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Lonny's POV

The meet and greet was amazing, now it was time to get ready for the show. I went into the dressing room and put on a black jacket with a black tee shirt under it. I then went to the mirror and worked on my war paint, it was simple. I walked out and I was the first one fully ready, I sat down in a small lounge room and scrolled through social media websites while waiting for the other 4 to be done.

Everyone walked out of their changing rooms, besides Andy. We went on in 15 minutes, hopefully he'll be ready by then.

We waited 10 minutes then Andy finally came out. He looked so emotionally drained, I don't blame him though. The past couple of day have been especially rough on him. We all got ready to run onto the stage. I heard the music start to play, indicating it was the start of the show.

(I've sadly never been to a BVB show, or any shows, so I have no clue what they are like)

The show was great, it seemed like Andy forgot about what happened the past few days when he was on the stage. We ran off the stage and our tour manager walked up to me. "Someone just called and said that you guys can go see him now" he said. I knew Andy heard that because he ran to CC's car, we all raced after him.

The traffic on the way there sucked. It was 11 at night, but there was still a bunch of traffic. The venue was only 15 minutes from the hospital but it took us almost 2 hours to get there.

Once we got there Andy ran up to the reception desk. "I'm here to see Shadow" he said out of breath from running. "Let me see...Shadow... Looks like he's in recovery, that's in room, 307" the person said looking through their computer. Andy then ran to the stairs and disappeared.

Andy's POV

I ran up a total of 4 flights of stairs to get to the 3rd floor. I looked at the room numbers and after looking for a few minutes I found it. Room 307. I've been looking forward to this all day. I opened the door and walked into the room. I hate hospitals so much. Shadows room was all white and had no windows at all. It had a small bed tucked in a corner and a very small bathroom next to it. I grabbed one of the chairs near by and put it right next to Shadows bed.

His face was brused up and he had a lot of bandages on him. He had a broken ankle, I could tell because the cast, it makes me so sad to see him like this. I'm happy that he's alive though. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. The first time I did a was a total reck.

I don't want to fall into that state again. "Shadow, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can I just want you to know I love you my son" I said. "I really don't want to loose you" I said begining to tear up again. Today's tour day was very hard to do. But at the same time the fans made me feel a little better. I might need to take off tour until I know Shadow is okay, but at the same time I might need this tour in my life. But Shadow might wake up and think I left him, I need to be here for him.

Shadows POV

I woke up but I didn't really wake up. I could hear someone in here. I tryed to speak but it seems like my mouth wasn't working. I tryed to open my eyes so I could see what was happening but they wouldn't open, like they where glued shut. All I could hear was someone crying, who though. "Shadow, please wake up for me, it's been 4 weeks and I miss you so much" I heard the person say, they where crying. Andy is in the room. I want to wake up, but I can't. What even happened before I got in this state.

I started to feel a sharp pain in my chest area, my back, and  my ankle. Ow that really hurts. I then felt the pain in my arm. I need to tell Andy I'm here, and I'm alright. I just need to focus on one single small part at a time. I put all my focus into moving just my thumb. After trying quite a few time I managed to move it a little. I still couldn't open my eyes though, or speak.

Maybe if I move my thumb enough Andy hopefully will see it. After just moving my thumb for a while Andy finally noticed it. "Shadow?!? " he said. "Thank god you're okay, the doctors said you most likely wouldn't survive" he said crying. It made me smile because he worried about me. Well not actually smile, because I couldn't move my mouth yet. I was still somewhat unconscious. I tryed to open my eyes so many times, I just want to get up and give Andy the biggest hug. But I couldn't.

The pain got worse and worse as I just layed here. I can't say anything so no one knows I'm in this much pain. I felt arms wrap around me. It hurt but I also liked the hug. I need to try and wake up. I focused as much as I physically could, and finally I opened my eyes just to close them again, Dang it was bright in here.

I saw Andy sitting in a chair next to my bed, he was fast asleep now,his face was all red. My foot was in a cast, and there where bandages all over me. My arm also had a cast on it. Wow, looks like I hit the ground pretty hard to break this many bones. A doctor then walked in. "Finally you're awake, you where takeing up so much space in this hospital." The doctor said. Andy woke up from that.

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