Part 10

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Chrisitne was rolling forward and passed by a door where both Chica and Roxy were hiding. Roxy was peeking out the doors window watching. She says "Damn it! I really don't want to tussle with her again. There is no way to stop her!" Chica said "We got to try. Or else we might get punished by Vanny." Roxy sighs and leans agaisnt the wall. "I really don't have any idea. I rather face what Vanny has in store for us then face that Car again!" Chica was now getting fustrated and mildly angry with Roxy. "Well I rather not. Come on Roxy we got to think. How can we stop her without getting ran over and get turned to scrap!" Roxy growls in anger and looks away with a grumpy expression. "Alright fine! We need to think of a good plan. One of us needs to be the bait and the other needs to spring the trap."
"Ok, but thats the thing. What trap!?" Roxy facepalms and says "I am working on that Chica!"

Meanwhile in the closet Gregory was still weeping to himself hoping some one would come and rescue him. Anyone even if it was one of the other Animatronics that manage to break free from the Virus control he would accept them. He was weeping more, until a sweet female voice said "Its alright. Don't cry sweetie." Gergory looked up and before him was a beautiful woman with flowing black hair, emerald green eyes, rosy red lips and wore a red dress with some white accents. She looked to be in her 20s. Gregory did not know who she was but he was getting a comforting and eerie aura off of her. It was familiar, he said "C-Christine?"
"Yes, I am." Christine said with a smile. Gregory asked "But, your that Car?" Christine does a slight giggle and says "You are right about that. I just chose to manifest myself in this form so I could speak with you." Gregory was confused and said "Really? How?" Christine only said in reply "Well that will take time to explain. And time we don't have."

Gregory then asked "Ok, but wait. Can you get the door open?" Christine said "I can try. But I am very limited to what I can do." She stood up and faced the door and tried to undo the latch. She managed to get it unlocked and then said "There got it! Now you must hurry. I am out in the Atrium. Don't get caught!" Gregory smiles and says "Thanks Christine. I am glad you decided to stay and help me! What made you want to stay? The doors are open?" Christine knelt down and said "No time right now. You must go." She was bit stern in her voice. Gregory decided that asking questions was a waste of time. He nodded and said "Alright." Christines human apparition disappeared and Gregory peeked outside and looked around. Thankfully Monty was not guarding the door, he wasn't around at all. He crept out and went down the hall and had to get past the Security Office. He slowly approached the Office and heard Vanny speaking to someone, he then heard the voice they heard in the Mainframe. "I have him I promise you! The Cycle will be completed soon." Vanny said.
"I know Vanny, you are doing so well. My dear, after this is over I will reward you with more." The sinister voice said. "Thank you Mister Afton!" Vanny said in a happy tone. "Any news on that Car?" Afton asked. "I have Roxy and Chica working on it." Vanny replied. "Make sure that the Plymouth Fury doesn't get in the way! I sense she might be trying to prevent the Cycle." Vanny replied saying "She won't. If she tries she will be destroyed."

Gregory crept away as fast as he could before he was noticed. What was this Cycle they were talking about? He assumed it wasn't good, he feared it had to do with him. Of course it did, Vanny was after him and needed him. But, what was his purpose? He was running not watching where he was going until he bumped into something big and hard. He fell and looked up and gasped in horror. Monty looked down and said "Where do you think your going!? How did you get out!?" Gregory got up and ran the opposite direction, and Monty said "HEY GET BACK HERE!" Gregory ran as fast as he could and hid behind a wall. Monty came up and looked around, he was growling angirly and knew he had to tell Vanny that Gregory had escaped some how. He continued down the corridor and said "You cannot hide forever kid! I will find you!" Gregory was breathing heavily. Meanwhile, Chrisitne was driving her carself up towards the stage where the music was still going and the holograms where still on. She still had no idea why they brought her here. But now she couldn't think about that at the moment, she had to wait for Gregory to arrive and she can take him to safety. All of sudden Roxy came out of no where and said "HEY YOU!! Bitch on four wheels!" Christine didn't like being called that so she roared her engine in anger. She turned toward her and faced her front end.

"You think you can beat us all!? Then prove it!" She began to run, Christines back wheels squealed behind her and she raced after Roxy. Roxy knew she was a car and could catch up so she had to be swift and quick. Roxy ran past some of the caution wet floor signs that watched her go by, then they turned to find themselves flattened by the Automobiles wheels. Roxanne dove to the side as Chrisitne charged forward and ran into a lift that was big enough for her to fit. She slammed into the back of it and her front got damaged. She stood there for a moment and then revved her engine getting ready to back up. Then Roxy screamed "CHICA NOW!! BEFORE SHE GOES IN REVERSE!!" Chica nodded and activated the lift. And Christines back end was still sticking out a bit and was going up as her front went down. She tried to reverse but she wasn't fast enough. The lift pretty much went down and she got stuck in a horizontal position, she couldn't go any where. She partially got damaged from the lift and it almost cut her in half. Lift malfunctioned and stopped halfway. Chrisitne was pinned and not going any where. Roxy said "Not getting out of that are you? You old fashioned piece of junk!" Chica walked right beside her and said "Wow, it actually worked! Good idea Rox!" Roxanne said "I do come up with the best ideas."
"Well, lets go tell Vanny we got Chrisitne trapped and so she won't be a problem no more." They left, left Christine alone with sad thoughts. She couldn't get herself free. She could only hope that Gregory finds her and can free her.

Gregory was creeping around the hall and found a door that lead into the Atrium area. Too bad he didn't have a watch to contact Christine, she was a car, not a animatornic. He had no idea how she managed to contact and manifest herself as a woman, a pretty one at and speak to him. He just had to be extra careful. He didn't want to be captured again. He tried to contact Freddy but he did not answer, he was on his own, for now.

FNAF: Security Breach: Wheels of FuryWhere stories live. Discover now