Part: 7

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After the repairs were done with Freddy. Gregory had an idea, he was thinking that since Christine was against the other Animatronics, she could be useful in escaping. Freddy however was skeptical, he didn't want to hurt his friends and didn't want to risk having Christine try and destroy him as well. He was not sure about this, he said "I don't know Gregory, how do I know she won't try and destroy me? Like she is doing to my friends?" Gregory looked at Christine's Keys he picked up and said "Because, I think me and her share something. freedom. And I got the Keys to her, which I don't know how she managed to function without it."
"Well, I hope she can listen, not sure how she will but if you think it is worth a shot then." Gergory was pleased to hear this, now he had to think how was he going to speak to a self driving vehicle that might or might not try and run him over. First things first they needed to find her. They did see her last battling with the three of Freddys 'friends'. So far she seemed to have destoryed Chica, but Monty and Roxy remained. "Bad Children must be punished." The voice of Moon spoke out of no where. Freddy said "Uh oh. The Daycare Attendant is here, quickly Gregory we must get moving!" Gregory got into Freddy quickly and they made there away out of the Parts and Maintenence area. They took one of the back elevators. It lead back to Roxys room. Roxy was there again and was crying, they heard her say "Its not your fault. That Car just keeps getting in the way. You are still the best, you will catch him." All of a sudden a loud knock came from her door. "Roxy! Are you done in there!? Come on we need to get back out there to find the Kid!" Roxy replied "Yeah. I am coming!" She walked out of her room and Gregory came out of Freddy and peeked in.

When the coast was clear he went in and Freddy followed. "Poor Roxanne. I hope she isn't in pain I feel so bad for her."
"Yeah but still she is trying to kill me!" Gregory said. "I don't think its her fault. Something is making my friends act violent. They would never try and hurt a child." Gregory sighed and knew he was right. But what could be causing them to want to hurt him? He thought of all the possibilities. Freddy then said "I have witenessed a Malfunction while during the show. It was like I couldn't control myself. Maybe, whatever the malfunction I had is the samething?" It could be a possibility. "Perhapes your right. We need to find what the cause of it is and set them free. And maybe Christine can help us. How much longer do we got?" Freddy checked the time. He says "Two more hourse exactly. Do you still wish to do this?" Gregory knew that it will be 6:00 am soon and the doors will open. But he wanted to help Freddy and the others. He said "Yes, lets find Christine. If I know correctly, she would only be in a place that she could access, since she is a car and all there is a possibility that she would be some where in the Atrium or here. Or maybe near the Main Lobby." Freddy says "She could be any where, there are a lot of large open places for large crowds of course." Ok maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as Gregory expected. They lefr Roxys room and went to the Main Lobby first. They looked in the lower area and the Plymouth wasn't there.
They tried the Atrium. It seemed that she wasn't there either. That was the question. Where was she? Where could she have gone to? Then Gregory saw Vanny skipping around, he panicked and said "Freddy, that Rabbit Lady is here! We must go!" Freddy looked around but he could not see the Rabbit Lady any where. But he trusted Gregory and said "Alright. Lets go." They had to find Chrisitne soon, she had to be close by some where.

They hid from Vanny and Gregory had to look at his Fazwatch map, and then he took a look at the cameras to see if he could find the Car from there. He looked through the cameras, he saw Monty and Roxy in one area looking around for him. He found her. She was parked in a surpsingly really tough spot. How did she manage to get there? He didn't have time to think about it. "I found her Freddy! Shes in this large Arcade." Freddy asks "The Fazcade! Hmm curious how she got there." Gregory shut off his watch and said "Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go!" Freddy then said "I am afraid you will have to go in there by yourself." Gregory was surprised about what Freddy said. He asked "Why? I can't risk being alone." Freddy knew it was risky for him being alone. " I know but, I just can't go near the dance floor in there. Everytime I get near it I just can't help myself." Freddy finally got to what he meant "I just want to dance forever." Gregory sighs and said "Alright, I will try and get to Christine as quickly as possible."
"Alright, good luck and be careful. Oh by the way stop by and say hello to the DJ. He is such a nice fellow." Gregory was not sure who the DJ was, but he just nodded. He got to Fazcade and walked in. It was a large place with two stories and seeing all the arcade games was amazing. He then found the dance floor, and he saw, possibly the most freakiest Animatornic here. It was a much larger version of the small nightmare in the vent. He seemed to be sleeping, good, hopefully he stayed asleep. Ok he had to find Christine and fast, she seemed to be resting in the spot he found her in. He headed towards the spot and was being cautious. He heard Monty was in there with him. "Come on out little guy!" He spoke in his gruff voice. Gregory had to hide for a minute as Monty walked by where he was.

He came out of his hiding spot and continued. He found the place where Christine was parked, which was in a corridor. How did she get there again? She seemed to be off and was sitting there silently. He aproached her with caution. Even though he was sure she wasn't going to hurt him he had to be careful. He got closer and came to her front. He slowly touched her grill and said "Look, I don't know if you are listening to me." He felt kind of silly talking to a vehicle. He then said "If you want freddom so do I. By the way I think you lost something." He held up her keys. Christine's engine came alive and revved loudly. That got her attention. Gregory backed up a bit and said "Ok, if we are going to help each other out just don't try and destory Freddy too. Ok?" Christine just opened her driver side door and Gregory walked around and saw the emtpy driver seat. "Guess that is a yes." He got in and sat in the driver seat of the Plymouth Fury. The door closed and Gregory sat there trying to think what to do next. He touched the steering wheel and said "I supoose we should get going. Not sure how you got in here, not sure why you are here to begin with. You saved my life a few times. We are in this together." Christine then played a song on her radio. It was "Take Me Home Tonight" by Eddie Money. Gregory smiled to that. All of a sudden there was loud food steps. It was the DJ. Gregory freaked out, he was awake. He started coming after him and Christine got a seat belt around Gregorys waist and popped into high gear and spun her back tires and shot forward. She drove down the long corridor and the huge DJ Spider Music Man was stomping after her. He threw some objects in her way but Christine dodged them. Gregory held on as she was going really fast. As she dodged another obstacle she turned sharp and headed for the door. The Giant Spider DJ tried to throw one more obstacle in her way, she dogded it and broke through the door. Leaving DJ Music Man reaching out in vain to catch her but then knew he failed.

Gregory breathed a sigh of relief and said "Nice fellow huh?" He shook his head. Meanwhile Freddy was waiting for Gregory to come back, he was looking around until "There you are, I thought I got rid of you?!" Monty said angirly to Freddy. "We know know you have been helping that kid! Where is he now?" Roxanne said as well. They both closed in on Freddy in a threatening like manner. "P-Please, this isn't like you guys! Your my friends! You must fight it what ever it is that is causing you to behave this way!" Monty growled and Roxy said "Last chance Freddy!" Before they were going to take him apart, Freddy heard the familar roaring sound of the engine of the Car. Christine drove in between him and Roxy and Monty. Her driver door opened and there was Gregory. "Hop in or get on!" He shouted. Freddy just got on the back area of the Plymouth. Christine then took off and headed to some where safe. Freddy looked back at his two friends with a sorrowful look. Roxy tried to chase after them but stopped and let out a fustrated growl. "Again with that Car!" She exclaimed.

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