First Day

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Atsumu yawned as he got out of bed.

His first class was at seven-thirty and it was six o'clock at the moment.

The class was a lecture on music theory.

Of course, Atsumu already knew all of this, but he still had to do it to get a passing grade.

He quickly got out of bed and got dressed.

He just put on something casual, a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.

He brushed his teeth before washing his face and then fixing his hair.

He walked over to his brother's room.

Osamu was still sleeping.

His first class was at nine so Atsumu took his phone and set an alarm for eight o'clock.

He named it, 'Wake up, dumbass, you have class 😋✌️'.

He snickered as he put his twin's phone down and made his way to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

They had moved into their dorm the day before.

It was quite spacious which was a pleasant surprise for both of them.

Well, this was an expensive university, but it was nothing that the twins couldn't afford.

Of course it wasn't, not when Atsumu, or Fennec, got paid to sing at different venues all the time.

Atsumu finished his breakfast before leaving the dorm and locking it behind him.

He had half an hour still, but he decided that he was going to use it to find the lecture hall.

That was a good decision, because the lecture hall was on the other side of the campus.

He was the first one in class so he decided to take the seat at the back, furthest from the door.

He decided to write a song to kill some time, so he put on his headphones and turned up his music.

After a few minutes he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He slipped off his headphones and turned to the person.

Immediately, he made eye-contact with the most attractive person he'd ever seen in his life.

The guy had messy jet-black curls that was swept to one side.
His features were so sharp that Atsumu saw that he could probably slice an apple with his jaw-line.
He had piercing eyes that were a green so dark it was almost black.
What stood out most though, was the two very distinct moles that resided above his right eyebrow which stood out in contrast to his pale skin.

"Can I sit here?" The guy said pointing to the seat next to Atsumu.

His voice was deep and cold.

"Oh... Yeah, sure," Atsumu answered as he turned his attention back to his laptop.

The black-haired guy sat down before taking out his own laptop.

"So why music?" He asked randomly.

"Eh... I just like the subject," Atsumu shrugged casually.

There's no way he could tell a stranger that he was Fennec, and that he was taking a music and dance course to make his songs and performances better.

The guy chuckled, "Do you play an instrument?"

Atsumu turned his head to the guy, "What's with all the questions?"

The guy leaned back in his chair.

"No reason, just wanted to get to know the person I'll be sitting next to this semester," he answered as he closed his eyes.

Atsumu scoffed, "At least ask my name first, dumbass," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Right, right... What's your name? I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi," the guy asked.

"Pfft- Miya Atsumu," he chuckled.

"Nice to meet you, Miya. Now can you answer my question?" Sakusa asked.

"First of all don't call me Miya, I have a twin, it's confusing," Atsumu replied, "And I play the drums and guitar," he answered, avoiding the fact that he was a singer, not to mention an incredibly famous one.

"Drums and guitar? That's pretty cool, I play guitar and piano," Sakusa replied with a grin.

"Okay, then..." Atsumu said as he turned back to his laptop.

Sakusa sighed as people started to enter the class.

He'd been practicing his guitar early that morning so he decided to go to his lecture early too.

He didn't expect someone to already be there though.

Especially someone that attractive.

The boy who sat in the back of the class had fluffy bleached-blonde hair that was styled in an undercut, the sides were a dark brown, probably his natural hair color. He had lightly tanned skin and soft features.

He was sitting with his head phones on, so Sakusa tapped him on his shoulder.

Sakusa's heart nearly stopped when the boy turned to him.

His hair hung messily over his forehead, but somehow looked perfect.

And his eyes...

The boy's eyes were a warm brown honey-like color. They glittered in the morning sunlight that came through the window.

This had to have been the prettiest boy Sakusa had ever seen.
His internal gay panic was rising quickly as he started a conversation with the boy.

Miya Atsumu, that was his name.

His voice was light and airy, and he spoke with a bit of an accent, but it sounded like music to Sakusa's ears.

Atsumu seemed to find Sakusa's attempts at conversation amusing, and Sakusa couldn't help but stare as the blonde boy chuckled sarcastically.

His smile was so pretty...

Sakusa reluctantly had to draw his attention to the lecturer as he began to teach.

Though his thoughts kept drifting to the blonde who was sitting next to him.

Atsumu wasn't paying attention at all, but when the lecturer called on him, he always got the question correct, and sometimes even elaborated on the answers.

He seemed to be typing something on his laptop.

Sakusa wondered what he was typing, but stopped himself from taking a peek at the screen.

Atsumu had been typing that since Sakusa had entered and probably even before that.

When the class ended Atsumu packed up his laptop and put his head phones around his neck as he made his way to the exit.

Sakusa called out and said bye, but the blonde ignored him.

He sighed as he gathered his things and began his walk to his dorm to get ready for his next class.

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Not me switching their personalities to make things interesting 😉

Anygays, bye!!

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