Where The Tracks Lead

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Jinxx's POV

I start walking down the road following the tire tracks, when I get a call from andy, "hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey, did you find anything yet? Me and Jake haven't, I'm going to call CC after you. " he said. "No, I haven't found anything yet" I lied, I don't want a chance of anyone else getting hurt. "Okay, I'll see if CC has, talk to you later" he said. "Yep see ya" I said. He hung up the phone and I put my phone back into my pocket. I was heading right to a forest, I mean that makes since, taking someone into a forest because the forest is big and hard to find people in. The tire tracks ended by a big Tree, it looks like if there were a car there then it would be well hidden. I look around for any indecation to where they would've taken him.

I was looking but then I heard a car coming close, I ran and hid in a big bush. I heard someone get out of the car sounds like they where on the phone. "Yeah, the plan is all set... No I don't think they would... Who would watch him?" I heard him say over the phone, are they talking about Lonny? "Yes I know, don't worry the other 4 are looking for him... Yeah it would be a good time" he said.

A good time for what. "You know what why not, they seem to be in a good spot... What do you mean you lost track of one of them! " he started to yell. They're definitely talking about us, it's to risky for me to grab my phone, but I need to warn the others. I slowly and carefully grabbed my phone and clicked on our group chat. 'Guys, you need to get out of there, someone's planning on taking you guys like they did Lonny' I said to them. 'I think Jinxx is right, I've seen people following me for a little bit, I'll get out, I don't know about you two though' Jake said. 'Yes, I'll gladly get off this road, I didn't like it from the start' Andy said. 'I'm not going anywhere unless I find Lonny' CC said.

Of course, stubborn as always. I was thinking of something to say back to him when Jake texted in the chat, 'If you want your friends back you'll have to give us what you stole' it said, no they did not just take Jake, first Lonny and now Jake, this has gone to far. I heard another car pull up and I watched them this time. "Oh good, you got another one, one less that will be in our way" one of the people said. "Do you want him with the other?" The other of the two people said. "Pfft, no, they will plan, go put him in one of the other cabins, you know the one," the first of the two guys said. I saw the second guy grab Jake out of their car and start dragging him into the forest, Jake was completely passed out.

I looked down at my phone, CC and Andy where talking like crazy in it, their also very worried. I took a picture of what I saw and sent it to them, 'Holy shit Jinxx, what are you doing?!' Andy said, 'I'm about to find our brothers' I said back. I now know what way they're keeping the others, 'guys just go somewhere safe, don't say where over text though' I told the two guys. To play it smart I deleted the picture I sent them, they know where I am but if someone gets there phone they won't.

I saw as the two guys came back and got into there cars, they drove off and as soon as I couldn't see there cars anymore I ran into the forest. I went the direction they took Jake as I got farther into the forest I started hearing people, I went into yet another bush. I saw 5 cabins here, interesting, I saw that they all had signs on them, I looked at the one closest to me and it said 'CC' on it. So they've been planning this for a while. There was one cabin that was a lot larger then the others, I wonder who that's for, I might be able to get a little closer, I slowly and carefully walked behind the houses until I could see the sign, the sign said 'Andy and Shadow'.

So that's what they want. I hid and took my phone out, I got to Spencer's contact. 'Hey how's Shadow doing?' I asked him. 'He's doing alright, he didn't eat much of his lunch or dinner, he only ate a bite or two' he said. 'Thank god he's okay, oh yeah I should tell you this, Jake was stolen by the same person who stole Lonny' I told him. 'Hold the fuck up, you mean to tell me someone first took my friends friend, and then took my friend, that's it, I need to help' he said. 'Who would watch Shadow then?' I asked him, 'Shit, umm, you know Joe isn't busy, I could have him watch Shadow' he said. 'Okay, fine, but I'll need this Joe persons number' I told him. 'Okay, deal, send me your location' he said.

They're not going after him so I'll send him it. I sent him my location and within a few minutes I got the text that had Joe's number. 'Hey, I'm Jinxx, I got told you'll be looking after Shadow, so I want to have contact with you' I texted him, 'oh, are you one of Shadows parents?' He asked me, 'in a way' I said back. 'Okay, well he just arrived at my place, Spencer seemed to be in a hurry, so much in a hurry he didn't use his car, he just started running' he said. 'Okay, good to know, just one thing, please make sure Shadow eats something' I told him. 'Yeah of course bro, he will be well fed by time you come and grab him' he said. 'Thank you so much' I told him. I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, I looked over to see who it was.

(A/N, today I'm having a good day, so I'll give you all a treat, by that I mean Uploadeing another chapter today!)

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