The Escape

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Andy's POV

Thoughs people knocked me out, I just woke up and my head hurts like crazy. I open my eyes and immediately notice I'm somewhere else. I look around and see Jinxx asleep, CC is just laying on the ground, he's awake though. That one Spencer guy was here, he was just sitting looking at a wall. And one other guy I don't know at all was also here knocked out.

Where is Jake and Lonny. "Look at you guys, finally starting to awaken. Good morning" Someone said. I sat up to see who it was. They weren't wearing their normal mask. I could clearly tell it was Ashley "What do you want" I asked him. "What? I just wanted to check on my old friends, you know, see how they're doing. Am I not allowed to do that? " he asked, he made himself look hurt. "Fuck off" I said. He then turned to CC. "Oh Christian, it's been so long" he said. "There's a reason it's been so long, and don't even act like we're friends, because we most definitely aren't" CC said.

He rolled his eyes then turned to Jinxx. "Good morning old friend, did you sleep well" he said. Jinxx looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "Get the fuck away from us" Jinxx said. "Wow, why are all my old friends so rude to me, I didn't do anything to you guys. " he said. "Bullshit" Jinxx said.

I looked around the room and saw it was only him and one other guard, this shouldn't be that hard. "What are you talking about, I would never do anything to my dear old friends" he said.

I watched as the guard kept getting closer. The guard had a metal baseball bat. "Where's my other best friend, me and him we're very close friends" he said. "We're not friends, we where never friends. Fuck off" the guard said hitting him very hard with the baseball bat. I watched as he spun around a few time and then passed out. The guard walked up to the door and unlocked it. We all ran out. I noticed Spencer running out with someone I don't know. Me, CC, and Jinxx all ran out at the same time.

The guard was following. The guard motioned for all of us to follow him. So of course we did. We ran until we got to a hotel. We went to the elevator and went up to a hotel room. The guard was the first one into the room, then we all followed. Luckily the room was a decent size. The guard took off their mask.

It was Jake. I walked up to him and hugged him. "Thanks man, for saving us. " I told him. "Of course, I didn't want my brothers there forever, oh yeah..." He said, He then grabbed a bag he had somewhere under his suit, and then he opened it. "Here's everything the people took for you guys" He said.

He then looked around looking confused. He walked to one of the beds and picked up something. Looks like a peice of paper. "What's that?" I asked him, everyone else was distracted getting all of there things out of the bag. "Oh this, it's nothing" Jake said as he folded up the paper and stuffed it into his pocket. "I have to get going somewhere, if someone comes, Spencer knows how to fight quite well" Jake said halfway running out of the room. The guys looked at me for answers. I shrugged my shoulders.

Lonny's POV

I should be getting close to Joe's house. I left a note for Jake when he got back from whatever he was doing. I know he told me not to leave but I had to, it's for Shadow. Shadow is more important then staying safe. I walked up to a house, I think it's the right one, I knocked on the door. "One second" I heard someone yell from inside.

I really hope Shadow will be alright. Someone opened the door. "Hi, I'm Lonny" I told him. "Okay great, come right in" Joe said opening the door more. "Where is he? " I asked Joe. "He's in the bathroom, I'll just show you" he said walking somewhere, I followed him. I saw Shadow laying on the floor in curled up in a ball. I sat next to him, the best thing to do is just sit with him until he wakes up.

After waiting a while I saw him move, he then sat up and looked around. He saw me and scooted twords me. He hugged me and curled up in my lap. "Hey Shadow, how are you feeling" I asked him gently. "I'm sorry Lonny for troubleing you" he said. "Hey, you weren't troubleing me at all, I'll gladly drop anything for my little brother" I told him. "Really? " he asked " of course " I told him.

He smiled and sat up. "Here, let's get up, have you eaten anything yet? " I asked him. "Yeah, I just had dinner with Joe" he said. I helped Shadow off the ground. We walked to the couch together, I sat him down and then sat down next to him.

Joe walked into the room and looked at me, he gave me a look witch I knew he was asking if Shadow was doing better. I nodded me head. "Oh hey Joe" I said, I said that so Shadow wouldn't be alerted by him. "Hey" he said, he walked into the room and also sat on the couch. "Joe, I'm so so so sorry" Shadow said. "For what? You didn't do anything wrong" Joe said. "Well I've been taking up your time" Shadow said. "You've not taken up my time at all, I've enjoyed haveing you over" Joe said.

Shadow nodded, I could tell he didn't believe a single word Joe said. There was a knock on the door, I saw how Shadow flinched. "I'll be right back" Joe said getting up from the couch and going to the door. "Oh hey Jake, what are you doing here? " Joe asked. Shadow looked a lot more calm now that he knows who's at the door. "Lonny came here, I am making sure he's safe. Also came to check on Shadow" Jake said. "Come in" Joe said.

I watched as Jake came through the door, he looked around and saw me. He ran over. "Hey Jake" Shadow said. "Thank god that you're alright, I've been so worried about you" Jake said. "It looks like you to are all better, dose this mean we can go home? " Shadow asked. "Hopefully, we'll have to ask that to Andy" Jake said. "Speaking of witch" Jake said pulling out his phone. He stepped out of the room, I'm guessing Andy or someone called him.

He came back after a few minutes. "Looks like Andy actually wants to go now. " Jake said when he came back into the room. "Oh that's good, I'm ready to sleep in my actual bed" I said.

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