Part: 9

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Before Gregory and Freddy were getting some where, they were interrupted by Monty attacking Freddy out of no where. "M-MONTY NO!" Freddy said as he wrestled with him. Gregory had to act fast. He tried to do what he could to override the corruption. Then he was grabbed from behind. He screamed and saw Roxy had grabbed him and held him right in her face. "GOTCHA!" she said. "L-LET M-ME G-GO!!" Gregory screeched as he tried to get out of Roxys grip. But she was stronger than him and it was no good. "I don't think so. Your not getting away this time." She then turns toward Chica and asks "What should we do with him?"
"Give him to Vanny I suppose?" Chica said with a shrug. Gregory was frightened, what would Vanny do to him? Gregory whined "P-please, don't." Chica turns to him and says "Its alright. It will all be over soon~."

Monty unfortunately over threw Freddy and held him over the railing. "I have always wanted to do this! I have always hated you Freddy!" Monty snarled. He then lifted Freddy up and threw him over the railing. Freddy plummeted to the hard concrete floor below and hit it with a loud 'thud'. Freddy was so damaged and hurt he couldn't get up. He was helpless and Gregory was in danger, he could just lay there as he heard Gregory called for him "FREDDY!! NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!" He then began to sob as he knew Freddy could not help him after what had happened. Monty went over to Roxy and said "He won't  be a problem anymore. Lets go." They leave through the door they came in. Christine was sitting there silently, she knew she couldn't help in any way, not where they were. She then turned on her engine and revved up. She then drove over towards Freddy and stopped next to him. Freddy wasn't not able to move, but he was still able to talk. He turned towards Christine and said "H-Help h-h-him, p-p-please." Christine understood and revved her engine some more.

Meanwhile Roxy holding Gregory went to Vanny who was in her Security Office and sitting on the chair. "I got him for you." Roxy said. Vanny spun around in her chair and faced Roxy and saw Gregory in her arms. She says "Well done. Leave him here." Roxy placed Gregory down who fell to his knees as he was still crying. "Leave us." Roxy left and now Gregory was left alone. Vanny got up and walked over towards Gregory, she stopped and knelt before him. "Look at me." She said to him. Gregory didn't want to, he was afraid. Vanny then put her hand under his chin and said "Come now. Let me see your face." Gregory looks up with tears staining his face. He stared into Vannys glowing red eyes and said "Why are you doing this?" He weeped. Vanny was silent at first, staring with her smiling Bunny mask. "It needs to be complete. The cycle must continue." Gregory was confused about what she meant. "What cycle?" Vanny stands up and says "You will know soon enough." Gregory didn't know what she meant. He was tempted to escape, he wanted to run for it. He did, he dashed for the door and opened it. But his feeling of freedom was short lived as Monty was standing right ouside of the door blocking the way. Even if Gregory tried to even get by Monty surely would have got him. Monty looked down at him and growled "Where do you think your going?" Gregory backed up in fear. Monty was big and intimidating.

Vanny giggles and says "You think I am a fool boy? I always take percautions. You will not escape me this time, even Christine won't get in my way. I will see to she will be stopped." Gregory turns and says "What have you done to them!? Have you infected them with some sort of Virus!?" Vanny turns towards Greg and says "I have simply let him take control them, he tells them what to do and they have to obey." Gregory then asked "Who the hell is he?" Vanny once again didn't answer straight. "You will see soon enough. I have to prepare. Monty, lock him up in the storage closet. Make sure he doesn't get away." Monty did just that. He picked up Gregory who kind of struggled a little, but soon stopped when he knew it was no use. "Please don't do this. Monty I beg you. Whatever it is, whoever it is, please fight it!" Monty was silent and didn't respond he only continued and then put Gregory in the closet. "Freddy was your friend! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO HURT HIM YOU BIG FUCKING BULLY!!" Gregory screamed behind his tears. Monty still ignored him, didn't even acknowledge the fact he cursed at him. He just shut the door and Gregory heard it lock. He then collapsed at the back of the closet and the tears began again. He got in the fetal position and wept feeling sad for Freddy and himself. The doors were open, but he had no way of escape. He didn't even know if Chrstine would come and help him. For all he knew she could be driving out of the doors right now and leaving him alone.

What could Gregory do? Christine was at the moment trying to find him but she had no clue where there bass of operations was. She knew the doors were open, shs could leave. What care should she have for a small little boy? Was she really that cruel? She had killed only those who diserved her wrath, the kid even gave her keys back and that she appreciated. A Security Bot then saw her and sounded its alarm. Annoying little shit! Chrisitne ran into it demolishing it completly. She ran over it multiple times until it was in pieces. She stopped and played a song mocking the bot and in fact the whole place (Its "Hit me with your best shot"). Vanny watched on the security cameras and slammed a fist down on the counter. "That bitch automobile is causing half a million dollars in damages! I have to find a way to stop her and fast!" She then called in Roxy and Chica. They arrived. "I need you two to find a way to decommission that damn vehicle!" Vanny said pointing to Christine on one of the cameras. "How do you suppose we do that?" Vanny sighs and says "I don't know! Just figure it out!" Chica said "I don't want to engage with her again. Shes really mean!"
"I agree with Chica on this one. Besides, no matter on how much we damage it, it just ends up repairing itself!"
"So thats it? You two are going to be cowards and hide away from the Car?" Vanny said in a angry tone. Roxy didn't like the idea of being called a coward. So she actuwlly talked back "Us being cowards? How about you go out there and face off with it?" Chica said "Yeah, try not to get ran over and get twisted up in a mess like me!"

Vanny was not pleased with this repsonse. "Don't, ARGUE WITH ME!" She screeched. "Now listen here. I have been looking high and low for this brat, plotting and waiting for this moment for far too damn long! And I am not going to have Freddy, Christine, or you two end up FUCKING THIS UP FOR ME!" She was pissed now and she made it obvious. "Now get out there and just keep that Ghost Car distracted!" She said while pointing at the door to her right. "Or should I have Mister Afton shut you two down and have Monty help me with the rest of this?" Roxy stood there with corssed arms and a grumpy look on her face. Chica was shocked and scared. Roxy finally sighed in annpyance and said "Come on Chica, lets go." Chica followed sadly as they both left out the door. "Damn Mrs. Temper Tantrum." Roxy growled under her breath. "What are we going to do now?" Chica asked Roxy. Roxy sighed and said "Do what we can I guess."

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