The Truth

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The moment the elevator stopped moving, Atsumu silently guided Sakusa to his dressing room so that they could talk.

He closed the door behind them as they entered the room.

Sakusa immediately took off his mask.

He reached towards Atsumu's face, and when the latter did nothing to stop him, he took the mask off.

His eyes widened as he froze.

His suspicions were confirmed.

It indeed was Atsumu.

He instantly dropped both masks, both of them falling to the ground with a loud clattering noise as he hugged the blonde.

"I'm so sorry, Atsumu... I-I should have let you explain first," he said as he pulled the blonde tightly to his chest.

Atsumu's eyes widened before he smiled softly and returned the hug.

"It's okay, Sakusa... Ya didn't know," Atsumu reasoned.

"No! I should have-"

Sakusa was cut off as he felt Atsumu's lips on his own.

His eyes widened as Atsumu pulled away.

"I didn't mean to make ya feel like that, I jus' had to protect my identity 'til I decided to tell ya..." Atsumu explained.

Sakusa just stared at him stunned.

"You just kissed me... Am I dreaming?" Sakusa asked in a daze as he tried to process what just happened.

Atsumu chuckled before reaching up and wrapping his arms around Sakusa's neck.

He gently placed his lips against Sakusa's once again.

Sakusa, finally coming to his senses and realizing that he wasn't dreaming, moved his arms around Atsumu's waist and returned the kiss.

Atsumu pulled away a little bit later and placed his head against Sakusa's chest.

He sighed lightly, "D'ya still think yer dreamin' now?"

"You are the real Atsumu, right?" Sakusa joked as he grinned.

"Omi!!" Atsumu exclaimed as he playfully punched Sakusa.

Sakusa raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Omi?"

Atsumu looked up at him with a bright red blush spread across his face, "I- Uh... It's a nickname..." He said quickly.

Sakusa enjoyed the flustered look on Atsumu's face.

"What happened?? You were so bold earlier," he grinned.

Atsumu scoffed and punched him in the arm, for real this time.

Sakusa winced in pain, "What was that for??"

"Teasin' me," Atsumu replied with a smirk.

They heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Atsumu answered.

The door opened and Osamu was standing in the doorway.

"Tsumu! Oh hey Sakusa," Osamu said, sending a wave towards Sakusa, "Anyways, check Twitter, ya've started chaos," he announced before closing the door and walking away.

"Huh?" Atsumu walked over to his dressing table where his phone was placed, Sakusa following behind him.

Atsumu grabbed his phone and opened Twitter while Sakusa leaned on his shoulder and watched.

The tag 'Who is the wolf?' was going viral.

Atsumu then opened up YouTube, the only thing in his recommendations were clips of him singing to Sakusa.

Masked Voice (SakuAtsu Singer AU) Where stories live. Discover now