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After his classes, Sakusa went back to his dorm.

Komori was on a date with Akagi so he had the dorm to himself.

After practicing on his guitar for an hour, he took a shower and then ate some food before lying down on his bed.

He opened his phone, going into instagram.

He went into the search bar, mindlessly typing in a name.

Miya Atsumu.

He scrolled through the list of names until he came across one called Atsumu13, it had a picture of Atsumu in the profile.

"Pretty boring username," he muttered as he clicked on the profile.

He opened the first picture, it was posted the day before.

About to move my drum kit and my guitar to the dorms!! 😜✌️

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About to move my drum kit and my guitar to the dorms!! 😜✌️

He scrolled down.

Out on a morning run with Rika! I'm gonna miss ya when I get to university, girl! 😭🤚

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Out on a morning run with Rika! I'm gonna miss ya when I get to university, girl! 😭🤚

Sakusa scrolled down further and further, somehow managing to not accidentally like anything.

He then decided to go to a different account.


He was looking at the sneak peeks for the next concert.

The next concert was actually a tour.

It was over the weekend in a month's time and it would be held not too far from the campus.

"I wonder if Atsumu would want to go with me..." He thought out loud.

"Wait... What am I thinking?? I only met him today, and I don't even have his number..." He said, face-palming himself.

"Ugh... Why does he have to be so pretty??? It's like my brain goes to mush every time I talk to him..."

Sakusa groaned, everytime he looked into Atsumu's eyes it was like his heart stopped completely.

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