Part 11

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Gregory had a hard time trying to find Christine. He thought she was going to be waiting out in the middle of the Atrium. But she wasn't, she was no where in sight, he was now afraid that something had happened to her. He kept looking around and then found a large area that looked like a lift and a rear of a car that he recognized. It was Christine. He ran over and said "Oh no! CHRISTINE! ARE YOU OK!?" He was scared for her. Christine was silent at first, but then her human form appeared and said "I am alright. Just stuck." Gregory could see that and had to ask "How did you get like that!?" Christine didn't want to talk about it but told Gregory anyway. "That Wolf Bitch and Chicken Bitch did this to me!" She folded her arms angrily. She sighs and says "Can you get me out? I can't do anything like this!" Gregory went towards the controls and had a look at them. He looked and found the switch. He flipped it but nothing happened. He said "Why is it not working?" Christine replies and says "I think it might have been when the lift was trying to go all the way down. I stopped it." Gregory looked to into the control power box. He saw a fuse was burnt out and said "Damn it! The fuse is burnt out. Looks like I will need a new one! Ugh of course it wasn't going to be easy!"

If that was the case, Gregory had no idea where he was going to get a new fuse. They must have one in Parts and Service or in one of the Security Offices. He sighs and says "Ok. I will try and find a new fuse for the lift. You- Well your not going any where." Christine gives him a annoyed look and says "Of course." Then her demeanor changes "Be careful. When they find out you are no longer in the closet they will come looking for you again." Gregory nods and heads off to find a new fuse. He goes to the stage and to Parts and Service to find a fuse. He looks around but all he found was junk parts and what not. He gets a bit fustrated and tries to think. Where could they keep extra back up fuses? He then had to go down into the utility tunnels. There they should have extra fuses, but it was dark and scary down there. He had to muster enough courage to go. He found his way down as he couldn't access through the other door without Freddy. He was now in the underground dark and damp tunnels. They were quiet and eerie. He was scared, he wished Freddy was here, with him. "Don't worry Gregory. You can do this. I know you can." Christines sweet voice said to him. It made him more brave. He took a deep breath and continued with his flashlight shining the way.

He found a door that read "Authorized Personel Only" in big bold black letters on a yellow sign. He opened and went in. But soon felt like he shouldn't when he saw what the place he just walked in was.


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He saw he was in a Endo making factory and there all these creepy Endoskeletons everywhere that looked really terrifying. "So, this is what they look like underneath? Creepy."
"Stay focused Gregory. You need to find the fuse." Christine said. Gregory continued on but avoided the Endos as much as possible. He saw a back storage room and looked through the boxes. He

Meanwhile Vanny was in the Security Office thinking about what she would do next. Roxy and Chica came in, she turned and said "So, did you get it done?" Roxy said "Christine is stuck in the lift, she won't be a problem anymore." Vanny said "Excellent. Now we can complete what are main mission." Just then Monty came in and said "Um Mrs. Vanny. I regret to inform you but-." Vanny asked in a sinister tone "What?" Monty rubbed the back of his head and said "Well, the k-Kid he. He escaped some how." Vanny was silent, and then asked "What!?" She had a hiss in her voice. Monty said "He ran into me out in the hall. I tried to catch him! He got away." Vanny then asked "I thought I told to you lock that Closet on the outside!" Monty said "I did. I don't know how he got out." Vanny stabbed her knife into the desk angrily. "Get back out there and FIND HIM!!" She snarled. They all headed out and went to go hunt down Gregory again. Vanny was beyond fustrated at this point. She was now going to make sure Gregory doesn't escape her. But that was the question: Who let him out of the closet? She had a feeling she knew who, but it wasn't possible.

Gregory had found a fuse inside a random parts box. Seems like his luck was starting to change. He left the room and started to head out. Then he noticed some of them where staring at him with their freaky robotic eyes. Gregory was now really scared. "Gregory, get out of here, quick!" Christine said sternly while looking at the Endos with a death glare. Gregory didn't waste no time, he went for the door. He looked back and was frightened when he saw the Endos coming off the assembly line and coming after him. Gregory squealed in terror as he turned to run to the door. He then stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that two Endos where blocking his path. He now had tears in his eyes he was so scared he turned and ran in another direction. He looked around constantly looking for a way out. Christine shouted "HERE! THIS WAY GREGORY! GET IN THIS VENT, QUICKLY!!" She was eager to get him to safety. Gregory ran towards the vent and then pried it open. He scrambled in as fast as possible and saw almost all the Endoskeletons were there standing there. They were so close in catching him that they seemed really upset that they didn't. Gregory crawled away as fast as possible not taking any chances.

He had got away safely with the new fuse. He crawled out into Roxy's Room. He looked around and breathed in relief that Chica wasn't there. "That was way to close!" He said gathering himself and sitting on Roxys couch and hugged a pillow to comfort himself. Then Christine's apparition appeared and said "You did well. I am glad you made it. If you didn't I wouldn't have gotten out and I would have lost you." Gregory was curious why Christine was acting so, motherly towards him. Guess she had a motherly instinct in her that she didn't know she had. Gregory smiled and hugged her. Christine blushed and hugged him back. Gregory was able to feel her warmth and he could smell her sweet perfume smell. After the hug, Gregory felt more better and Christine said "You got the fuse right?" Gregory nods and shows her. "Great! Now can you please come and get me unstuck?" Christine asked. Gregory smiled and said "On my way." Christine's human form disappeared and Gregory got a move on. He had to be careful. Roxy, Chica, and Monty were on the prowl for him again and he had to be very stealthy. Vanny wasn't any where in sight but he knew she was watching from the Cameras and could see him.

He crept past some of the Security Bots and then past Chica. "Do you want candy Gregory~?" She said sweetly. Roxy was also near by "You can't hide forever." Monty said with a snarl "Come on kid! Come out, we promise we won't hurt you! We just want to help!" Gregory knew they were lies. He got past them and managed to hide in a hiding place. He then looked down and saw something that can be helpful. He found a Fazerblaster that was laying on the ground. It was gold color as well. He could blast the Animatronics in the eyes and it would stun them for a moment. Enough time for him to get away and get to safety. He got to Christine and went to the lift controls. He put the switch to up and then put the new fuse in. The lift activated and started to move up. Christine started her engine and began to reverse as the lift went all the way up and stopped. She repaired herself and backed up. Christne backed up and then stopped. Her human form appeared by the car and said "Thank you. That was quite uncomfortable. Now, lets go make them pay for what they did!" Gregory was on board about that, but he just remembered about Freddy. "But, what about Freddy? He needs our help!" Christine said "I think he might still be in the Mainframe Room. I am not sure if we can help him but we can end this. You and I." Gregory nodded and knew Christine was right, if they couldn't fix Freddy, they could avenge him.

Christine opened her driver door and said "Get in and buckle up! We are going to make them pay." She had a sinister tone that kind of creeped him out a little but he got in anyway and the door closed. He was hoping Freddy was going to be Ok. Meanwhile Freddy was actually limping towards Parts and Service and got repaired. He had to still fight, for his friends, for Gregory. He wasn't going to let Vanny win. After he got repaired he was ready to leave until he heard a voice. "F-F-Freddy?" He reconized it. He turned towards the source and saw a damaged Animatronic he knew. "B-Bonnie!?" Freddy said rushing over and caught Glamrock Bonnie in time before he collapsed. "H-How d-did you?" Bonnie looks at Freddy and says "No.... Time.... He... Is... Here." Freddy didn't know who Bonnie was talking about but he helped him get on the repair table.

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