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"Tsumu, yer on in five," Osamu called as he knocked on the door to Atsumu's dressing room.

"Got it!!" He answered.

The blonde steeled his nerves as he grabbed his mask and made his way to the stage entrance.

He was wearing a black oversized t-shirt with a metallic gold fox decal on the front that was tucked into baggy sweatpants with gold chains hanging from the belt.
He had on black and gold high-top Nike sneakers, with an assortment of black and gold rings and chokers on to accessorize.

And of course he was wearing his infamous black and gold mask that resembled the facial shape of a fennec fox.

And of course he was wearing his infamous black and gold mask that resembled the facial shape of a fennec fox

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Atsumu secured his mask as he stepped onto the platform that would lift him onto stage.

He took a deep breath as his brother counted down from thirty.

Up on stage the lights had died down.

It was seven o'clock, so the sun had gone down completely already.

Suddenly, smoke started to cover the floor of the stage as beams of golden light shot through the air.

The crowd went wild as the music started.

(Start the song at the top)
(Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue)

Italics: Atsumu singing

Atsumu switched his mic on as the platform lifted him on to stage.

The lights focused on him as the crowd quietened to a complete silence.

Atsumu had his head down and his eyes closed as the intro to the song played loudly over the speakers.

He snapped his head up towards the crowd as he began to sing.

You were looking at me like you wanted to stay~

A chorus of squeals from the thousands of fans echoed through the air.

When I saw you yesterday...

Atsumu flashed one of his picture-perfect smiles, showing off his perfectly straight pearly-white teeth.

I'm not wasting your time
I'm not playing no games

I see ya!

The lights flashed and darted around the stage as Atsumu slowly walked down the long strip of the stage, towards the crowd.

Who knows the secrets tomorrow will hold?

Atsumu began to walk faster to the beat as the tempo increased.

We don't really need to know!!

The fans squealed again as Atsumu came to a stop at the end of the stage.

Masked Voice (SakuAtsu Singer AU) Where stories live. Discover now