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Shadow's POV

I woke up still in the dining room, I must've fallen asleep, my arm hurt a lot so I moved to a sitting up position. I always forget that I broke bones, I always sleep on my right arm, and that's the one I broke. I look out the window and just see a bunch of farm land. I wonder where we are, there are a lot of places with just farm land.

I then hear someone walk down the stairs, "morning Shadow, how'd you sleep? " I heard CC say from behind me. "Morning CC, I slept alright, you? " I asked "eeh, I'd rather sleep in my own bed" he said rubbing his eyes. "You want anything to eat? " CC asked. "No thanks, I just had something right before you came down" I lied. "You know you're not allowed to get up without help, you little rebel" he said. "I know, but staying in one spot is boring" I said. He smiled and shook his head. "You're just like your-" he cut himself off. "I'm just like who? " I asked. "No one" he said. "Okay" I said, I know he was going to say someone, but who. I just said okay because I don't feel like fighting for the answer right now.

Everyone started to wake up one by one.

Jake's POV

We're back on tour, I'm excited to see all the fans again. We have to start all the way in Indiana, we missed some of the tour because we didn't want to leave Shadow alone. Tomorrow is our first show in this tour, well actually second, I can't forget the one in California. I sit down at one of the tables in the kitchen, this is where shadow decided to be, so we come in here to keep him company. He's changed so much since we first met him.

I was talking to everyone and having fun when I felt my phone vibrate next to me. "I have to take this, I'll be right back" I said. I walked into the back room and answered the phone. "Hello?' I said answering the phone, "Hello, you must be Jake, I couldn't reach Shadow Biersack's parents and you were the next number to call. We've noticed that Shadow has been missing a lot of school. He will need to come back into school soon" the person said. "Hi, Shadow won't be going back to that school ever again"I told them. I hung up the phone after that.

I walked back into the kitchen where everyone was. "Everything alright? " Jinxx whispered to me. "Yeah, the school was calling" I whispered back to him. He nodded his head, his phone then rang and he walked to the back room to answer it. The same thing happened two more time, but with CC and Lonny. They all said it was the school calling. I thought that only one person saying he's not going back was enough, but apparently not.

I felt my phone vibrate again. Most likely the school again. I walk into the back room, I swear if it's the school again. "Hello? " I said answering the phone. "Hey Jake" I heard the person say, thank god it's not the school. "Oh hey Kai, it's been a minute, how are you doing? " I asked him. "I've been doing okay, but right now isn't a good time to try and catch up, I was wondering if you've seen Artie? " he asked. "Umm, no, we're all the way in Illinois, Why? " I asked. "He's missing, there where cops everywhere and now he's missing" Kai said starting to panic. "Don't worry, he'll most likely be found at some point, go and get something to eat, drink some water and rest, everything will be okay" I said. "Okay, I will do that, bye" he said hanging up the phone. When someone's going through something like that you can't promise anything, because you don't know if you can keep that promise.

I went back to the kitchen, everyone was having some type of conversation, for now I'll keep it to myself. "Hey Jake, welcome back" Lonny said while cooking something. "What are you making? " I asked, "some spaghetti" he said. He started putting the food onto the plates. I walked over to help him, I gave everyone a plate and sat diagonal from Shadow. "So what have you done today? " I asked him. "I sat here and talked" he said. He was just stareing at his food twirling his fork in it. "Do you not like it? " I asked him. "Hmm? Oh no, I love it" he said forcing a smile.

While I was eating my food I was seeing if he ate any of his out of the corner of my eye. I see him move the food around to make it look like he ate it. I'm not going to say anything about it quite yet, I might mention it to Jinxx though. I make eye contact with Jinxx and motion for him to come with me. He follows me into the back room. "What's up? " he asked. "First I want to tell you about the call earlier, it was about Artie, he went missing" I said. "Oh no, that's not good, I really hope he gets found. " he said. "Second of all, when was the last time you saw Shadow eat something? " I asked him. "Umm, I gave him a sandwich in the hospital, he never... " he said getting lost in thought. "I think I've only seen him actually eat something once, since he got here" he said after a few minutes. He was shocked, I could tell by his expression. "Holy shit, he's not eaten anything since he first arrived, that was months ago" he said a little louder.

I'm glad someone noticed. We got Shadow in February, February 12th to be exact. Today is May 19th. This is a big problem, that's about 3 months with no/barley little food. I know I should tell Andy, but he's already got a lot on his plate.

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