New Location

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Jake's POV

Jinxx is probably still in the forest, witch I know he's close by, I really hope he stays safe, I also hope Andy and CC also stay safe, I don't want any of them also being caught. I heard someone walk into the basement, ugh what do they want now. "Hi Jake, long time no see" they said. What are they talking about, "so I know you know Jinxx quite well, so where is he hiding" they asked. I just stared at them, "oh wait you can't talk with that rag over your mouth, here" he said walking twords me, he took off the rag, "who are you, you're acting like we're friends" I said to them. "It doesn't matter who I am, all you need to know is I'm one the the higher powers here, so you better answer my question" they said.

I'm not going to actually tell them where my brother is. "Okay fine, he went twords the park in the middle of town, that's all I know" I lied. That'll throw them off for a while. "See that wasn't that hard, if only your other 3 friends we're like you" they said. What do they mean 3? They put the rag back over my mouth. Then they walked away and out of the room. I continued my plan to get out, I've been slowly getting one of my hands out of this chain, if I have one out I can easily get completely out of this place.

If I remember correctly they only check on me every once in a while, so I should be good. I shake my hand free from the chain, the person who did the chain luckily didn't do the good of a job. I easily undid the other hand, slide out of the one around my chest then undid the ankle ones, I then untied the rag. I quickly ran into the shadow of the room. Dang my wrists hurt, even though the chain wasn't on that tight.

I'm like 90% sure there is someone guarding the door upstairs, I feel around in the shadow and feel something, it's cloth of some sort. I pick it up and go twords the light so I can see what it is. I see it's an outfit the people here wear, I quickly throw it on. Perfect, I must have decent luck today. I walk up the stairs and walk out of the basement, as I guessed there was someone standing right by the door. I walked right passed them.

I walked out of the front door and notice there are just cabins. I also notice two people being dragged to two different cabins. I looked around and saw people in the suits everywhere. I need to be careful, just act the way they all act, and don't be suspicious.

I confintly walk out to the open. "Hey you!" Someone said, I look at them, "yes?" I asked them making myself sound different. "We need you in this group, we're going to find Shadow, we have all the distractions out of the way" they said. "Yes, of course, it would be an honor" I said. I walked over to the group, I'll just lead them all off track. I'm sorry Lonny, I'll come back later for you. We walked for a little bit until we got to cars. I got into one of them. "Where are we going to look first" I asked. "The hotel, one of the people we captured said he was there" they said.


Dang, my wrists hurt like hell right now, the person who did it, did it way to tight. I really hope the Jinxx or Andy find me and help me, I then heard someone come down the stairs. I didn't know who they where, but they weren't wearing one of the outfits. "You must be CC, I'm Ricky, that's all you need to know right now, come on, we have to go fast of we want to get out of here" he said very fast while Untieing me.

As soon as he untied me I heard the door to the basement open, "shit" Ricky mumbled to himself. "Oh, what's this that's going on here?" A person asked as soon as they got down here. Fuck, as soon as I thought I would get out of this place, I watched as the person reached in their back pocket to grab something, "I suggest you sit back down in the seat Cristian" they said while pulling a gun out from behind them.

They pointed at me then the chair. I sat down in the chair, "who's your little friend?" They asked me. "I really don't know man, this is my first time meeting him" I told them, "and how can I trust you, all of you guys have been lieing to me, I just sent a patrol out to see if someone else was telling the truth, they called me and said that person was lieing, the person who said that somehow ecaped, so I will be keeping a better eye on the rest of you" they said.

Who got away? "Now, I'm going to deal with your friend, if I come back and you're gone not only you will regret it, but all of your friends will" they said. "You, come on" they said pointing the gun at Ricky, he obeyed and left with the person. If they didn't say anything, I would be out of here by now. But I don't want to risk anyone getting hurt. I really hope that person Ricky will be okay, this was my first time meeting him, but he seems very nice.

After waiting a while the person came back, I don't know why but their voice sounds familiar. "Good to see you're still here, also good thing you're not tied up, it saves me one step, now come on" they said. "Where are you going to take me" I asked. "No questions, either cooperate, or we can do this the hard way" they said. I followed them, I didn't want to cause any trouble, if my friends where not in danger then hell yeah I would cause a bunch of trouble. They walked me to a car, I got into the back seat, the car started moving, when it was moving I noticed they where doing the same thing to someone else, wait, is that Andy. Dang, I didn't think he would get caught.

They drove for a while, at some point the car stopped, we where in front of a house. 5 more cars pull up behind us. They pulled me out of the car and walked me in to the house. It looked like a nice place. There was a secret book shelf, I only know that because they opened it and took us down the stairs on the other side. Once we got down there, there was a big jail cell looking thing. "Here's your new home" they said and pushed me into the cell. After a while Andy, Jinxx, Ricky, and one other person where pushed into the cell. Where's Lonny and Jake. I noticed that there was soundproofing all around the room, that was smart.

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