You Don't Talk To My Son In That Way

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Andy's POV

I fell asleep in shadows room and woke up from somebody saying "Finally you're awake, you where takeing up so much space in this hospital." I opened my eyes. "Excuse me, you don't speak to my son like that" I said. "And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot say" the doctor said.

I just smiled at him, he doesn't know who he's talking to. "Can we take this into the hallway please" I asked him. "Sure, why not" he said back. By nobody talks to my son like that, I mean it. "Who do you think you are talking to MY son like that" I said. "Doesn't matter, I was telling the truth, what are you gonna do? Lightly punch me or something, just look at you pretty boy, you have 0 muscle" he said, he made a big mistake talking to me like that.

I'm really trying to hold back on fighting this dude. If I fought him, he would be the patient in this place. "Leave, and never speak to me or my son again" I said. I'm trying to get better and not yell or fight this person. "And why should I listen to you pretty boy" he said. "You know what, fuck it, meet me in the ally way behind the hospital in 5" I said.

He just rolled his eyes "fine, see ya there" he said. I text Jinxx 'I have something to take care of, Shadow just woke up, please sit with him so he's not alone' I said through the text. 'Kk' he said back. I put my phone in Shadows room and walked downstairs, on the way down I saw Jinxx coming up. He gave me a worried look, he must have noticed I was pissed.

I continued to go though. I walked outside the building and walked to the back. Let's see if this guy is a coward or not. I got to the ally and he wasn't there yet. He has 2 more minutes to get here. I really do hope he comes. The way he talked to my son, he makes me more mad then when someone comes to our shows and just says hateful things the whole time. Witch might I say is quite bad for him.

I leaned against a wall behind me watching to see if he will really come. I hear footsteps getting close to me, then I see him. "Nice to see your not a coward" I said. "What do you want pretty boy" he said. "You said I was weak, so I'm here to prove you wrong. " I said. "So this is all about me calling you weak" he asked. "No, not at all, this is about the way you talked to my son" I said.

You can easily assume how this ended up

Jinxx's POV

Why did Andy look so pissed. Did someone hurt Shadow, oh I hope not, he's already hurt enough. I walked into his room and my heart broke. Just seeing him like this is so sad. "Hey Shadow" I said gently. "Hi, Jinxx" he said. His voice sounded so hoarse. "How are you feeling? " I asked him. "Terrible, everything hurts like hell" he said. "I'm sorry to hear that, I'll go grab a doctor" I said rushing out of the room.

A doctor walked by, "hey, do you have anything to ease pain with" I asked the doctor. "Yes we do, I'll go grab something" they said and walked the other direction. A few minutes later they came back with a bottle of pills "here you go" they said handing me the bottle. "Thank you so much" I said and rushed back into the room. I read the bottle and it looked like he should only have 2. I took 2 of the pills out and grabbed a cup of water and helped him eat the pills.

I wonder how Andy is doing. I grabbed my phone and text him 'hey, how are you doing, you seemed mad when you left' I said over the text. I heard the ding go off in the room, of course he left his phone here.

I then decided to text Jake 'hey, can you go find Andy, he was mad when he left the building, and he left his phone here' I said over the text. 'Yep, sure will' he text back. "Hey, just wondering, do you know why Andy left so mad" I asked Shadow. "A doctor told me I was just takeing up space" he said.

It wasn't a good idea to have Jake go then. That doctor is as good as dead.  I grabbed my phone again. 'CC, can you and Lonny please make sure Jake and Andy aren't going to murder somebody' I asked CC over text 'why would they do that' he asked back 'doctor said Shadow was just takeing up space here' I said back 'yep, we're going right now' he replied. Let's just hope that guy isn't already dead.

I've seen Andy when people try and ruin tours for others, he gets pretty mad. But someone saying that to Shadow, his own son, things won't go well for that someone.

I looked up from my phone and Shadow was fast asleep. That's good, he needs sleep to heal correctly. He needs food and something to drink. He's not ate for a while. I know there is food somewhere in this place. "I'll be right back Shadow" I told him. I walked out of his room and went to try and find the cafeteria in this place. I walked down the stairs, then I looked around. I saw a sign that said cafeteria. Well that was easy. I walked in and went to see what they had. Looks like the best thing here might just be the Mac and cheese. I grabbed a plate of it and grabbed some apple juice. I walked back to Shadows room and set the food next to him.

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