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After their classes, Sakusa and Atsumu left the dance studio and walked towards their dorms.

While on their way, Sakusa decided to ask his question.

"So... Fennec is having a concert tomorrow..." Sakusa started uneasily.

"Mhm?" Atsumu hummed.

"And I wanted to try again at asking you to go... So will you go with me?"

The moment Atsumu heard Sakusa's question, he felt a pang of guilt in the pit of his stomach.

He sighed sadly as his gaze trailed down towards the ground.

The moment Sakusa saw this, his heart sank.

"I'm sorry Sakusa... I can't," he said softly.

He closed his eyes and scoffed.

"I should've known that I'd never have a chance with you," he said bluntly as he began walking faster to get away from the blonde.

"Sakusa wait!!"

Sakusa felt a hand wrap around his wrist and pull him back as he came to a stop.

"What?" He said harshly.

Atsumu flinched at his tone, Sakusa had never spoken to him like that.

Sakusa noticed Atsumu flinch but he didn't back down.

"What the fuck do you want Atsumu?? You don't want to hang out with me outside of schoolwork, and now when I walk away you pull me back?? I like you a lot, Atsumu... So make up your fucking mind," he snapped.

Sakusa realized his words too late as he noticed the tears gathering in Atsumu's eyes.

The smaller boy slowly looked towards the ground.

"I really do want to go with ya..." He said softly.

"Then why don't you??" Sakusa asked quickly, it came out more harsh than he meant it to be.

Atsumu closed his eyes as a tear ran down his cheek.

"I'm helpin' Fennec out with the concert t'morrow... That's why I can't go with ya... I'll explain the rest after the concert but for now..."

Atsumu slowly let go of Sakusa's wrist and reached into his backpack.

He pulled out a black and gold steampunk wolf masquerade mask and handed it to Sakusa along with a VIP ticket.

"Fennec told me to give this to ya

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"Fennec told me to give this to ya... He said to wear it to his concert t'morrow along with somethin' black and gold..." Atsumu explained quietly while actively trying to blink back his tears.

"I'll be goin' now... Thanks, Sakusa-san..." Atsumu said as he walked away, leaving Sakusa stunned.

Sakusa was frozen in place at Atsumu's use of honorifics to address him.

Masked Voice (SakuAtsu Singer AU) Where stories live. Discover now