032 Birthday

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"My dear little girl, today is amma's birthday. So can you be a good girl and do nothing for one day?" Dad begged Anu. For those who are not familiar, amma means mother in our language.

"Yes," Anu replied happily without even thinking.

"For amma." Dad added.

"For amma." Anu nodded and agreed.

'This is going to be fun.' I told myself. Asking Anu not to cause any disaster was like ordering her to go against all her natural instincts. So dad specifically told her not to do anything at all.

"Doodu, keep an eye on her. If she does anything, you too will be punished." Dad warned Doodu.

'Wou wuuu.'  He complained about something.

I was sure that Anu was going to do something to ruin the day. And then, I would give mom my gift and she will be happy.

As some of you already guessed, I was going to call her 'amma'. My first words.

Well... My first word was 'no'. I said that long ago when I was trying to blackmail Anu to give me the lollipop. But that was unofficial and only Anu knew about it. Looking back, time flies really fast. As a person who lived one life already, I knew how precious these days with my family were. So I hated seeing how fast the time passed.

Anyway, let's return to our topic.

I am going to call her 'amma' in front of everyone. That would make her proud and happy. I might even become her favourite for a few days.

You might find it childish or babyish. Try living as a baby for eight months and you will understand.

We spent the entire day preparing. Dad and aunt prepared a lot for the celebration. Dad took a day off from the election campaign. Mom didn't want him to be distracted. But dad insisted that he needed to be 'recharged'.

As for the election, a large scandal came to light yesterday. It was a scam in which the people who got scammed were actually happy and the scammer became the hero. I will explain that later.

The party started in the evening. There were only 12 guests. Most of them were women and children. The only guy in the group joined dad to handle something in the kitchen. Unexpectedly, Anu didn't make any trouble. This came as surprise for all of us.

The ladies just sat around and talked while children ran around. I was in mom's hand acting cool. Because I had an unexpected guest.


Unexpectedly, Anita's mom came with Anita. I met her multiple times at the church. But I couldn't do anything and she completely ignored me.

I know that I am the person she hates the most in this world. I deserve that. But I have absolutely no plan to repeat the same mistakes from my previous life. Also, I will never let go of her. One way or the other, I will win her.

But there was nothing I could do now. An 11 month old baby trying to woo another tiny baby was cartoon material. It was not for real life. So, I decided to act cute and dumb and create a good impression. Fortunately, she didn't know that I am a regressor. I could use that to my advantage. Regressor is a term used to call those who have returned back in time.

"Anita started calling me 'amma' last month. She is a quick learner. She even walks without support." Anita's mom boasted. She was a really proud mom.

"Alex hasn't said anything. He sits without support. But not yet standing." Mom answered a bit disappointed.

"You don't worry. Some kids just take their time." One lady consoled mom.

I was laughing inside. Because in a few minutes, I will be shocking everyone by calling her 'amma'. I was even more excited and nervous because I would be doing it in front of Anita. With her, the number of girls I had to impress went up to two.

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