Long Day

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Shadow's POV

The tour has been great so far, my arm is starting to feel much better, my leg is also feeling a lot better. I feel like the guys are hideing something from me. They go into the back room a lot. I've also noticed that Jake and Jinxx have been keeping a close eye on me. I wonder if they're starting to hate me now, they notice how problematic I am.

This chair is also starting to get a lot less comfortable. We only have a week of tour left. Today is an off day, witch I'm so happy about. We get to go and sleep in a proper bed. I felt the bus stop, I stood up to get off, but of course. "Shadow, what are you doing? You know you can get hurt that way" I heard Jake say. He walked up to me and helped me, even though I didn't need help. "Okay, where are we going for lunch? " Jinxx asked. "I saw some type of place just a little bit away" Lonny said.

We started walking to the place Lonny was talking about. It was an Italian restaurant. "Hello, a table for 6 please" Andy said once we got into the place. The person lead us to a table. We got our menus, I just got a water and a slice of pizza. I wasn't that hungry. When the food got to the table I just stared at it, how can I act like I eat this.

Lonny's POV

I got bored from being inside, so I told everyone that I'll be right back. I'm now outside in the freezing cold. I have my hands in my pocket but they are still freezing. But I continue to walk down the side walk, I didn't bring that much layers, because it's the middle of summer, somehow it's cold, every other night on tour it's been warm at night.

This place seems creepy at night, after I made that one turn a while back the road has been pitch black, my eyes have adjusted, there's people in allies I can see. I start to walk faster, the farther I go down this road the spookier it gets, but the hotel that we got is just past this road. "Hey, what are you doing in our territory" I heard someone say from behind me. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know this place was yours, I'll leave as soon as possible" I said. "You think you'll get away from us that easily, one eye get him" the person said.

I started to run but I wasn't fast enough, I felt arms wrap around me and a hand over my mouth and I started to get pulled away. I tryed to pull away from them but they just held on tighter. "Stop fighting" the person said. I didn't listen, I wanted to get out, and get back to the guys. "Just knock him out" one of the people say, next thing I know everything turns black.


The food at this place is good. "So, Shadow, how do you like the food? " I heard Jake ask Shadow. I looked over at them, only because that was the only conversation happening at the moment. "It tastes good" I heard him say. I noticed that his food hasn't been touched. I could tell Jake noticed that also, Jake looked at Jinxx.

I was sitting on the other side of the table, Andy was next to Jinxx who was next to Shadow and Lonny was out on a walk. Witch means that Andy can't see the same thing I can see. "I'll be right back guys" I said, I looked at Andy, telling him to come with me, he got the hint. "Now that you mention it, I also have to go to the bathroom" he said making it seem normal.

We got into the bathroom, "I wanted to tell you because it's important for you to hear, Shadow hasn't been eating recently. " I told him. I saw him think for a minute, then he looked shocked. "How didn't we see this earlier. " he said looking down. "I'm such a bad father" he said, "no you're not, you just didn't see it." I said. "Come on let's go back to the hotel" He said. I nodded my head. We walk back to the table and everyone looks done with there food. The check was on the table, I put my card on top of it, I was going to pay. The waiter took the card and came back. "Have a good night" they said. "You to" I said.

We then walked out, there was two ways back to the hotel, we'll go the way the lights are on, I don't trust the other side. I lead everyone back to the hotel. Time to find our room, it should be on the 3rd floor. We walk to the elevator and of course it's broken, so we go to the stairs. I get to share a room with Lonny, he said he will meet us here. I open the door to our room and find it empty, weird, I thought he would be here by now, he might of gotten distracted though, It's not that hard. I sat down on my bed.

It's been about an hour and Lonny's still not here. I grabbed my phone and clicked on his contact. 'Hey dude where are you' I texted him. I'll give him a few minutes, if he doesn't answer I'll call him.

It's been 15 minutes since I last texted Lonny, I clicked the call button. It went straight to voicemail, that's not normal. This is starting to get me very worried. I wonder if Andy is awake, no not Andy he's going through a lot, maybe Jake, no he'll try and murder someone, we don't need someone getting murdered in our life. Okay, Jinxx it is! I'll text him, 'hey you awake?' Is what I said. 'Yeah, what's up?' He said almost immediately. 'Can you come to my room, I need to talk to you' I said. After a few seconds I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Jinxx. "Come in" I told him letting him into the room. "What's up dude? " he asked. "Lonny hasn't came here yet, I think something happened, I'm worried about him" I told him. "Shit" he said out loud, I think he was going to think it but said it instead.

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