Secret Room

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Jinxx's POV

Thank God, it's just Spencer, he walked right next to me "so, what's the plan" he whispered to me. "Umm, I was thinking sneaking into the cabins and help the two out" I whispered back. "Any weapons or anything?" He whispered. "I don't have any" I whispered back, he motioned for my to follow him. So I did follow him, we where going the way I came from.

Jake's POV

I woke up and my head was hurting a lot, I looked around, this is what Jinxx was trying to warn us about, I was chained to a chair, what is the best way I can get out of this situation. Also where is Lonny, he should be close. There was a rag wrapped around my mouth so I couldn't talk, there wasn't a person in sight. Shit they really have me in a tricky situation, my ankles where also chained to the chair. I guess they're actually somewhat smart.

I heard a door open and close, I then heard someone walking down the stairs, once they got down here I could see there figure, but couldn't reconize them, they where wearing all black with a black mask over there whole face. They looked at me, "oh look who we have" the person said. Weird, I reconize their voice, but from where. "Not so strong now are you, nor are your friends, soon enough we will have all of you guys" they said. I glared at them "oh, what's that, sorry I can't hear you" they said.

Who is this person and what do they want. "You're probably wondering why you're here, well I guess I'll tell you, you and your friends have stolen something from us, and you guys are making it really hard to get it back" they said. What are they talking about. "So you better start telling me where he is, I'll take off the cloth so you can tell me where he is" they said.

They walked over to me and untied to cloth, "I don't know what you're talking abo-" I said. "Bullshit" they said interrupting me. "If I did know what you were talking about, I wouldn't tell you anyway" I told them. "If you don't tell me, you will regret it, you will suffer and all your friends will suffer" they said. Why am I the one in this situation, I don't want to see any of my friends hurt, either way someone will get hurt, maybe if I lie to them. "Okay, fine, I'll tell you where I last saw him, we dropped him off at the hotel and left him there while we went to find Lonny" I lied. "Good, someone's actually corporating. " they said, they walked back over to me and put the cloth back over my mouth. Come on Jinxx, please help me.

Andy's POV

As soon as Jinxx told us to hide I ran, I went to Spencer's house, he was watching Shadow, and I want to protect my son. I got to Spencer's house and knocked on the door. I waited a few minutes but there was no response. I then heard two pairs of feet running in my direction.

I turned around and saw Spencer and Jinxx running twords me. "Oh hi Andy" Spencer said out of breath. "What happened" I asked them. "He found where their keeping Jake and Lonny, I asked him the plan, he didn't have one, so we ran here to get weapons and get your friends back" Spencer said. Everytime Spencer said 'he' he tilted his head twords Jinxx to indicate the 'he' was Jinxx. "Okay, count me in" I said. "So you don't think this is stupid" Jinxx asked. "Of course it's stupid, that's why you two aren't doing it alone, also where is Shadow" I asked them.

Spencer was about to respond but Jinxx beat him to it. "I'm not saying that out loud, just in case someone can hear us, but don't worry he's safe" Jinxx said quickly, we rushed into Spencer's house, "so where do you keep weapons in this place" Jinxx asked Spencer. Spencer motioned us to follow him, we walked up to a bookcase, "before you see anything, you need to promise you won't mention this to anyone, got it" Spencer said. "Got it, we promise" me and Jinxx said at the same time. "Good" Spencer said, he pulled a book that I've never seen before, it looks like it's still being worked on, it didn't go all the way off the shelf, the shelf then slid upward, interesting, I've never seen something like that before.

There was an elevator inside. We all filed into the elevator, Spencer typed in a code, and the book shelf closed, he typed something else in and the elevator closed, he then typed in another thing, the elevator started moving downwards. He did a similar process when we got to the bottom.

When the door opened we where met with a huge room, lit by red lights, the walls where black, he started walking somewhere so I followed him, Jinxx also followed. We walked into another room, and the walls where filled with a bunch of weapons. "Choose whatever one you want" Spencer said, "I just don't recommend a gun" he said after a moment. He walked up to the wall and grabbed a hatchet, me and Jinxx just grabbed random knifes. "Okay, we ready" Jinxx said. "Of course I'm ready, you ready Andy" Spencer said. "Yeah" I simply said.

We started walking when Spencer remembered something, "I'll be right back, just stay here and don't touch anything" he said.

He ran back into the weapon room. "Why do you think he has all of this" I asked Jinxx, "protection, maybe for videos" Jinxx said. "For videos you usually use fake weapons" I told him, "true, then for protection, he's a lead singer in a popular band" he said. "That's fair, even though I wouldn't have something like this" I said. Spencer came back with a bag, "okay I think we're ready to go" Spencer said. "What's in the bag" I said pointing at the bag, "Jake and Lonny need weapons, you think we will stop being hunted once we release them, pfft no" Spencer said. "Okay, I don't know how well Lonny will do with a weapon, but I guess we'll find out" I said.

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