid the CD where i'd never bother to try and find it and that is in the very bottom of my drawer.

Liam came out of the shower and noticed the pure horror and tears on my face. He sent me a comforting smile before sitting next to me and I cried.

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