A Party, For Me?

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Shadow's POV

I woke up the next morning before Andy did. So I just sat in the chair and looked out the window. "Morning Shadow" I heard Andy say. I turned around in the chair and saw him starting to sit up. "I get to go home today" I said, I was very excited. "We can go whenever" Andy said. "Can we go now" I said. He nodded his head.

We both stood up, I helped him gather the things in the room and we left the hospital finally. Andy got into a car, I'm assuming his own. I got in after him, he started to drive. But instead of going the direction of home we where going another direction, "where are we going" I asked. "I thought that we could get some breakfast before going home" he said.

We pulled up to a diner and Andy got out of the cat, I followed him inside. "A table for 2 please" he said. The waiter had us follow them. We where seated at a tiny table with 2 chairs. I picked something random because I've not had any of this stuff. I didn't pay attention to what Andy got though.

After a while if waiting the food came back. I ate some of it but I figured out that I wasn't that hungry. Yet I would feel bad if I wasted food. I ate as much as I physically could and then just sat there. Once Andy was done he payed and we went back to his car. "Did you like the food" he asked. I nodded my head. "That's good" he said.

We where in the car for a while going back home. Once the house got into view I got very happy. Andy pulled over to the side of the road. "Hey, we're almost there" he said into a phone. Then he continued to the house. He pulled into the driveway and we both got out.

I went to try to help Andy unload the things he brought back, but he didn't let me. I decided to just give up and walked into the house. It was very dark when I opened the door.

I turned on the light and people jumped out of no where "Surprise" they all shouted. I was very confused. I didn't know anyone here besides the guys. I saw Jinxx so I walked over to him. "What's happening" I asked him. "Well, it's your birthday, so we threw a party for you" he said. So people actually celebrate these things, wow. "Can you introduce me to some people here" I asked him. He agreed to.

Somehow Jinxx knew all the people's names. I recognized Gee. That's only because I've met him before, it was great to get to know all these people. They are friends with my family.

After a while everyone got called into the dining room, somehow there was enough space for everyone to fit comfortably in it. I sat down in one of the chairs. Andy walked I holding a cake that had fire on it. I gave him a confused look.

He sat the cake in front of me then everyone started singing. This is weird, do normal people do this? Once they where done singing I was told to blow out the candles and to make a wish. I didn't know what to wish for, so I didn't wish for anything, I just blew the candles out. Everyone celebrated. CC started cutting the cake into slices. He gave one to everyone.

Everyone waited to eat their cake. I took my fork and ate a bite. Everyone then started to eat theirs. This is weird, why did they do all of this. Why did they throw a party for me, I mean yes it is my birthday and all, but it's not that special.

After everyone was done eating we went to the living room. There where a lot of bags and colorful boxes. This is weird. "Present time everyone" Jinxx said. I followed everyone to the middle of the living room where the bags and boxes where. Jinxx handed me one of the boxes "here, open it" he said. The box said 'From Frank, To Shadow' I opened the box and found a mcr shirt. "Thanks" I said.

The same thing happened until there where no more boxes or bags. I got shirts, posters, bracelets, etc. Wow, this is a lot just for me. Everyone hung out for a while, but one by one they had to leave.

They all left so it was just me, Andy, CC, Lonny, Jinxx, and Jake. "We have a few more things for you" Lonny said. "Where" I asked, I was excited, but I also felt bad, all these people spent so much on me. "Go up to your room" he said.

I walked up to my room. On my bed there was two small boxs. I opened the bigger of the two first. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a phone. "Thank you" I said. "You're welcome, oh yeah just to tell you it has all of our numbers on it" Jake said. "Open the other box" CC said. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.

I grabbed the box, it was very light. I opened it and found a key in it. I gave the guys a confused look. They just smiled. "It's in the house" Lonny said. That's the only information I got. I got up off my bed and walked out of my room, I don't know the house that well. I'll just try to open every door to see what ones need a key.

I stared with the upstairs. And found out all the doors are locked. I try the key on all of them but it doesn't work. I go down stairs even though there isn't any door down here. Lonny walked a head of me into the living room. I followed him takeing it as a hint. I looked everywhere and noticed a little wooden lach. It was unlocked, I went down there and saw 6 doors. I tried them, and one of them opened to the key.

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