054 Troubles (2)

508 72 23

I have to escape with Priya. I started calculating.

"Cover their mouth before they make any noise." The tall villain, who was sitting in the front seat ordered.

"It's alright. I won't make any disturbance." I assured the villains.

"He is a good boy. He will behave." The fat villain who was sitting at the back seat with us agreed with me. He was gentle with us.

It's good. Usually, good people can be easily deceived. So I was sure that I could use the fat villain to escape.

"So good uncles... Why are you kidnapping us?" I decided to get some more information out of the villains.

"Huh? Umm... No. Don't worry. We are just taking you for a picnic. We will return you safe and sound this evening itself. It's not a kidnapping." The tall villain answered in a softer voice.

"Aren't you going to ask our parents for money?" I asked again.

"No. Definitely not." Tall villain replied.

"But our father has a lot of money," Priya added.

'This dumb girl!'

"Shut up. Can't you see elders are speaking?" I hit the back of her head and scolded her. She grew up just like Anuchi. She was a walking disaster.

"Child, money is not everything in life. Don't assume everyone lives with the aim of making money." The fat villain kindly advised Priya.

I admired the attitude of the villains. It was pretty rare to see villains with such good morals.

"Then why are you all wearing masks?" I finally asked the important question.

"Oh... that we are coming from a bank robbery." The fat villain replied right away.

"..." I was dumbfounded. Is this what they meant by money is not everything in life?

"Keep your mouth shut. Don't tell everything to everyone." The tall villain scolded the fat villain.

"What's there to tell? Police probably found the truth already. My mom is going to kill me when I get back." The fat villain started sulking.

"What happened?" I asked curiously. I wanted more information.

The villains were a bit sad. So it took a bit of nagging from my side to know the truth.

"We wanted to start a business. But they didn't give us a loan. So we decided to steal from the bank."


Apparently, they decided to steal from a bank. They wanted to do it after the bank closes on Friday. That way, the bank will know about the crime only Monday morning. To make this work, they entered the bank Friday evening. Then they hid in the bathroom. Once the banking hours were over and everyone was gone, they came out of hiding.

"That's a good idea. Did you get a lot of money?" I asked the villains.

"That... Those crazy bank people kept all their money in the safe locker. We didn't have anything to break it. So... We didn't get any money." The fat villain replied embarrassed.

"Still there is an issue. Today is Monday. What were you doing for the last two days?"

There was silence in the car for a few minutes.

"Those good for nothing bank people locked the bank from outside." Finally, the tall villain explained.


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