61 Gifts

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In the evening, chachan went out with Doodu. According to chachan, there were some dogs and dog owners who needed to see what a real dog would look like.

Doodu was huge. He was loud too. But he wasn't allowed to bark too much at our home. This rule didn't apply when he was with chachan. So Doodu was excited about going out with Chachan. Both of them went around the village and bullied the other dogs.

Doodu's bark scared the hell out of other dogs. Soon, we started getting angry phone calls from villagers. But there was nothing we could do.

Doodu and chachan returned after hours. Both of them looked pretty happy.

After dinner Jijo uncle approached chachan.

"Chacha... I got something for you."

"Huh? Thanks... Put it in the showcase." Chachan didn't show any interest in the gift. He was still acting cold towards Jijo uncle.

Jijo uncle looked at Jeemma helplessly. Jeemma glared at him.

"Chacha, I gotta torch. It is heavy and you can adjust the focus." Jijo opened the gift and showed it to chachan. It was a black torchlight. It looked heavy and it was large.

"Umm..." Chachan finally showed some interest.

Long ago, when there was a threat from wild animals, having a good torch light was a good idea. Although there was no need for such powerful torchlights anymore, the people from the previous generation still loved to have a powerful torch.

Jijo uncle turned it on and pointed it to the hill on the opposite side. It was so powerful that it lit up a part of the hill.

"That's... bright." Chachan was interested. But he was still reluctant to accept the gift.

"If you turn its head like this, then you can adjust the focus and ..."

"Give it." Chachan snatched the torch from Jijo uncle.

He turned the head of the torch and the area the light fell changed.

"This is good." Chachan nodded while playing with the torch.

"Hmm... Chacha, there is a house there."

"I know." Chachan ignored Jijo uncle's warning and continued pointing the torch at a house on the hill opposite to ours.

"Who is it???" An angry roar came from the other hill.

"YOUR DAD... WAKE UP SON... IT'S MORNING ALREADY... HAHAHA..." Chachan replied and laughed.

"Don't make me come there you half-dead walking coffin." The angry voice from the other side didn't hold back from cursing. The wisdom of these old people amazed me. They were on a completely different level when it came to cursing each other.

"Chacha please don't stop doing it." Jijo uncle tried his best to stop chachan.

In the end, Jijo uncle blocked the light with his own body. With no other choice, chachan stopped bothering our neighbours.

"Tch... What are you so worried about? You low-rangers are all such softies." Chachan thinks that calling us low-rangers is insulting to us.

Appa just kept laughing seeing the trouble Jijo uncle was in.

"Don't laugh too much. If he can make this much trouble with my torch, guess what he would do with your gift. Let me see you blocking that with your body." Jijo uncle said with a wicked smile.

"Huh? You got a gift too?" Chachan turned towards appa.

"That... Let's take that out tomorrow." Appa tried to postpone the inevitable.

"No. Good things should not be postponed. Bring it out."

Chachan started nagging.

In the end, appa had no choice but to bring out his gift.

"A gun!!!" Chachan was excited. It was an airgun that looked like a sniper. It looked stylish and it was heavy.

"It's an airgun. It got low power and doesn't need a license." appa explained.

"Wonderful. The torch goes well with the gun. Let's go hunting." Chachan wanted to go hunting right away.

"Hunting is illegal." Appa rejected mercilessly.

"Who said we are going to hunt wild animals? We will just hunt something from our rabbit farm." A while ago, chachan wanted to raise some rabbits. After a few weeks, he lost interest in it. But he couldn't simply admit it. So he made the excuse that he wanted to grow the rabbits 'naturally' to get higher quality meat and left all the rabbits on the plantation after making a good fence around it.

A few months later, he wanted to raise chickens. The story repeated. Now, that small piece of land of an area of about one acre has rabbits and chickens. Once the number of animals increased, he had to give more food to them.

Chachan wanted to hunt them.

"Not now. Please go to sleep. Otherwise, the kids won't sleep." Fortunately, mom came at the right time.

Chachan reluctantly agreed. Mom was his favourite daughter-in-law. So he didn't want to disappoint mom and usually listens to her.

The next morning, we all went to church. After the mass, we visited the grave of our biological grandparents. Appa and Jeema had a lot to talk to them.

They wanted to show their grandkids to them. They wanted to tell their parents how good they are living and the wonderful things they were doing.

I too said a few words to the grandparents I never got to meet.

Chachan had gone to his wife's grave. I went to him. I wanted to thank grandma for taking in appa and Jeemma.

In my previous life, I didn't believe in any of these. But after meeting Priyachi, I believe that our dear people who left the world can still see us. They might be happy to see us having a good life. So taking a few moments out of our life to talk to them is a good deed.

At church, appa had to greet many people. Everyone was talking about the reelection. As a politician, appa had to politely reply to everyone. Many people commented how the little boy had grown up to a fine man.

"Hahaha... I knew that these two would grow up to be wonderful people. That's why I took them in." Chachan wasn't a bit modest and boasted. Although it might sound bad, we were all used to his nature and didn't care. He clearly took in appa and Jeemma because of his love for them.

Later that day, appa, Jijo uncle and chachan went for hunting. They caught two rabbits and a chicken and they were thrilled. We cooked it for lunch.

After lunch, Jeemma and Jijo uncle went to watch a movie. Appa, chachan and all the kids except me went to meet Anuchi's friend. Anuchi's friend from the school was visiting her maternal family in the highrange. The two little girls made a deal to meet each other in high range. Even though it was a childish deal, the adults decided to go forward with it. Chachan and other kids tagged along with them.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there wasn't enough space in the car. So I and amma were left at home.

"Iyamma..." I called mom.

"What is it, baby?"

"Let's go for hunting?"


Hii everyone.

I am really sorry for the delay. I got busy with a lot of stuff and didn't have time to write. I will try to add at least one chapter per day.

The arranged marriage proposals are still happening. Still, nothing finalized.

I shared the novel with the girl's father. (The girl who said that the novel was vulgar.) He liked the novel. Since it became a slight issue, I shared the novel with my family and friends too. Many of them loved it. The remaining had no intention of reading something that is in English.

My father didn't read the novel as it is in English. But he is pretty proud of my work and shared it on facebook.

My job is good. I started teaching. It is fun. I will tell you more about my job next week.

Thanks for reading.

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