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Shadows POV

It's been a while since I was dropped off here, I've gotten to know some of the guy's friends. It's now 6 at night, I've been here for about 10 hours, we've both have been talking, and watching movies. "Hey, look at the time, looks like it's dinner time, I'll be in the kitchen to make something, if you need me just say something" Joe said while walking twords the kitchen.

Whatever the guys are doing must be important, they missed a day of their tour already. I grabbed my phone, I haven't been on it all day. I go to Twitter, the first thing I see is a tweet from the Black Veil Brides account, it said 'sorry everyone, but we can't make it to the rest of the tour dates, Lonny came down with a sickness, witch spread to Jake, we'll see you all soon enough though'. So they canceled the tour, oh I hope Lonny's alright, that must be why I didn't see him this morning, but I was near Jake this morning, hopefully I don't get this sickness.

Joe popped his head out if the kitchen, "hey kid, dinners ready" he said. Great, I walked into the kitchen and saw some type of food on the table, "what is this?" I asked him, "oh its, Fruit salad and whole grain pasta with pesto" he said. (A/N I asked a friend and they gave me this, no I've never tried it) Interesting, "I've never had this before" I told him, "I can promise you that it's good" he said. I sat down across from him. I grabbed the fork and took a bite, this is actually very good. Without thinking I was finished with the whole thing. That's a lot of food I just ate. Joe laughed a little, "I'm guessing that you liked it?" He asked. I nodded my head. Why did I eat so much. "Where's your bathroom again?" I asked him, "down that Hall, first door on the left" he said pointing.

Lonny's POV

I've been in this room for a while, I really hope one of the 4 guys will come and rescue me. I also hope they aren't going after the guys. "Hey buddy!" Someone said walking into the room. "We're not buddy's" I told them. "Aw, that hurt, why aren't we buddy's?" They asked.

"Buddy's don't capture each other and tie them to a chair" I told them. "But haveing it this way is fun, I mean I guess buddy's don't steal now do they?" They asked. "No they don't, we're not buddy's though, and I didn't steal" I told them. "Fine, but if we're talking about buddy's, how are yours doing?" They asked. "They're doing fine, they're looking for me right now, I know they are" I told them. "Oh? Really?" They said. "Yes really, what are they going to do without there bass player? " I asked them. "Seems like they already have that figured out, they're still on that tour, they just found a replacement for you" they said. "I don't believe you" I told them. "Oh yeah, I'll make that change then" they said. 

They grabbed a phone and did a couple of things on it. "Okay here's proof that they replaced you" they said showing me the phone. It was our Twitter page, the top post was, a picture of a guy I've never seen, the post read 'our old Bass player bailed on us, but let us introduce our new bass player Jamie!' Why did they replace me, I thought I was there brother. I tryed to hold back the tears, but it was hard to, I felt my heart shatter. Why would they do this.

Jinxx's POV

Right now I'm in a random hole ducking down, why? Because the people know that I'm in the forest now, Andy wasn't fast enough and they got him, me and Spencer split up, so I don't know where he went. I really hope we can get everyone out safely. Everyone in the band are basically brothers to me, I don't know what I would do if any of them got hurt in any way.

I heard footsteps run right past me, this isn't the first time this has happened, they're searching this whole forest, I know they're looking for me. I took my phone out and clicked on Spencer's contact, 'man down, just me and you now' is what I told him. I waited but there wasn't a response. Shit, I really hope that he's okay.

I then clicked on Joe's contact, 'hey, how's Shadow doing?' I asked him. 'He's doing very well, he ate all of his dinner, once he's out of the bathroom we're going to watch some scary movies, oh yeah, when are you coming to pick him up?' He asked. 'I'm not sure at the moment, once I'm done with what I'm doing I'll stop by and get him' I told him. 'Okay' he said. At least I know for sure Shadow is fine. It seems like I'm the only one that isn't captured right now.

Andy's POV

What happened, I just woke up and I'm in a random room, please don't ok not be a crazed fan. "Oh look you're finally awake, not much of a leader now are you?" Someone said. "Who are you and what do you want with me" I said. "Doesn't matter who I am, the thing I want is Shadow back" they said. "Never, you're never gonna get to him" I said. "Oh, and why's that? " they asked. "Because I won't let you" I said. "And what are you gonna do chained to a chair" they asked.

It's like they knew I didn't think this out. I have an idea, I'm not going to talk to them. "So where did your other friends go, where is your hide out? " they asked me. Even if I did talk I wouldn't tell them anything. "Oh so now you're ignoreing me, how rude, and to think you made such a famous band and your this rude" they said. I know what they're trying to do, they want me to feel bad so I can tell them everything.

"Fine, here's a deal, I'll answer you, if you tell me who you are" I told them. I saw them think for a minute, "fine, deal, I'll only tell you my name though" they said. "Okay, deal" I said. I can use this against them. "I'm the second in power here so you better not try anything" they said. I nodded my head. "Fine, my name is Ashely" they said. "Wait, hold the fuck up a-" I said as he cut me off. "You can't ask me questions, I'm the one doing the questioning here" he said. I glared at him, why is he doing this.

(A/n, I mainly added that one guy because someone asked where he was, so here he is!!!) (Also in honor of BVB day, I'm uploading two chapters!!!)

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