062 Wild boar

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The gun was stored safely in the locker.

There was a number lock and a conventional lock on the locker. The locker itself was in chachan's room which was locked. Chachan did this to make sure that the kids wouldn't get access to the gun. But mom had access to all the keys and she knew the combination for the number lock.

"We might get scolded if we do something like this without permission." A part of her liked my proposal. But she was still reluctant.

"Do you need appa's permission for everything?" I asked a question that wasn't easy for our mom to answer.

"I don't need anyone's permission." Mom denied. But she clearly wasn't confident. In truth, she didn't need anyone's permission. But if she has permission, then dad will share the responsibility if something goes wrong. Dad also takes permission from mom whenever he wants to share the responsibility.

"Then what are we waiting for? After all, it's only an air gun." I urged mom.

"Wooff"  Doodu also supported.

"But... They might get angry." Mom was still reluctant.

"Ohh... Then no need. I thought the two of us could have some fun together. We rarely get time together after pri-pri joined us." I pretended to be disappointed.

"Whatever, let's go hunt some rabbits. If they get angry, we will just pretend to be scared." Mom could no longer resist. I don't usually do it. But manipulating mom is pretty easy.

Mom took out the gun and made sure that it was empty. She didn't want to fire it accidentally. Then we set out. Doodu also joined us excitedly.

There was about half a kilometre to the plantation. I walked in front. Doodu doesn't like walking. He would run a bit and then come back. The entire walk was through the plantation. So no one saw us going to hunt.

After walking for some time, we reached our destination. There was a tall fence with wire mesh around the farm. There was a small door on it to enter. We carefully opened it and entered the rabbit farm.

"Doodu, don't scare the animals. We won't be able to catch one if you bark and scare them." Mom warned Doodu.

"Woowwu..." He agreed right away.

"Good boy." Mom was happy with the response.

"Me?" I asked mom.

"Behave or I will kick your ass." I received a different reply from mom.

"..." I always had this feeling that everyone considers me as the problem child in this family. In truth, I haven't caused even half the troubles Anuchi caused.

"Eeww..." The first thing that greeted us was the rotting smell of chicken poop.

"Let's go. This is where chachan feeds the chickens." Mom urged us to move away from the entrance.

Once we moved from the smelly region, we started 'hunting'. In truth, many rabbits and chickens were running around. All that we had to do was to aim and pull the trigger.

My hand was itching to take the gun and shoot. I had a lot of experience with guns in my previous life. Unfortunately, mom had absolutely no plan to let me even touch the gun. She was pretty strict about keeping the gun away from the kids. I and Doodu were kept under strict watch as mom played with the gun.

We spent about an hour and shot at many rabbits and chickens. She was pretty bad at it. She wasted many bullets and not even a single one hit the target. Since it was an air gun, it didn't make the loud noise of a real gun. Instead, it made a dull 'bup' sound.

'Bbupp' She missed another target.

"What are you doing? I have a better aim when I am peeing." I complained.

"It's because of the wind. Also, Doodu's smell is scaring away the game." Mom found excuses.

"Why are you making excuses? Just admit that you are bad at it."

"Shhh... Don't make noise. I think I saw a wild boar."

"This farm is closed on all sides. There is no way a boar would come inside." I denied it right away.

"No. Look outside. It is in that thicket." Mom said as she pointed the gun outside.

"Stop. Don't shoot." I was worried that mom would hurt someone. Handling mom when she is excited is not easy. Appa would simply ignore mom when she is making trouble. As a responsible son, I couldn't do the same.

"It is a boar. Look there. Good. We can have wild meat for dinner." Mom didn't listen to me and got ready to shoot.

"Stop. Killing wild animals is also illegal." I rushed to her. But before I could get to her, she fired.


"Mrroo..."  an angry cry came from the thicket.

"Eeek..." All of us were scared for a moment.

"See... I told you that it's a wild boar." Mom said. But she didn't have any confidence.

"So what? This is an air gun. It can barely kill a rabbit. Now you have shot at a wild boar and angered it." I complained.

"So what? I will do whatever I like. Don't act as if you are my dad." Mom kicked me.

"What if the boar comes to take revenge?" I asked.

"... Let's run then." Mom urged me to run. She carefully removed the bullets and made sure that it is safe before running.

"I think the thicket moved," I said looking back.

"The boar is coming."



We made noise and ran.

In truth, there was no need to run. We had Doodu. Even a tiger might think twice before challenging us. But it was fun running. Also, only I and Doodu were running. Mom was just walking a bit faster.

We laughed a lot and reached home in no time.

It was a fun time.

After an hour, dad and the others returned. Jeemma and Jijo uncle also returned by then. I, Doodu and mom had come to an agreement not to tell anyone about our little adventure. But it didn't stay a secret for long.

"COME OUT YOU HUMAN LEATHER BAG..." A roar came from outside.

The call was clearly aimed at chachan. But we all came out to see the new drama.

There was an old man in our front yard. He was holding a rope and a calf was tied to the other end of the rope.

"WHO SHOT MY CALF??" He was fuming.

Everyone's eyes moved to the calf. There was a small wound on its buttocks. Blood was oozing out from the wound.

"See... I told you not to shoot." I betrayed mom without a second thought.

Everyone's head turned toward mom. She swayed as if she was going to faint.


I got some extra time and decided to write another chapter.

Please give me sincere feedback about the story. I would like to screenshot of it and share it with my friends.

I am from the Kottayam district of Kerala. Last month, I was working in a place named Thrissur. I started teaching some topics there. So, now I have to travel there every weekend.

I like the students there. There were many funny incidents too. I will tell those stories later.


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