Part: 6

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Gregory looks around the place to find Freddy, he couldn't see him any where. He had to keep searching, he had to find him. He was lucky that Car... Christine had come between Roxy and him right at the nick of time. If she hadn't come surely Roxy would have had him. He was creeping around the back area, and the construction site. He wondered why they were needing to do such heavy construction. He was careful not to draw anymore attention as he was afraid Chica or Monty would be around. He was sure that Roxy was not going to be a problem. He soon found Freddy laying in a open area. Gregory saw he was just laying there real still and had one of his arms across his stomach. "Freddy! Are you ok!?" He said in a worried tone. "G-G-Gregory, I-I-I w-w-waited f-for y-you." Freddy replied in a glitchy voice. "What happened to you?" Gregory asked. "I-I-I d-dont k-know. I think i-i-it was M-Monty who p-pushed me d-down here." Monty did this to him? Why? Had his friends completely disprove of him now? Gregory had no time to think of that. It was 2:00 am, and he still had 3 hours left until 6 am. He still needed Freddy though. "Is there anything I can do?" Really Freddy was unable to walk at the moment. He just said "Not r-really. I-I j-just need to r-rest a l-little b-bit."

Christine stopped and was idling in place. So far she had not been able to take out these animatronics, that was frustrating. She had running down the Security Bots left and right but that what not as satisfying. Then she saw something that she didn't think she see. A feminine white rabbit with glowing red eyes was skipping along like a happy cartoon character. Christine revved her engine and started after her. She was rolling slowly to sneak up behind but then her frustration was added to when the Rabbit Woman then went into a door way and disappeared. Once again the frustration was setting in. Damn it was hard to drive around in this tight courters place. Sure there where big open areas but the other areas was not accessible to Christine. Maybe there was a lift some where that she can gain access to? Then she saw Monty walking around, also on the hunt for Gregory. He was a new target to go after. Christine turns her wheels in his direction and pretty much gunned for him. Monty stopped and looked around, then he heard the sounds of an engine to some sort of vehicle. He turned and there was the red and white car that Chica had mentioned about earlier that tried to run her down. He got hit and he went flying backwards into a wall. Monty got up and growled at the Car as it was idling there. "Lets Rock!" Monty said as like he was accepting the challenge. Christine revved her engine at him and backed up and raced forward. Monty dodged and made her hit the wall. Christine was damaged again, this did not make her feel any better about her situation.

She backed up and backed into a stand behind her smashing her rear and it as well. She repaired herself and aimed to try again. She face Monty to race at him again, this time she went straight for him. This time though Monty did not dive out of the way, instead he caught Christine and managed to stop her dead in her tracks. This surprised her, a bit. He was an Animatronic after all. Monty growled and pushed Christine back with all his might. The Plymouth backed up and sat there idling. Then she revved her engine and did half a donut and swung her back end at Monty catching him off guard and hitting him. He flew to the side and got a bit damaged. "Urgh!" He said. Christine's wheels then screeched on the floor as she kicked into high gear and raved forward and turned sharp. The Roar of her engine echoed through the Pizzaplex as she turned and faced Monty to run him over. She then charged as Monty was looking to regain his bearings he managed to roll out of Christine's way who then roared past him but slammed on her brakes and came to an ubrpt halt. She was not willing to give up but this wasn't easy. Monty got up did a growl and then saw Gregory who was entering into an area that was a Security Office. He had no time to tango with the Automobile, catching Gregory was the main objective. He went after Gregory and had gone into the place where Christine couldn't follow. This of course was infuriating her more. Those Animatornics were so obsessed about that young boy. Why was he so important? Is there a reason?

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