Part: 8

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Christine came to a screeching hault. Freddy almsot fell off but caught himself. He got off and looked back. Gregory got out of the Car and ran to Freddy. "You ok? Sorry but we didn't have the time for you to hop in. And luckily we arrived in time. Roxy and Monty were about to hurt you!" Freddy knew Gregory was right. His own friends threatened to destory him if he didn't do what they said. Even when he tried to reason with them it didn't work. "I am fine Gregory. Just a bit saddened." Gregory felt awful for Freddy, all his other friends corrupted and him being left. He gave Freddy a hug and then said "Alright, Christine here will help us do what we need to do to. She is fast and she showed me that when the DJ came after me." Freddy knew who he was talking about, the one he said he was a nice fellow. "He tried to get you too?" Gregory nodded. He leaned against the Automobile and said "Ok. Now time to plan. I have a sneaking suspicious feeling that it could be the Bunny Lady. She might be controlling them some how." Freddy thought for a moment and then said "The only thing I can think of is the Main Control Center at the center of the Pizzaplex. Its where, if I remember correctly where the Control Mainframe is." Gregory said "You have a Control Mainframe? What for?" Freddy explains "Its where we get all our power from. Except me, due to the malfunction. That is why I need to get in those recharge stations." Gregory understood, He then asked "So how do we get to it?" Freddy had to think about that for a moment. He thought hard on it and then it came to him. He said "There is a secret way, behind the Bonnie Bowling Ally." He then thought about what he had just said. "Bonnie Bowling Ally." Freddy was looking down in a sad way. Gregory asked "Freddy, are you alright?" Freddy looked over at Gregory and said "Oh, nothing. Its nothing." A moment of not awkward silence but a bit like somber moment. Gregory then said "Well, no use waitng around here. We need to get started, the sooner we find out what is going on at the Control Mainframe." Freddy agreed to it and Christine revved her engine. Shs was ready, ready for kicking ass and taking names. Gregory said "Alright, seems like Christine is ready."

They made their way to the Atrium, Freddy walked beside Christine who was going real slow and Gregory was inside sititng in the Driver Seat again. He rolled down Christine's passenger side window where Freddy was and said "I think I might have a slight idea what we can do when we get to the Control Mainframe." Freddy asks "What is it?"
"I will try and find the Mainframes main power cable or switch, pretty sure it has one. And I pull the plug and the Mainframe will shutdown. Therfore Monty, Roxy and possibly Chica won't be able to function anymore." Freddy did not like that plan, he still cared about his friends. He then said "I don't think that would be a good idea Gregory. If you shut down the Mainframe, my friends will not have power and, it will probably kill them, and possibly me. I know how the Mainframe works, I can try and crack in and see what the cause of the corruption is. Trust me." Gregory liked his idea better, but he trusted Freddys judgement, and a part of him didn't want to hurt his friends either. He looked at Freddy and said "Alright, you can try that. If you think it will release your friends of whatever is causing them to be violent?"
"I believe so." They made it to Bonnie Bowl and found a large enterance behind it. Freddy confirmed it was it. He had to be honest, him and friends used to be afriad to go in there, they where never told that they were not allowed to enter it, but they still refused to in there regardless. Gregory sighed and said "Well, here we go. You ready Freddy?" Freddy looked over at Gregory and said "I am. I will go where ever you go." Gregory smiled and Christine turned her duel headlights on and in they went into the forboding darkness.

It was creepy and dark, this connected to the Utility Tunnels that Freddy took them down before. But it was obviously not the part he had been to as before him and friends refused to go down in this certain area, afriad what was down here and what was possibly waiting for them. The thought of something being down here lurking below the Pizzaplex was indeed terrifying. Meanwhile Monty and Roxy went into Parts and Service and where repairing Chica who was badly damaged. Roxy was waiting and said "Are the repairs on Chica almost done? I need some myself!"
"Just be patient! Chica needs them more than you!" Roxy growls and says "You two weren't the only one who fought that Car! I got a bit damaged from it as well. Almost ruined my hair too!" Monty growls and says "Quit your whining! We will wait for Chicas repairs to be done, then we are going after that Brat and Freddy." Roxanne didn't feel like arguing with Monty any longer, so she just kept quiet. Chica was just about done with her repairs and got up. "What happened? How long was I out?" She asked. Monty said "For a while, that Car got in the way of both times we tried to get that Kid and Freddy." Chica said "Wait Freddy is helping that Kid?!" She was quite surprised. "But, why?" Monty couldn't answer that question. Roxy asked "If we are going to look for them. How do we know where they are?" Then a feminine voice said "I know where they are going. And we need to stop them." They all saw a white Rabbit Lady with glowing red eyes and wearing a big blue bow. It was Vanny and she said "Come, follow me." The Three of them didn't question it, they followed.

Meanwhile, Freddy, Gregory and Christine came to a large door that had a sign that read in large bold blue letters "MAINFRAME" and small orange letters read "Warning, authorized personel only." Freddy was nervous, he had never been here before and was afriad. Gregory asked "Are you alright?" Gregory asked. Freddy replies and says "Yes, lets go in." They approached and the door opened. Inside was a large room with a massive machine in the middle. It was round in cylindrical like nature. It reached up to the the cealing and had round coils around it that glowed a blue and then a purple. Gregory looked up at the machine and was in awe. Freddy said "I never thought I got to see the Mainframe in all my life." Gregory was amazed how big it was. He began to look around for a switch or the main power cable he could pull but there was cables everywhere. This was going to be harder than he thought. Christine herself was in idle as if she was taking it all in. There was no telling how she was feeling, she was a vehicle after all. Gregory said "Alright Freddy, can you detect where I can find the main power switch?"
"Are you sure you want to do this Gregory? If the Mainframe is shut down my friends and myself won't have power to run off of. We could all, shut down." Gregory knew he was right, he knew that if he shut down the Mainframe he could kill Freddy and his friends as well. Then what could he do?" Freddy then brought up something "I see this strange purple color pulsating on the Mainframe, I don't believe it is supposed to do that. Something must be very wrong." Gregory replied "Yeah, its like something is corrupting the system. But how are we going to get rid of it, I am not an engineer or an electrician?" Freddy said "I can help you. I can try and find the problem and help you eradicate it." Gregory had to trust Freddy. He had gotten them this far. He looked over at Christine that sat there in slight idle and didn't make another noise he then turned towards Freddy and said "Lets go then. Lets find the Control Room and fix this problem." Freddy couldn't agree more.

They went up on a scaffolding that went up into a room that looked like the Main Control Room of the Mainframe. They went up there and Gregory entered through the door. They saw the Panel and Gregory activated it. He saw the Power Grid and what he saw interested him. It was like a mass virus took over and was taking control of everything. It was even corrupting certain things that was like files. Then he saw them, a silhouette of Montgomery Gator, Roxanne Wolf, and Glamrock Chica. There was one of Freddy Fazbear but instead it showed he was the only one that wasn't being corrupted. Gregory was in shock and was actually starting to feel pity for Roxy, Chica and Monty. They were being taken over by this corruption or virus. "Freddy, I can't believe this. Its like a virus has taken over and has taken complete control over the Mainframe. And take a look at this." He showed Freddy what he found and Freddy was shocked at what he saw. This virus has taken over my friends, whatever this virus is we need to destory it, and set my friends free." Gregory was 100% on board with this. He nodded and said "We should get started." Once again, while this was taking place, not to far from where they are, in a dark area, a pitch dark area a pair of glowing purple eyes appeared and then a low growl followed. The evil had awoken and was coming for mainly Gregory. Chrisitne sensed it, and it frightened her, and when she got scared it angered her. She revved her engine again and again louder and louder. Destory it, destory it all. It didn't matter who she was figthing for now all that she knew is that if there was something out there possobly more powerful than her, it was threat she had to destory.

Gregory and Freddy were busy until they heard Christine's engine revving loudly. "I wonder whats wrong with Chrsitine?" Gregory asked. Freddy said "I am an Animatronic, not a car. I can't speak car." All of a sudden a sinister mechanical voice spoke over an intercom. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY MAINFRAME!?" It boomed angirly in a growling like fashion. Gregory then spoke and said "W-Whos th-there?!" The voice actually replied "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE CAME HERE BOY! YOU HAVE SEALED YOUR DOOM!" Freddy then said "WHO ARE YOU!? RELEASE MY FRIENDS PLEASE!" The voice didn't reply, it went completely silent, and that was more terrifying than the voice itself. Freddy feared for Gregorys life and said "I think we should go. Its 6 am and the doors should be opening soon. Lets just go." Gregory wanted to leave but, a part of him wanted to stay and help. He said "Freddy. If I leave, this might happen again to the next unfortunate kid that is trapped here. I can't just leave you here, and your friends, to suffer. If we give up, that creep on the intercom will win." Freddy felt touched by this and said "If you think you can do this. Than lets try again." Gregory was doing his best to be brave, but inside he was scared. He was trying to be a warrior, for his friend Freddy and possibly the others.

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