Search And Movies

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Jake's POV

I ran after Shadow once he ran inside. I know we're not that close, but I'm still here for him. He went down to the studio, once he was down there he went into his own studio room and closed and locked the door.

I knocked on the door, he cracked the door so his voice came through. "Lonny, I'm not in th- Wait, Jake" he said. "Hey, I was making sure you were alright, I saw you run straight inside" I said. "I know I'm not Lonny, or Jinxx, or Andy, but I want you to know I still care about you a lot" I added.

He nodded his head. "Do you think Artie will be alright? " he asked me looking me straight in the eye. "I wouldn't see why he wouldn't be alright. He's very smart, so he knows to not talk to random people. " I said. Shadow nodded his head. "I hope he gets found" he said. "Yeah, me to" I said. "You wanna go watch a movie? " I asked him after a minute. "Yes! " he said. We went back upstairs to watch some movies.

Lonny's POV

I parked outside a random coffeehouse. I had a map in my hands. Okay, so Artie's house is here, I know he wouldn't go twords any major cities, so he probably went East. He went on foot, he's been gone I'll say for maybe a month. So I'll say he's probably around this area.

I need to get him some food for whenever I find him. I go twords the store. I rush inside and go twords the chip isle. I grab a bunch of different types of chips, I'm not sure what kind he likes.

I then go twords the vegetables. I grab some carrots, and some broccoli. There we go, some snacks for Artie. I go and check out and head back to my car.

Road trip time. I put all the snacks in the back seats. Then I go back into the drivers seat. I hear my phone ring so I answer it. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, where are you, we're all about to watch some movies" I heard Jake say. "I'm doing something important right now, maybe another time I'll be able to join you guys" I said and hung up. I then started driving the direction I think Artie went. Hopefully I'm right. I'm taking back roads because that's what Artie would've done. I wonder why he ran away in the first place.

I look at my clock and notice it's 6 in the morning, oh wow. No wonder why I'm so tired. The nearest hotel seems to be just down the street. I pull up to it and go to the place where you check in. "Hey, how much will a room be for like 5 hours? " I ask the person. "$25" they said. They seemed to be in a bad mood. I hand them the money and they gave me the key. I went up to my hotel room, opened the door, and passed out on the bed.

Shadow's POV

I woke up to yet another nightmare. At this point there's no use in sleeping. No, we didn't watch anything scary yesterday, that's not the reason for the nightmare.

I looked over at my clock and noticed it was only 6:26 in the morning. I stared at the ceiling in my room. I then heard someone moving around, good I'm not the only one awake. I got out of my bed and walked out of my room. I went down stairs, but didn't see anyone. They must be getting ready for the day. I know I heard them awake. I sat down on the couch. I apparently was tired, because the next thing I knew I was fast asleep.

Lonny's POV

It's about 11 now, I just woke up and I'm getting out of this place to continue my search. I go to the check in place to return the key. The same person from this morning was there. They once again didn't look happy, but that's a lot of people in America. I went back to my car and drove more. If my calculations are right, he should be somewhere in northern Texas by now. I hope I'm correct.

I looked at my gps and saw I wasn't that far from where I think Artie should be. I started actually keeping a better look out for him. I heard my phone go off. I picked it up, "Hello?" I said. "Hey man, where are you, we've not heard from you in like a day" I heard Andy say. "I told Jake that I would be out for a little while, I have some things I need to do" I told him. "Okay, just checking in, just stay safe" Andy said. "Don't worry I will, talk to you later" I said. "See ya" he said. I hung up the phone. As soon as I hung up I saw a small figure in the distance. They where on the side of the road just sitting. As I got closer I could tell it was Artie, finally he was found.

Shadow's POV

I woke up in my bed again, weird, I knew I fell asleep on the couch, how did I end up here? I looked at the time and it was 3 pm. Wow, I must've been really tired. I went down the stairs and I heard Andy on the phone. "See ya" Is all I heard. I finished going down the stairs. "Good morning Shadow" Andy said turning twords me. "Morning" I said.

I looked at the living room and only saw Jake. "Where are the other three" I asked no one in particular. "I think Jinxx and CC are still asleep, either that or their just chilling in their rooms" Jake said. I nodded my head. "What about Lonny? " I asked. "He had something he needed to do, before you ask, none of us know exactly what" Andy said. I nodded my head. I wonder what he's doing. 

I looked at them both "Witch one of you two carried me to my room? " I asked. One of them had to carry me, because I fell asleep on the couch. "That would be Andy, I watched him try to drag you upstairs, it was hilarious" Jake said. I smiled and shook my head. That's an Andy thing to do, he probably did it in the weirdest way you physically can.

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